Pengguna:Agung.karjono/Bak pasir/Timbal(II) nitrat: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 86:
Reduksi unsur belerang menghasilkan {{Ill|polisulfida|en|polysulfide}}, yang mengandung rantai atom belerang yang diterminasi dengan pusat S<sup>−</sup>:
:<chem>2 Na + S8 -> Na2S8</chem>
ThisReaksi reactionini highlightsmenyoroti asifat distinctivekhas propertybelerang, ofyaitu sulfur:kemampuannya its ability tomelakukan [[catenation|catenatekatenasi]] (bindmengikat todirinya itselfsendiri bymelalui formationpembentukan of chainsrantai). [[ProtonationProtonasi]] ofanion thesepolisulfida polysulfideini anionsmenghasilkan produces the [[{{Ill|polisulfan|en|polysulfane]]s}}, H<sub>2</sub>S<sub>x</sub>, wheredengan x = 2, 3, anddan 4.<ref>Handbook of Preparative Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd ed. Edited by G. Brauer, Academic Press, 1963, NY. Vol. 1. p. 421.</ref> UltimatelyPada akhirnya, reduction ofreduksi sulfurbelerang producesmenghasilkan sulfidegaram saltssulfida:
:<chem>16 Na + S8 -> 8 Na2S</chem>
Interkonversi spesies ini digunakan dalam {{Ill|baterai natrium–belerang|en|Sodium–sulfur battery}}baterai natrium-belerang.
The interconversion of these species is exploited in the [[sodium-sulfur battery]].
===OxidesOksida, oxoacidsasam okso, anddan anion oxoanionsokso===
Belerang oksida pada prinsipnya diperoleh melalui pembakaran belerang:
The principal sulfur oxides are obtained by burning sulfur:
:<chem>S + O<sub>2</subO2 -> → SO<sub>2SO2</subchem> ([[sulfurbelerang dioxidedioksida]])
:2 SO<subchem>2</sub> SO2 + O<subO2 ->2</sub> → 2 SO<sub>3SO3</subchem> ([[sulfurbelerang trioxidetrioksida]])
Telah diketahui beberapa belerang oksida; [[Belerang oksida rendah|oksida yang kaya belerang]] termasuk belerang monoksida, disulfur monoksida, disulfur dioksida, dan [[Oksida belerang tinggi|oksida yang lebih tinggi]], yang mengandung gugus peroxo.<!-- Multiple sulfur oxides are known; the [[lower sulfur oxidesoxide|sulfur-rich oxides]] include sulfur monoxide, disulfur monoxide, disulfur dioxides, and [[higherhiger sulfur oxidesoxide|higher oxides]] containing peroxo groups. -->
Sulfur forms [[oxoacids|sulfur oxoacids]], some of which cannot be isolated and are only known through the salts. [[Sulfur dioxide]] and [[sulfite]]s ({{chem|SO|3|2−}}) are related to the unstable [[sulfurous acid]] (H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>3</sub>). [[Sulfur trioxide]] and [[sulfate]]s ({{chem|SO|4|2−}}) are related to [[sulfuric acid]] (H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>). Sulfuric acid and SO<sub>3</sub> combine to give oleum, a solution of [[pyrosulfuric acid]] (H<sub>2</sub>S<sub>2</sub>O<sub>7</sub>) in sulfuric acid.