Melawan Ajaran Sesat: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 138:
*Bab 1 Tuhan mengakui hanya satu Allah dan Bapa.<!--
*Bab 2 ProofsBukti-bukti fromdari thekesaksian plainyang testimonyjelas ofdari Musa, dan ofdari thenabi-nabi other prophetslain, whoseyang wordsperkataannya areadalah the words ofperkataan Kristus, thatbahwa therehanya isada but onesatu Allah, the Founder ofPencipta dunia, Whomyang ourdiberitakan Tuhan preachedkita, dan whom he calledyang Hisdipanggil-Nya Bapa-Nya.
*Bab 3 Jawaban terhadap thecelaan cavilsGolongan of the GnosticsGnostik. WeKita aretidak notseharusnya tomengira suppose that the truebahwa Allah cansejati bedapat changedberubah, oratau comeberakhir tokarena an end because the heavenslangit, whichyang areadalah his thronetahta-Nya dan the earthbumi, histumpuan footstoolkaki-Nya, shall passakan awayberlalu.
*Bab 4 Jawaban terhadap anotherkeberatan objectionlain, showingmenunjukkan thatbahwa thekehancuran destruction of JerusalemYerusalem, whichyaitu waskota theraja city of the great kingbesar, diminishedtidak nothingmengurangi from the supreme majestykekuasaan dan power ofkemuliaan Allah, foryang thatagung, thiskarena destructionkehancuran wasini putdijalankan indengan executionnasehat byyang thepaling mostbijak wisedari counselAllah ofyang the same Allahsama.
*Bab 5 ThePengarang authorkembali returnskepada toargumen his former argumentsebelumnya, dan showsmenunjukkan thatbahwa therehanya wasada but onesatu Allah announcedyang bydinyatakan theoleh lawKitab Hukum (Taurat) dan prophetsNabi-nabi, Whomyang Kristusdiakui confessesoleh asKristus Hissebagai Bapa-Nya, dan WhoDia, throughmelalui His WordFirman-Nya, one livingsatu Allah denganyang Him,hidup madedengan-Nya, Himselfmenyatakan knownDiri-Nya tokepada menmanusia indalam bothkedua covenantsPerjanjian.
*Bab 6 <!--Explanation of the words of Kristus, "No man knows Sang Bapa, but the Son," etc.; whichyang wordsdisalahartikan oleh golongan heretik misinterpret. proofBukti thatbahwa, by Sang Bapa revealing the Son, dan by the Son being revealed, Sang Bapa was never unknown.
*Bab 7 RecapitulationRekapitulasi ofargumen the foregoing argumentsebelumnya, showing that Abraham, through the revelation of the Word, knew Sang Bapa, dan kedatangan the Son of Allah. For this cause, he rejoiced to see the day of Kristus, when the promises made to him should be fulfilled. The fruit of this rejoicing has flowed to posterity, that is, to those who are partakers in iman Abraham, but not to the Jews who reject the Word of Allah.
*Bab 8 Vain attempts of Marcion dan his followers, who exclude Abraham from the salvation bestowed by Kristus, who liberated not only Abraham, but the seed of Abraham, by fulfilling dan not destroying the Law when he healed on the sabbath day.
*Bab 9 There is but one Author, dan one end to both covenants.