Oikumenisme: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
Kata "'''ekumenisme'''" (kadang-kadang dieja ''oikoumenisme'', ''oikumenisme'') berasal dari [[bahasa Yunani]] ''oikos'' (=rumah) dan ''menein'' (=tinggal), sehingga ''oikoumene'' berarti "dunia yang ditinggali" atau "didiami". Dalam pengertiannya yang paling luas, ekumenisme berarti inisiatif keagamaan menuju keesaan di seluruh dunia. Tujuan yang lebih terbatas dari ekumenisme adalah peningkatan kerja sama dan saling pemahaman yang lebih baik antara kelompok-kelompok agama atau [[Denominasi Kristen|denominasi]] di dalam [[agama]] yang sama.
Baris 15 ⟶ 16:
Ekumenisme Kristen dapat digambarkan dalam tiga kelompok Gereja terbesar, yaitu [[Katolik Roma]], [[Ortodoks Timur]], dan Protestan. Gambaran ini memang merupakan simplifikasi dari kenyataan yang jauh lebih kompleks, namun setidak-tidaknya dapat membantu menjelaskan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh gerakan ini.
<!--=== Ortodoks Timur ===
Ekumenisme bagi [[Gereja Ortodoks Timur]] did not begin with the Roman Catholic [[Second Vatican Council]]. It is the Eastern Orthodox churches' work to embrace estranged communions as (possibly former) beneficiaries of a common gift, and simultaneously to guard against a promiscuous and false union with them. The history of the relationship between Eastern Orthodoxy and the Oriental Orthodox churches is a case in point. Likewise, the Eastern Orthodox have been leaders in the Interfaith movement, and some Orthodox patriarchs enlisted their communions as charter members of the [[World Council of Churches]]. Nevertheless, the Orthodox have not been willing to participate in any redefinition of the Christian faith toward a reduced, minimal, anti-dogmatic and anti-traditional Christianity. Christianity for the Eastern Orthodox is the Church; and the Church is Orthodoxy—nothing less and nothing else. Therefore, while Orthodox ekumenisme is "open to dialogue with the devil himself", the goal is to reconcile all non-Orthodox back into Orthodoxy.
Baris 47 ⟶ 48:
Sejak saat itu, kaum Protestan telah terlibat dalam berbagai kelompok ekumenis, dan dalam kasus-kasus tertentu mengusahakan keesaan denominasional yang organis, dan dalam kasus-kasus lain hanya untuk pengembangan kerja sama saja. Karena luasnya spektrum denominasi dan perspektif Protestan, kadang-kadang kerja sama sulit tercapai.
==Contemporary developments==
Catholic and Orthodox bishops in North America are engaged in an ongoing dialogue. They are meeting together periodically as the "North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation". It has been meeting semiannually since it was founded in [[1965]] under the auspices of the Bishops’ Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs of the [[United States Conference of Catholic Bishops]] and the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA). The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops officially joined the Consultation as a sponsor in [[1997]]. The Consultation works in tandem with the Joint Committee of Orthodox and Catholic Bishops which has been meeting annually since [[1981]]. Since 1999 the Consultation has been discussing the [[filioque clause]], with the hope of eventually reaching an agreed joint statement.
=== Gereja-gereja bersatu dan menyatu ===
The original anathemas (excommunications) that mark the "official" [[East-West Schism|Great Schism]] of [[1054]] between Catholics and Orthodox were mutually revoked in [[1965]] by the Pope and the Patriarch of Constantinople. But just as the original schism developed over time rather than erupting overnight, reconciliation is proceeding slowly.
Organizations such as the World Council of Churches, the National Council of Churches and Churches Uniting in Christ, and [[Christian Churches Together]] continue to encourage ecumenical cooperation among Protestants, Eastern Orthodox, and, at times, Roman Catholics.-->
Gereja-gereja bersatu dan menyatu ===
Karena dipengaruhi oleh gerakan ekumenis, "skandal perpecahan" dan perkembangan-perkembangan setempat, terbentuklah sejumlah gereja bersatu dan menyatu. ''Gereja-gereja yang menyatu'' menamai dirinya demikian, karena mereka merasa bahwa mereka masih berada dalam perjalanan menuju kesatuan, misalnya, ''[[Uniting Church of Australia]]''.
Baris 104 ⟶ 97:
* [http://www.wcc-coe.org/ Dewan Gereja-gereja se-Dunia]
[[Kategori:Istilah Kristen]]