Wilhelm Dilthey: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 3:
== Hermeneutika ==
Dilthey diilhami sebagian oleh karya-karya [[Friedrich Schleiermacher]] tentang hermeneutika, yang ia ikut hidupkan kembali. Kedua tokoh ini terkait dengan [[Romantisisme Jerman]]. Aliran hermeneutika Romantis menekankan bahwa para penafsir yang tertanam ''(embedded)'' secara historis — seorang subyek yang "hidup" dan bukan subyek [[Cartesian]] atau "teoretis" — menggunakan 'pemahaman' dan 'interpretasi', yang menggabungkan deskripsi dan analisis individual-psikologis dan sosial-historis, untuk memperoleh pengetahuan yang lebih dalam tentang teks dan penulisnya di dalam konteks mereka. <!--The process of interpretive inquiry established by Schleiermacher involved what Dilthey called "the Hermeneutic circle," which is the recurring movement between the implicit and the explicit, the particular and the whole. The "general hermeneutics" that Schleiermacher proposed was a combination of the hermeneutics used to interpret Sacred Scriptures (e.g. the Pauline epistles) and the hermeneutics used by Classicists (e.g. Plato's philosophy). Dilthey saw its relevance for the human sciences (''Geisteswissenschaften'') in contrast with the natural sciences.
<!--The process of interpretive inquiry established by Schleiermacher involved what Dilthey called "the Hermeneutic circle," which is the recurring movement between the implicit and the explicit, the particular and the whole. The "general hermeneutics" that Schleiermacher proposed was a combination of the hermeneutics used to interpret Sacred Scriptures (e.g. the Pauline epistles) and the hermeneutics used by Classicists (e.g. Plato's philosophy). Dilthey saw its relevance for the human sciences (''Geisteswissenschaften'') in contrast with the natural sciences.
Along with [[Nietzsche]], [[Simmel]] and [[Bergson]], Dilthey's work influenced early twentieth-century "''Lebensphilosophie''" and "''Existenzphilosophie''."
Baris 32 ⟶ 30:
Dilthey's ideas should be examined in terms of his similarities and differences with [[Wilhelm Windelband]] and [[Heinrich Rickert]], members of the [[Baden School]] of [[Neo-Kantianism]]. Dilthey was not a Neo-Kantian, but had a profound knowledge of [[Immanuel Kant]]'s philosophy, which deeply influenced his thinking. But whereas Neo-Kantianism was primarily interested in epistemology on the basis of [[Kant]]'s ''Critique of Pure Reason'', Dilthey took [[Kant]]'s ''Critique of Judgment'' as his point of departure. An important debate between Dilthey and the Neo-Kantians concerned the "human" as opposed to "cultural" sciences, with the Neo-Kantians arguing for the exclusion of psychology from the cultural sciences and Dilthey for its inclusion as a human science. -->
== Bacaan lebih jauh ==
* [[Rudolf A. Makkreel]], ''Dilthey: Philosopher of the Human Studies'' (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993).