Naskah Alkitab: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 321:
====Von Soden====
[[Hermann, Freiherr von Soden]] menerbitkan sistem katalog yang kompleks untuk naskah-naskah kuno pada tahun 1902-1910.<ref>Hermann von Soden, ''Die Schriften des Neuen Testaments, in ihrer ältesten erreichbaren Textgestalt hergestellt auf Grund ihrer Textgeschichte'' 4 vols., Berlin: Glaue, 1902-1910.</ref> <!--He grouped the manuscripts based on content, assigning them a Greek prefix: δ for the complete New Testament, ε for the Gospels, and α for the remaining parts. This grouping, however, was flawed because some manuscripts grouped in δ did not contain Revelation, and manymalny manuscripts grouped in α contained either the general epistles or the Pauline epistles, but not both. After the Greek prefix, Von Soden assigned a numeral that roughly corresponded to a date (for example δ1-δ49 were from before the 10th century, δ150-δ249 for the 11th century). This system proved to be problematic when manuscripts were re-dated, or when more manuscripts were discovered than the number of spaces allocated to a certain century.<ref>Aland 1995, pp. 40-41</ref>
===={{anchor | Gregory-Aland}}Gregory–Aland====
Baris 330:
The majority of New Testament textual criticism deals with Greek manuscripts because scholars believe the original books of the New Testament were written in Greek. However, the text of the New Testament is also found, both translated in manuscripts of many different languages (called ''versions''), and quoted in manuscripts of the writings of the [[Church Fathers]]. In the [[critical apparatus]] of the [[Novum Testamentum Graece]], a series of abbreviations and prefixes designate different language versions (it for Old Latin, lowercase letters for individual Old Latin manuscripts, vg for [[Vulgate]], lat for Latin, sy<sup>s</sup> for [[Sinaitic Palimpsest]], sy<sup>c</sup> for [[Curetonian Gospels]], sy<sup>p</sup> for the [[Peshitta]], co for Coptic, ac for Akhmimic, bo for Bohairic, sa for Sahidic, arm for Armenian, geo for Georgian, got for Gothic, aeth for Ethiopic, and slav for Old Church Slavonic).<ref>NA<sup>27</sup> 1996, pp. 64*-76*</ref>
=== Perkiraan Tarikh Pembuatan Naskah Perjanjian Baru ===
[[Image:Escribano.jpg|thumb|210px|right|Illustration of a European [[scribe]] at work]]
The New Testament books appear to have been completed within the 1st century. However, the original manuscripts of the New Testament books do not survive today. The [[autograph]]s were lost or destroyed a long time ago. What survives are copies of the original. Generally speaking, these copies were made centuries after the originals from other copies rather than from the autograph. [[Paleography]], a science of dating manuscripts by typological analysis of their scripts, is the most precise and objective means known for determining the age of a manuscript. Script groups belong typologically to their generation; and changes can be noted with great accuracy over relatively short periods of time. Dating of manuscript material by a [[Radiocarbon dating|radiocarbon dating test]] requires that a small part of the material be destroyed in the process; it is less accurate than dating from paleography.<ref>[ Britannica Online: Types of manuscript errors]</ref> Both radiocarbon and paleographical dating only give a range of possible dates, and it's still debated just how narrow this range might be. Dates established by radiocarbon dating can present a range of 10 to over 100 years. Similarly, dates established by paleography can present a range of 25 to over 125 years.<ref>Egypt on the Pentateuch's Ideological Map By F. V. Greifenhagen</ref>
=== Perkiraan Tarikh Pembuatan Naskah Perjanjian Baru ===
[[Image:Escribano.jpg|thumb|210px|right|IllustrationIlustrasi ofseorang ajurutulis Europeansedang [[scribe]]bekerja atdi workEropa pada zaman kuno.]]
Kitab-kitab Perjanjian Baru rupanya sudah lengkap pada abad pertama, tetapi tidak ada naskah asli (''autograph'') yang terlestarikan sampai sekarang. Yang ada hanya salinan-salinan dari abad-abad berikutnya. Tarikh naskah-naskah salinan itu ditentukan berdasarkan "[[Paleografi]]", yaitu ilmu yang menganalisanya [[tipografi]] tulisan untuk memperkirakan tanggal penulisannya. Cara ini merupakan yang paling akurat dan objektif. Kelompok-kelompok tulisan tertentu dapat dikaitkan dengan suatu generasi, dan perubahannya dapat dicatat dengan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi dalam rentang waktu yang pendek. Penentuan tarikh bahan naskah dengan tes radiokarbon membutuhkan sebagian kecil bahan untuk dihancurkan dalam prosesnya; kurang akurat dibandingkan dengan Paleografi.<ref>[ Britannica Online: Types of manuscript errors]</ref> Baik metode radiokarbon dan paleografi hanya dapat memberikan kemungkinan rentang waktu pembuatan naskah, dan masih diperdebatkan seberapa sempit rentang waktu ini. Pada umumnya metode radiokarbon memberikan rentang antara 10 sampai lebih dari 100 tahun. Mirip dengan itu, pentarikhan menggunakan metode paleografi mempunyai rentang antara 25 sampai lebih dari 125 tahun.<ref>Egypt on the Pentateuch's Ideological Map By F. V. Greifenhagen</ref>
=== Naskah-naskah tertua Perjanjian Baru yang terlestarikan ===
Naskah tertua Perjanjian Baru adalah fragmen seukuran kartu bisnis dari [[Injil Yohanes]], [[Rylands Library Papyrus P52]], yang diperkirakan dibuat pada pertengahan pertama abad ke-2. Salinan lengkap pertama dari satu kitab dalam Perjanjian Baru muncul sekitar tahun 200, dan salinan lengkap Perjanjian Baru, [[Codex Sinaiticus]] bertarikh abad ke-4.<ref>Ehrman 2004, pp. 479-480</ref> Tabel berikut memuat daftar naskah tertua yang ada sekarang untuk kitab-kitab [[Perjanjian Baru]].