Wikipedia:Jangan menyerang pribadi: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
'''Jangan pernah melakukan serangan pribadi di Wikipedia'''. Berkomentarlah untuk isi, bukan kontributor. Serangan pribadi tidak akan membantu menyelesaikan masalah, malahan akan merusak komunitas Wikipedia dan menyurutkan semangat untuk berkontribusi membangun ensiklopedia yang bagus.
Baris 27 ⟶ 26:
* Ancaman atau tindakan lain untuk mengadukan editor Wikipedia kepada lembaga pemerintah, kelompok politik, agama, dan lain sebagainya atau kepada individu/oknum yang berasal dari lembaga atau kelompok tersebut. Bila ditemukan pelanggaran seperti ini dapat mengakibatkan diblokirnya akun pengguna dalam jangka waktu tertentu oleh Pengurus Wikipedia (Sysops) dengan segera. Pengurus Wikipedia (Sysops) yang memberikan sanksi tersebut harus secara rahasia memberitahukan kepada anggota [[Wikipedia:Komite Penengah|Komite Penengah]] dan [[:en:User:Jimbo Wales|Jimmy Wales]] mengenai tindakan tersebut beserta alasannya.
<!--Specific examples of personal attacks include but are not limited to:
* Accusatory comments such as "Bob is a troll", or "Jane is a bad editor" can be considered personal attacks if said repeatedly, in bad faith, or with sufficient venom.
* Negative personal comments and "I'm better than you" attacks, such as "You have no life."
* Racial, sexual, homophobic, religious or ethnic epithets directed against another contributor. Religious epithets are not allowed even if the contributor is a member of a purported cult.
* Using someone's affiliations as a means of dismissing or discrediting their views - regardless of whether said affiliations are mainstream or extreme.
* Profanity directed against another contributor.
* Threats of legal action
* Death threats.
* Threats or actions which expose other Wikipedia editors to political, religious or other persecution by government, their employer or any others. Violations of this sort may result in a block for an extended period of time which may be applied immediately by any sysop upon discovery. Sysops applying such sanctions should confidentially notify the members of the Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee and Jimbo Wales of what they have done and why.
== Alternatif ==
Lebih baik cobalah untuk:
Baris 44 ⟶ 33:
* Baca lebih lanjut Wikipedia:Resolving disputes
Instead, try:
* Discuss the facts and how to express them, not the attributes of the other party. This does not mean that you have to agree with the other person, but just agree to disagree.
* Never suggest a view is invalid simply because of who its proponent is.
* Explore issues in a less public forum like e-mail if a debate threatens to become personal.
* Read Wikipedia:Resolving disputes.
== Jalan keluar ==
Bila anda secara pribadi diserang, anda harus meminta si penyerang untuk menghentikan serangannya dan mengingatkannya mengenai kebijakan ini. Bila serangan terus berlanjut, pertimbangkan untuk menjalankan proses resolusi perselisihan<!-- lihat saja arsip warung kopi -->. Anda dapat pula mempertimbangkan untuk menyelesaikan suatu serangan pribadi yang spesifik dengan mengikuti panduan yang ada <!-- WP:RPA ngga tau link-nya apa -->; walau demikian, anda harus sangat berhati-hati untuk tidak mengartikan "serangan pribadi" terlalu luas atau terlalu sering. Berikut ini adalah temuan yang didapatkan oleh komite penemu fakta:
Baris 63 ⟶ 44:
Ada beberapa orang pengguna Wikipedia yang tidak populer mungkin karena perilaku mereka sembrono atau kasar di waktu lalu. Para pengguna seperti mereka mungkin telah dikenai sanksi disipliner oleh [[Wikipedia:Komite Penengah|Komite Penengah]] Sepertinya wajar-wajar saja bila mereka ini lantas "diserang" atau dicemooh karena masa lalunya. Anggapan ini sebenarnya menyesatkan; membuat kesalahan adalah hal yang manusiawi, kita justru dapat belajar dari mereka dan memperbaiki cara-cara yang merka lakukan. Oleh karena itu peraturan NPA berlaku untuk seluruh pengguna tanpa pandang bulu terlepas dari masa lalunya atau anggapan pengguna lain.
If you are personally attacked, you should ask the attacker to stop and note this policy. If he or she continues, consider following the dispute resolution process. You might also consider removing particularly clear-cut personal attacks per the guideline WP:RPA; however, you should be very careful not to define "personally attack" too broadly, or to do this too frequently. From a recent arbitration committee finding-of-fact:
The remove personal attacks guideline (and the application thereof) is controversial. It has often been abused by malefactors, and may not have community consensus. It should, at most, be interpreted strictly and used sparingly. [1]
If you find yourself using this remedy frequently, you should reconsider your definition of "personal attack." When in doubt, follow the dispute resolution process instead.
In extreme cases, an attacker may be blocked under the "disruption" clause of the blocking policy, though the practice is almost always controversial. Personal attacks should be reported at WP:PAIN.
Suggest policy changes on the Talk page.
A misguided notion: "Kicking them while they are down"
Note: There are certain Wikipedia users who are unpopular, perhaps because of foolish or boorish behavior in the past. Such users may have been subject to disciplinary actions by the Arbitration Committee. It is only human to imagine that such users might be fair game for personal attacks. This notion is misguided; people make mistakes, often learn from them and change their ways. The NPA rule applies to all users irrespective of their past history or how others regard them.
== Semangat kebersamaan ==
Merupakan tanggung jawab kita bersama untuk membangun dan memelihara suatu komunitas online yang positif di Wikipedia. Serangan pribadi terhadap pengguna siapa pun — terlepas dari masa lalunya — adalah bertentangan dengan semangat kebersamaan ini.
It is your responsibility to foster and maintain a positive online community in Wikipedia. Personal attacks against any user - regardless of his/her past behavior - are contrary to this spirit.
== Lihat pula ==