Batu Zayit: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
[[Image:Tel-Zayit-Stone-Inscription.jpg|400px|right|thumb|Gambar dari inskripsi pada Batu Zayit.]]
'''Batu Zayit''' ({{lang-en|Zayit Stone}}) adalah sebuat batu kapur besar seberat 17.3 kg (38 pounds) yang ditemukan dalam ekskavasi di '''Tel Zayit''' (''Zeitah'') di Lembah Guvrin (''Guvrin Valley''), sekitar 35 mil di sebelah barat daya kota [[Yerusalem]]), pada tahun 2005. Bagian yang rata dari batu tersebut ditulisi dengan seluruh urutan [[abjad Ibrani Kuno]] (''Paleo-Hebrew abecedarium''). Baris pertama memuat 18 huruf (''[[Alef (huruf Ibrani)|alef]]'' sampai ''[[Tsade (huruf Ibrani)|tsadi]]''), sedangkan baris kedua memuat 4 huruf sisanya (''[[Qof (huruf Ibrani)|qof]]'' sampai ''[[Taw (huruf Ibrani)|taw]]'') kemudian diikuti oleh dua simbol ''zigzag'' yang aneh.
== Deskripsi ==
Baris 31:
* Batu Zayit ini menambah jumlah koleksi abjad Kanaan daratan dari Zaman Batu awal, sehingga memberikan bukti bahwa penduduk zaman itu telah [[melek huruf]]. Meskipun sulit menentukan seberapa jauh tingkat melek huruf ini berdasarkan inskripsi ini maupun yang lain, dapat diutarakan bahwa karena "Tel Zayit ... cukup kecil dan cukup jauh dari Yerusalem... kehadiran tulisan ini dapat menjadi kesaksian bahwa sistem penulisan telah tersebar luas mencapai pusat-pusat adminstrasi kecil yang tersebar jauh di Yehuda."<ref>David M. Carr, "The Tel Zayit Abecedary in (Social) Context," in ''Literate Culture and Tenth Century Canaan'', 126.</ref>
* In addition to preserving writing as such, the inscription preserves an ordered sequence of letters, though this differs at points from those of other abecedaries from the Late Bronze and Iron Age Levant.<ref>For a useful chart, see Seth L. Sanders, "Writing and Early Iron Age Israel: Before National Scripts, Beyond Nations and States," in ''Literate Culture and Tenth Century Canaan'', 102.</ref> Particularly, ''waw'' is placed before ''he'', ''het'' is placed before ''zayin'', and ''lamed'' is placed before ''kaph''. In this last instance, a large X appears to mark a mistake realized by the scribe himself. This may indicate that the author was poorly educated or that the alphabetic order had yet to fully stabilize.
* Di samping pelestarian cara penulisan, inskripsi ini juga melestarikan urutan huruf-huruf dalam abjad, meskipun ada sejumlah perbedaan dengan urutan abjad pada Zaman Perunggu akhir dan Zaman Besi di Mesopotamia.<ref>For a useful chart, see Seth L. Sanders, "Writing and Early Iron Age Israel: Before National Scripts, Beyond Nations and States," in ''Literate Culture and Tenth Century Canaan'', 102.</ref> Terutama, ''waw'' ditempatkan sebelum ''he'', ''het'' ditempatkan sebelum ''zayin'', dan ''lamed'' ditempatkan sebelum ''kaf''. Pada kasus terakhir, tanda X besar muncul untuk menandai kesalahan yang rupanya disadari oleh pembuat tulisan itu sendiri. Hal ini mungkin mengindikasikan bahwa penulisnya kurang terpelajar atau urutan abjad belum benar-benar ditetapkan.
* The text may have played a significant role in making "an important symbolic statement for the cultural core that lay in the highlands to the east."<ref>Ron E. Tappy, "Tel Zayit and the Tel Zayit Abecedary in Their Regional Context," in ''Literate Culture and Tenth Century Canaan'', 37.</ref> This is true "regardless of which cultural set [i.e. coastal Phoenician or highland Hebrew] one sees as the sponsor of the inscription."<ref>ibid.</ref>
* TheTeks textitu maydapat haveberperan playedsignifikan adalam significant role in makingmembuat "anpernyataan importantsimbolik symbolicpenting statementuntuk forinti thebudaya culturalyang coreterdapat thatdi laydataran intinggi thetersebut highlandssampai toke the easttimur."<ref>Ron E. Tappy, "Tel Zayit and the Tel Zayit Abecedary in Their Regional Context," in ''Literate Culture and Tenth Century Canaan'', 37.</ref> ThisHal isini truetetap benar "regardlesstanpa oftergantung whichset culturalbudaya setmana [i.e.yaitu coastalFenisia Phoenicianpantai oratau highlandIbrani Hebrewdataran tinggi] oneyang seesdipandang as thesebagai sponsor ofdari theinskripsi inscriptiontersebut."<ref>ibid.</ref>
In addition to the above broad historical concerns, the inscription is significant primarily due to the light it sheds on the development of letter forms in the southern Canaanite interior of the early Iron Age. Because the stratigraphy of the site and the date of the inscription itself are still debated, it is nevertheless difficult given the present state of research to attach any definite historical or chronologically absolute conclusions to the inscription's existence or content.<ref>See especially Finkelstein, Sass, and Singer-Avitz, "Writing in Iron IIA Philistia," to which Ron E. Tappy, "The Despositional History of Iron Age Tel Zayit," ''EI'' 30 (2011): 127*-143* is a response.</ref>
Di luar pemikiran sejarah luas di atas, inskripsi ini signifikan terutama karena menyingkapkan proses perkembangan bentuk huruf di bagian selatan Kanaan pedalaman pada Zaman Besi awal. Oleh sebab stratigrafi situs itu dan tarikh pembuatan inskripsi itu masih diperdebatkan, sulitlah untuk menetapkan kesimpulan mutlak, baik dari sisi sejarah maupun kronologi, kepada keberadaan atau isi tulisan tersebut.<ref>Khususnya lihat Finkelstein, Sass, and Singer-Avitz, "Writing in Iron IIA Philistia," yang ditanggapi oleh Ron E. Tappy, "The Despositional History of Iron Age Tel Zayit," ''EI'' 30 (2011): 127*-143*.</ref>
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