Barzakh: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 24:
== Azab Kubur ==
Azab Kubur menurut [[Ibnu Taimiyah]] menyelaraskan dengan para [[ulama]] lainnya, bahwa ruh-ruh orang beriman berada di [[surga]], walaupun bersamaan dengan itu ruhnya dikembalikan ke jasad, sama halnya dengan ruh berada di jasad, tetapi ruhnya naik ke langit seperti pada saat tidur. Adapun bahwa ruhnya berada di syurga itu berdasarkan hadits-hadits umum. Hal ini ditegaskan oleh [[Imam Ahmad]] dan ulama lainnya. Mereka berdalil dengan hadits-hadits yang umum dan hadits yang khusus mengenai tidur dan lain-lainnya. Mengenai azab kubur Mahzab Ahlusunah berpendapat bahwa azab kubur mengenai ruh itu baik terpisah dari jasad atau berhubungan dengan jasad, sedangkan Ibnu Taimiyah berkata azab dan kenikmatan menimpa jasad dan jiwa sekaligus.
== Tiga kelompok di Barzakh ==
<!-- The question of reward and punishment in Barzakh is very complicated. Allah decides everything according to His own plan, which, of course, is based upon mercy and justice - justice for all and mercy for the believers. Obviously, every case is dealt with its own merit. Therefore, it is very difficult to lay down any hard and fast rule. Still, what appears from the traditions of the Masumeen (a.s.) may be summed up as follows:
Different types of people get different types of treatment after death and before the Day of Resurrection.
* Pertama:
there are true believers, perfect in their faith virtuous in their deeds. They lived a blameless life, and if there was some mistake or sin (because 'to err is human') their worldly troubles (illness, poverty, death of near and dear ones, troublesome neighbors or tyrant spouse, etc.) and/or agony at the time of death were sufficient to be counted as its retribution and atonement.
Allah knows that they deserve reward. Still, the Day of Judgment has not arrived, and they can not be sent to the Paradise straight away. By the rule of the Law, they should be left without any reward till they are resurrected; but the Mercy of Allah decrees that they should not be left in abeyance. Therefore, they are questioned about their beliefs, and on giving correct answers, they enter a state of bliss, which gives them the satisfaction of knowing that their future is assured: They find pleasure and happiness in their grave, and wait eagerly for the Day of Judgment.
* Kedua:
the confirmed unbelievers and hypocrites, whose lives are devoid of any good deed: Or if there was any good deed, the worldly blessings (health, wealth, good family and friends, prestige and power, etc.) and/or the ease at the time of death were sufficient rewards.
Allah knows that their place is Jahannam (Hell): but He will not send them there before the Day of Judgment. So, to give them a fore-taste of their punishment, they are questioned about their beliefs, and when they do not give correct answers, their graves are turned into punishment cells. And they wish the Quiyamat would not come at all.
Here it should be mentioned that the reward or punishment of Barzakh is different from that of Paradise or Hell. The reward or punishment of Barzakh is for the soul only. It is for this reason that we do not see anyone being rewarded or punished in the grave. In the traditions of the Masumeen (a.s.), it has been compared to happy dreams or nightmares. The person who is dreaming is going through all the tortures in the dreams; but the man sitting besides him does not realize what is going on. Likewise, the joys of dream are not known to others at all.
But again it is not a strict rule. Some exceptions have been observed whereas the dead-body was found enjoying some rewards, (a heavenly rose put near the nose, for example or undergoing some torture (a scorpion stinging at the toe, for instance.). But these are the exceptions that prove the rule.
* Ketiga:
is of those who are neither perfect believers nor confirmed unbelievers. The children, the lunatics, those who because of one reason or another were not in a position to differentiate between the right and wrong path, those who were so far from Islamic environment that they were not aware of the truth of Islam, those who did not know about Islam but at the same time were not enemies of Islam, those whose religious beliefs were not based upon logical understanding but they just followed what their families were following; even those non-believers who love the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and his Ahlul-Bait (a.s.), without knowing that they were the True Guides sent by Allah; all such people come under this group.
Such people will not be subject to the questioning and squeeze of the grave. They will be left in a state like deep slumber; and Allah will decide about them on the Day of Judgment. Till then, there is neither reward nor punishment for them.
After these three main groups, there still remains a group in between, which must be described here to complete the picture. This group is of those who had committed so many sins that could not be wiped out by worldly troubles and agony of death. Now, if Allah decides such a believer should come on the Day of Judgment clean from all blemishes and free from all sins, then He may put him under punishment which has been referred to in the Hadith of Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) which was mentioned earlier:
"We will intercede on your behalf on the Day of Judgment; but, by Allah, I am worried about you whilst you would be in Barzakh."
On the other hand, if Allah decides to leave his case in suspense till Quiyamat, then it will fall under the third group. Anyhow, all these things depend upon the Justice and Mercy of Allah. We have not been told enough to know all the details about all the groups.
It is about the first and second group (as well as the last mentioned believers who will be punished in Barzakh) that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said: "When one dies his Quiyamat starts." In this sense the Barzakh is called "Quiyamat-e-Sughra" (the Lesser Quiyamat). -->
== Keadaan ruh dalam Barzakh ==