Zhang Fei: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 11:
==Biografi (Sejarah)==
[[Gambar:ZhangFeiFigure.jpg|thumb|left|300px|Patung Zhang Fei]]
Zhang Fei (Zhang Yide) berasal dari daerah Zhuo dan telah berteman dengan [[Liu Bei]] dan [[Guan Yu]] sejak muda. Guan Yu yang lebih tua beberapa tahun menjadi kakak angkat Zhang Fei. Liu Bei bergabung di bawah komando [[Cao Cao]] saat penaklukkan [[Lu Bu]]. Pada masa itu, Zhang Fei mengikuti Liu Bei ke Xu Du, dan diangkat menjadi Zhonglang Jiang. Di kemudian hari, Liu Bei meninggalkan Cao Cao untuk bergabung dengan [[Yuan Shao]],lalu [[Liu Biao]].
Baris 16 ⟶ 17:
Saat Liu Biao meninggal, Cao Cao memasuki daerah Jingzhou, sehingga Liu Bei harus kabur ke [[Jiangnan]]. Cao Cao mengejar dan selang sehari semalam pasukannya telah sampai di [[Changban]], Dangyang. Saat mengetahui hal itu, Liu Bei meninggalkan istri dan putranya dan memerintahkan Zhang Fei untuk memimpin 20 prajurit berkuda untuk menjaga barisan belakang. Zhang Fei menghancurkan jembatan yang membatasi kedua pasukan. Sambil berjaga-jaga, Zhang menatap ke arah pasukan Cao Cao dan berkata "Saya Zhang Yide, dan siapa saja boleh maju dan bertarung melawan saya sampai mati!" Tak ada satupun yang berani sehingga pertempuran berhasil dihindari.
Sejak itu, Liu Bei berhasil mengamankan Jiangnan dan menunjuk Zhang Fei sebagai gubernur Yidu dan memberinya gelar Zhenglu Jiangjun (Jendral yang Menaklukkan Bandit) dan [[Marquis]] Xinting. Tak lama kemudian, dia dipindahkan ke Nanjun.
Ketika Liu Bei memasuki [[Yizhou]] dan menyerang [[Liu Zhang]], Zhang Fei bersama [[Zhuge Liang]] dan lainnya menelusuri arus sungai sambil menaklukkan beberapa kabupaten dan pangkalan militer di sana. Mereka tiba di [[Jiangzhou]] dan menangkap jendral Liu Zhang yang juga pemimpin pangkalan militer Ba, [[Yan Yan]] hidup-hidup. Zhang Fei mencaci Yan Yan, "Pasukan kami telah tiba, mengapa Anda tidak menyerah, malah mencoba melawan kami?" Jawab Yan Yan, "Kalian tidak punya alasan untuk menyerang daerah kami. Di sini tidak dikenal jendral yang menyerah; cuma ada jendral tanpa kepala." Zhang Fei menjadi murka dan menyuruh tentaranya untuk memenggal kepalanya, tetapi Yan Yan yang tidak bergeming berkata, "Jika ingin bunuh saya, lakukanlah, mengapa Anda marah-marah?" Zhang Fei terkesan dengan ketegarannya hingga ia melepaskan Yan Yan dan menjamunya seakan seorang tamu kehormatan.
After that, Liu Bei was able to secure Jiangnan and he appointed Zhang Fei as the governor of Yidu, Zhenglu Jiangjun (General Who Subdues the Caitiffs) and also the title of Marquis of Xinting, and subsequently he was transferred to Nanjun.
Zhang Fei bergerak menuju [[Yizhou]] dan memenangkan seluruh pertempuran untuk akhirnya bertemu dengan pasukan Liu Bei di [[Chengdu]]. Yizhou akhirnya ditentramkan. Zhuge Liang, Fa Zheng, Zhang Fei dan Guan Yu masing-masing dianugerahi 500 kati emas, 1000 kati perak dan 5000 keping uang serta 1000 lembar sutera. Sisanya dibagikan ke seluruh jajaran pasukan. Zhang Fei juga diangkat menjadi gubernur Baxi.
When Liu Bei entered Yizhou, and even invaded Liu Zhang, Zhang Fei, Zhuge Liang and the rest of the troops followed the flow of the river and in the process pacified the various prefectures and commanderies in the region. They reached Jiangzhou and conquered Liu Zhang’s general Yan Yan, governor of Ba Commandery, alive. Zhang Fei scolded Yan Yan, “The army is here and why do you not surrender, instead attempting to go against us?” Yan Yan replied, “You people have no reason to come and invade our lands. In our lands, there will only be headless generals and no surrendering generals.” Zhang Fei was wrathful and ordered his soldiers to behead him, but Yan Yan did not change his expression and retorted, “If you want to kill me, by all means do so, why lose your temper?” Zhang Fei was moved by his words and released him and treated him like an honorable guest (1).
