Modul:Uses TemplateStyles/config: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 18:
-- stylesheet’s sandbox is expected to be at <template>/<sandbox_title>/<stylesheet>.css
-- Set to nil to disable sandbox links.
cfg['sandbox_title'] = 'sandboxbakpasir'
-- Error category: this category is added if the module call contains errors
-- (e.g. no stylesheet listed). A category name without namespace, or nil
-- to disable categorization (not recommended).
cfg['error_category'] = 'UsesPenggunaan TemplateStyles templatesdengan with errorskesalahan'
-- Default category: this category is added if no custom category is specified
-- in module/template call. A category name without namespace, or nil
-- to disable categorization.
cfg['default_category'] = 'TemplatesTemplat usingyang menggunakan TemplateStyles'
-- Protection conflict category: this category is added if the protection level
-- of any stylesheet differs from the one of the template. A category name
-- without namespace, or nil to disable categorization (not recommended).
cfg['protection_conflict_category'] = 'TemplatesTemplat usingyang menggunakan TemplateStyles withdengan alevel differentperlindungan protection levelberbeda'
-- Padlock pattern: Lua pattern to search on protected stylesheets for, or nil
Baris 43:
-- A category name without namespace (no nil allowed) if the pattern is not nil,
-- unused (and thus may be nil) otherwise.
cfg['missing_padlock_category'] = 'TemplatesTemplat usingyang menggunakan TemplateStyles withouttanpa padlocks'
return cfg -- Don’t touch this line.