Sejarah Gereja Katolik: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 148:
=== Revolusi Prancis ===
{{See also|Kekristenan pada abad ke-18|Kekristenan pada zaman modern#Revivalisme (1720–1906)}}
Gerakan antirohaniwan yang merajalela ketika berlangsungnya [[Revolusi Prancis]] mengakibatkan seluruh gereja berikut harta bendanya dinasionalisasi, bahkan ada upayausaha-upaya untukusaha membentuk gereja yang dikelola negara.<!-- LargeSejumlah numbersbesar ofpadri priestsmenolak refusedbersumpah tountuk taketaat an oath of compliance to thekepada [[NationalMajelis AssemblyNasional (FrenchRevolusi RevolutionPrancis)|NationalMajelis AssemblyNasional]], leadingsehingga toGereja thedinyatakan Churchsebagai beinglembaga outlawedterlarang anddan replaceddiganti bydengan aagama newyang religionmenyembah of"Nalar", themeskipun worshipagama ofbaru "Reason"ini buttidak itkunjung nevermemasyarakat. gained popularity.Pada Inkurun thiswaktu periodini, allsemua monasteriesbiara were destroyeddihancurkan, 30,.000&nbsp;priests werepadri exileddiasingkan, anddan hundredsratusan morepadri werelainnya killeddibunuh.<ref>Bokenkotter, ''A Concise History of the Catholic Church'' (2004), pphlmn. 283–5283–285</ref><ref>Kenneth Scott Latourette, ''Christianity in a Revolutionary Age. VolJld. I: The 19th Century in Europe; Background and the Roman Catholic Phase'' (1958) pphlmn. 120–27120–127</ref>
WhenKarena [[PopePaus Pius VI]] sidedmemihak againstkubu thepenentang revolutionrevolusi in thedalam [[FirstPerang Koalisi CoalitionPertama]], [[Napoleon I ofdari FrancePrancis|Napoleon Bonaparte]] invadedmenginvasi ItalyItalia. TheSri Paus yang sudah berumur 82-year-old popetahun wasitu takendigiring assebagai atawanan prisonerke toPrancis Francepada inbulan FebruaryJanuari 1798, anddan soonwafat died.tak Tolama winkemudian. popularUntuk supportmengambil forhati his rulerakyat, Napoleon re-establishedmengizinkan theGereja CatholicKatolik Churchuntuk inkembali Franceberkiprah throughdi thePrancis dengan menandatangani [[Concordat ofKonkordat 1801]]. TheTanah-tanah churchmilik landsGereja weretidak neverpernah returneddikembalikan, howevertetapi thepara priestspadri anddan otheragamawan religiouslainnya weredigaji givenpemerintah, salariesyang by the government,mendanai whichperawatan maintainedharta churchbenda propertiesGereja throughdengan taxpendapatan revenuespajak. CatholicsUmat wereKatolik alloweddiizinkan tomembuka continuekembali somesejumlah of their schoolssekolahnya. TheBerakhirnya endperang-perang ofNapoleon theyang Napoleonicditandai wars, signaled by thepenyelenggaraan [[CongressKongres of ViennaWina]], broughtmenjadi Catholicera revivalkebangkitan andKatolik thedan returnkembalinya ofdaerah-daerah theNegara PapalGereja Stateske togenggaman theSri pope;Paus. theSerikat JesuitsYesus werejuga restoreddipulihkan.<ref name="Duffy216">Duffy, ''Saints and Sinners'' (1997), pphlmn. 214–6214–216</ref><ref>Latourette, ''VolJld. I: The 19th Century in Europe; Background and the Roman Catholic Phase'' (1958) pphlmn. 127–29127–129, 399–462</ref>
==== Prancis pada abad ke-19 ====
FrancePrancis remainedtetap basicallysebuah Catholicnegara Katolik. TheHasil censussensus oftahun 1872 countedmenunjukkan bahwa dari 36 millionjuta people,warga ofnegara whomPrancis, 35.,4&nbsp;million werejuta listedjiwa asmemeluk Catholicsagama Kristen Katolik, 600,.000 asjiwa Protestantsmemeluk agama Kristen Protestan, 50,.000 asmemeluk Jewsagama andYahudi, dan 80,.000 astercatat freethinkerssebagai Theorang-orang Revolutionberpikiran bebas. failedRevolusi toPrancis destroygagal themembinasakan CatholicGereja ChurchKatolik, anddan Napoleon'sstatusnya concordatdipulihkan ofKonkordat 1801 restoredyang itsditandatangani statusNapoleon. TheKembalinya returnwangsa ofBourbon theke Bourbonstampuk inpemerintahan pada tahun 1814 broughtmemunculkan backkembali manybanyak richbangsawan noblesdan andtuan landownerstanah whokaya supportedyang themendukung ChurchGereja, seeingyang itmereka aspandang asebagai bastionkubu ofpertahanan conservatismkonservatisme anddan monarchismmonarkisme. HoweverMeskipun thedemikian, monasteriesbiara-biara withberikut theirtanah-tanahnya vastyang landluas holdingsmaupun andkekuasaan politicalpolitiknya poweryang werebesar sudah binasa. gone;Sebagian muchbesar oftanah-tanah thebiara landsudah haddijual beenkepada soldpara towirausahawan urbandari entrepreneurskota whoyang lackedtidak historicmemiliki connectionsikatan tosejarah thedengan landtanah andmaupun thekaum peasantstaninya.<!-- Few new priests were trained in the 1790–1814 period, and many left the church. The result was that the number of parish clergy plunged from 60,000 in 1790 to 25,000 in 1815, many of them elderly. Entire regions, especially around Paris, were left with few priests. On the other hand, some traditional regions held fast to the faith, led by local nobles and historic families.<ref>Robert Gildea, ''Children of the Revolution: The French, 1799–1914''(2008) p 120</ref> The comeback was slow—very slow in the larger cities and industrial areas. With systematic missionary work and a new emphasis on liturgy and devotions to the Virgin Mary, plus support from Napoleon III, there was a comeback. In 1870 there were 56,500 priests, representing a much younger and more dynamic force in the villages and towns, with a thick network of schools, charities and lay organizations.<ref>Roger Price, ''A Social History of Nineteenth-Century France'' (1987) ch 7</ref> Conservative Catholics held control of the national government, 1820–1830, but most often played secondary political roles or had to fight the assault from republicans, liberals, socialists and seculars.<ref>Kenneth Scott Latourette, ''Christianity in a Revolutionary Age. Vol. I: The 19th Century in Europe; Background and the Roman Catholic Phase'' (1958) pp 400–412</ref><ref>Theodore Zeldin, ''France, 1848–1945'' (1977) vol 2 pp 983–1040</ref>
==== Republik Ketiga 1870–1940 ====