Cao Cao mengalahkan [[Zhang Lu]] dan menempatkan [[Xiahou Yuan]] dan [[Zhang He]] untuk menjaga Hanchuan. Zhang He memimpin beberapa tentara dari pasukan utama menuju selatan ke arah Baxi dan mencoba memindahkan rakyat jelata ke [[Hanzhong]]. Ketika Zhang He dan pasukannya memasuki Dangqu, ia langsung bertempur melawan Zhang Fei selama 50 hari. Zhang Fei memimpin sekitar 10000 pasukan khusus untuk melakukan serangan dadakan ke arah Zhang He. Rute di pegunungan sangat sempit sehingga pasukan Zhang He tidak dapat saling membantu satu sama lainnya, maka Zhang Fei menang telak di pertempuran itu. Zhang He terpaksa meninggalkan kudanya dan melarikan diri lewat daerah pegunungan hanya disertai belasan prajurit. Akhirnya Zhang Fei memimpin pasukannya untuk mundur ke Nanzheng, dan rakyat Ba menjadi tenang kembali.
Huayang Guo Zhi: Previously, when the Former Ruler (Liu Bei) entered Shu and arrived at Ba commandery, Yan Yan stroke his breast and sighed, “This is like what they said—sitting alone on an empty hill and set a tiger to protect oneself!”
Ketika Liu Bei menjadi Pangeran Hanzhong
Zhang Fei moved on in Yizhou winning all the battles and finally met up with Liu Bei’s troops in Chengdu. Yizhou was eventually pacified and Zhuge Liang, Fa Zheng, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu were each awarded 500 catties of gold, 1,000 catties of silver, 5,000 units of money and 1,000 bales of silk; the rest of the riches were distributed to the rest of the ranks. Zhang Fei was also appointed as the governor of Baxi in the process.
Cao Cao conquered Zhang Lu and stationed Xiahou Yuan and Zhang He to guard Hanchuan. Zhang He led some troops from the main army to go south to Baxi and attempted to relocate the civilians to Hanzhong. His army entered Dangqu, Dangshi and fought with Zhang Fei’s army for some fifty days. Zhang Fei led his ten thousand or so elite troops and ambushed Zhang He’s men from another direction. The mountain road was narrow and Zhang He’s army was unable to assist each other at both ends, thus Zhang Fei scored a victory against him. Zhang He was forced to abandon his horse and escape through the mountainous regions with only dozens of men. In the end, Zhang He led his army to retreat back to Nanzheng, thus the people of Ba reclaimed their peace.
When Liu Bei became the Prince of Hanzhong, he gave Zhang Fei the superficial title of You Jiangjun (General of the Left). During the first year of ZhangWu (AD 221), Zhang Fei was appointed as Cheqi Jiangjun (General of Chariots and Cavalry), Colonel Director of the Retainers and further given the title of Marquis of Xixiang. In the records of Liu Bei’s speech, it says that, “I [Liu Bei] act according to the will of heaven in a bid to eradicate the unrest in the country and bring order to the land. Presently, there are many caitiffs wreaking havoc, thus causing suffering among the people. Those who think of Han would be waiting anxiously for actions to be taken against the unrest. I myself am worried, as I sit restlessly and unable to sense the taste of food; as I gather the armies to listen to my promise [to heaven] and my desire to execute the will of heaven. I need your loyalty and I need to gather the talents of the land and may this mission be spread far and wide, to be made obvious to all, to alert those nobles holding positions in the capital. With the blessing of heaven, I will reward the virtuous and annihilate the wicked.”
Baris 32:
When Liu Bei had a campaign against Wu, Zhang Fei was put in charge of some tens of thousands of troops, and he was supposed to meet up at Jiangzhou from Langzhong. Before his arrival, his subordinates Zhang Da and Fan Qiang killed him and brought his decapitated head to surrender to Sun Quan. The Chief Controller in Zhang Fei’s camp reported the incident to Liu Bei and upon seeing the presence of the report from the Chief Controller, Liu Bei exclaimed, “Zhang Fei has died!” Zhang Fei was then given a posthumous title of Marquis of Yueheng. His eldest son Zhang Bao died early, whilst his second son Zhang Shao succeeded his father and was made a palace attendant and one of the imperial secretariats. Zhang Bao’s son Zhang Zun was also made an imperial secretariat and followed Zhuge Zhan to Mianzhu, whereby he was killed in a battle against Deng Ai.
==Lihat pula==