Tangga nada diatonik: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 5:
[[Skala mayor]] dimulai dengan not pertama (Do), dan berakhir sampai not 'Do' yang ada satu oktaf diatas Do yang pertama.
Dalam [[teori musik]], theskala '''diatonicdiatonik major scale'''mayor adalah bagian penting dalam pembangunan tradisi musik dunia Barat. ItSkala containsini seventerdiri notesdari totujuh thenot octavedalam satu oktaf, correspondingdiwujudkan todalam thetuts whiteputih keysdalam onalat amusik piano, obtaineddiperoleh fromdari arangkaian chainenam ofnada sixkelima successive(fifth) fifthsyang inberurutan somedalam versionsuatu ofversi [[meantone temperament]], anddan resultingmenghasilkan in twodua [[tetrachordtetrakord]]s separatedyang bydipisahkan dengan [[interval (musicmusik)|intervalsinterval]] ofsatu anada wholebernilai tonepenuh. If our version of meantone is the twelve tone [[equal temperament]] the pattern of intervals in semitones will be 2-2-1-2-2-2-1. The [[major scale]] begins on the first note and proceeds by steps to the first octave. In [[solfege]], the syllables for each scale degree are "Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Ti-Do".
The [[minor scale|natural minor scale]] can be thought of in two ways, the first is as the ''relative minor'' of the major scale, beginning on the sixth degree of the scale and proceeding step by step through the same tetrachords to the first octave of the sixth degree. In solfege "La-Ti-Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol."
Baris 11:
Alternately, the natural minor can be seen as a composite of two different tetrachords of the pattern 2-1-2-2-1-2-2. In solfege "Do-Re-Mé-Fa-Sol-Lé-Té-Do."
WesternHarmoni harmonymusik fromBarat thesejak RenaissanceRenaisans uphingga untilakhir theabad lateXIX nineteenthberdasar centurypada isskala baseddiatonik upondan therangkaian-rangkaian diatonicunik scaleyang anddihasilkan theoleh uniquesistem relationshipspengorganisasian createdketujuh bynada this system of organizing seven notesini. It should be keptHarus indiingat mindbahwa that most longer pieces of common practice music change key, but this leads to a relationship of diatonic scales in one key with those in another, see [[modulation (music)]].
TheTuts-tuts whiteputih keyspada onalat amusik [[piano]] correspondmewujudkan to theskala ''diatonicdiatonik'' scale of C majormayor (C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C), withdengan thejarak notessatu ainterval whole tonetiap-tiap apartnadanya, exceptkecuali foruntuk E-F anddan B-C, whichyang is anmemiliki interval of a semitone (half asetengah tone).
DiatonicDiatonik comesberasal fromdari thebahasa greekYunani "diatonikos" orartinya "to stretch outmerenggangkan". ItSeringkali isdipakai sometimesuntuk usedmenyebut to refer to all thekeseluruhan [[musicalmode musik|mode|modes]], buttetapi isumumnya generallydipergunakan useduntuk onlymenyebut inskala referencemayor to the major anddan minor scales.
Only certain divisions of the octave, 12 and 20 included, allow uniqueness, coherence, and transpositional simplicity, and that only the diatonic and pentatonic subsets of the 12 tone chromatic set follow these constraints (Balzano, 1980, 1982).