Wikipedia:Etikawiki: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 17:
* Beri pujian jika pantas diucapkan. Setiap orang senang dihargai, terutama dalam lingkungan yang sering membutuhkan kompromi. Berikanlah pesan bersahabat pada halaman bicara pengguna tersebut.
* Hapus atau buat simpulan untuk suatu diskusi yang Anda inisiasi dan telah mencapai kesepakatan.
* Akui kemungkinan adanya faktor subjektif dalam diri Anda dan selalu usahakan [[Wikipedia:sudut pandang netral|sudut pandang netral]].
* Bantulah untuk menengahi perbedaan pendapat.
* Jika perdebatan memanas, tenangkan dulu pikiran, atau usulkan untuk menghentikan sementara perdebatan.
* Ingatlah selalu [[Wikipedia:Kesalahan umum Wikipedia|kesalahan-kesalahan umum di Wikipedia]].
* Hindari [[Wikipedia:Mengembalikan ke revisi sebelumnya|pembalikan]] dan penghapusan jika memungkinkan, kecuali dalam kasus [[Wikipedia:vandalisme|vandalisme]]. Jelaskan alasan pembalikan yang Anda lakukan pada [[Wikipedia:Ringkasan|ringkasan penyuntingan]].
* Ingatkan diri Anda bahwa Anda berurusan dengan manusia lain. Akan ada orang lain di dunia ini yang senang atau menyayangi orang tersebut. Perlakukanlah orang lain dengan hormat.
# Be civil.
# Although it's understandably difficult in a heated argument, if the other party is not as civil as you'd like them to be, make sure to be more civil than him or her, not less.
* That way at least you're not spiralling down to open conflict and name-calling by your own accord, you're actively doing something about it: taking a hit and refraining from hitting back - everybody appreciates that (or at least they should).
* However, don't hesitate to let the other party know that you're not comfortable with their tone in a neutral way -- otherwise they might think you're too dense to understand their "subtlety", and you'll involuntarily encourage them (e.g. "I know you've been sarcastic above, but I don't think that's helping us resolve the issue. However, I don't think your argument stands because...").
# Recognize your own biases and keep them in check.
# If you're arguing, take a break; if you're mediating, recommend a break.
* Come back after a week or two. If no one is mediating, and you think mediation is needed, enlist someone.
* Walk away or find another Wikipedia article to distract yourself — there are 1,033,461 articles on Wikipedia! Take up a Wikiproject or WikiReader, or lend your much-needed services at pages needing attention and Cleanup. Or write a new article.
# Remember what Wikipedia is not.
# Review the list of faux pas.
# Avoid reverts and deletions whenever possible, and stay within the three-revert rule except in cases of clear vandalism. Explain reversions in the edit summary box.
* Amend, edit, discuss.
# Remind yourself that these are people you're dealing with. They are individuals with feelings and probably have other people in the world who love them. Try to allow dignity to others.