Sejarah Gereja Katolik: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 140:
=== Gereja di Amerika Selatan ===
Pada kurun waktu ini, Gereja harus menghadapi penyelewengan-penyelewengan yang dilakukan pemerintah Portugis dan Spanyol di daerah-daerah koloni mereka.<!-- InDi SouthAmerika AmericaSelatan, thepara JesuitsYesuit protectedmelindungi nativemasyarakat peoplespribumi fromdari enslavementperbudakan bydengan establishingjalan semimembangun permukiman-independentpermukiman settlementssemimerdeka calledyang disebut [[JesuitReduksi ReductionsYesuit|reductionsreduksi]] (wheretempat theymereka insteadjustru torturedmenyiksa, forcedmemaksa religiousmemeluk conversionagama, traumatizedmenimbulkan trauma, anddan enslavedmemperbudak Indigenousorang-orang peoplespribumi) . [[PopePaus GregoryGregorius XVI]], challengingmenantang Spanishkedaulatan andSpanyol Portuguesedan sovereignty,Portugis appointeddengan hismengangkat ownorang-orangnya candidatespilihannya assendiri bishopsmenjadi inuskup thedi coloniesdaerah-daerah koloni, condemneddengan slaverymengutuk andperbudakan maupun thepraktik [[Historysejarah of slaveryperbudakan|slavejual tradebeli budak]] in 1839 (papaldalam bullbula ''[[In supremo apostolatus]]''), andtahun 1839, approveddan thedengan ordinationmenyetujui ofpenahbisan nativerohaniwan clergypribumi insekalipun spitepemerintah ofmasih governmentberpandangan racismrasis.<ref name="Duffy221">Duffy, ''Saints and Sinners'' (1997), phlm. 221</ref>
=== SerikatPara YesusYesuit ===
==== SerikatPara YesusYesuit di India ====
[[ChristianityKekristenan indi India|Komunitas Kristen India]] hasturun-temurun apercaya traditionbahwa ofmereka [[Saintadalah Thomaskelanjutan Christians|Thomas]]dari establishingpaguyuban theumat faithKristen inyang dibentuk [[Tomas|Rasul Tomas]] di Kerala. TheyMereka aredisebut called[[umat StKristen Santo Tomas]]. ThomasKomunitas tersebut sangat Christianskecil. TheJumlah communityumat wasKristen verydi smallIndia untilbaru thebertambah Jesuitsesudah [[FrancisFransiskus XavierXaverius]] (1502–1552), beganseorang missionaryYesuit, workmulai berkiprah di India. Teladannya diikuti [[Roberto de Nobili]] (1577–1656), aseorang [[TuscanySerikat Yesus|TuscanJesuit]] asal [[Society of Jesus|JesuitToskana]] missionaryyang todiutus Southernsebagai Indiamisionaris followedke inkawasan hisselatan pathIndia. HeIa pioneeredmemelopori [[inculturationinkulturasi]], adoptingdengan manymengadopsi berbagai adat-istiadat kaum [[BrahminBrahmana]] customsyang whichmenurutnya weretidak not,bertentangan indengan hisagama opinion, contrary to ChristianityKristen. HeIa livedhidup likeselayaknya aseorang BrahminBrahmana, learnedmempelajari [[Sanskritbahasa Sanskerta]], anddan presentedmenghadirkan Christianityagama asKristen asebagai partbagian ofdari Indiankhazanah beliefs,kepercayaan notbangsa identicalIndia, withbukan thesebagai Portugueseagama cultureyang ofidentik thedengan colonialists.kebudayaan HePortugis permittedmaupun thekaum usepenjajah. ofIa allmemperbolehkan customs,umat whichKristen inmelaksanakan hisamalan-amalan viewwarisan didleluhur notmereka directlyyang contradictmenurutnya Christiantidak teachings.bertentangan Bylangsung 1640dengan thereajaran-ajaran wereKristen. 40Pada 000tahun Christians1640, indi [[Madurai]] alonesaja sudah ada 40.000 pemeluk agama Kristen. Pada Intahun 1632, Pope [[GregoryPaus Gregorius XV]] gavemengizinkan permissionpendekatan forsemacam thisini, approach.tetapi But strongsentimen-sentimen anti-JesuitYesuit sentimentsyang inkuat di Portugal, FrancePrancis, anddan evenbahkan indi Rome,Roma resultedmembuat inpendekatan atersebut reversal.dilarang, Thisdan endedmengakhiri thekeberhasilan successfulusaha-usaha Catholicmisi missionsKatolik indi India.<ref>Franzen, 323</ref> OnPada tanggal 12 September 1744, [[BenedictPaus Benediktus XIV]] forbademelarang the soamalan-calledamalan yang disebut [[Malabarritus-ritus ritesMalabar]]. in IndiaAkibatnya, withuamat theKristen resultberkasta that leading Indian castestinggi, whoyang wantedingin tomelestarikan adherekebudayaan totradisional their traditional culturesmereka, turned away from themeninggalkan CatholicGereja ChurchKatolik.<ref>Robert Eric Frykenberg, ''Christianity in India: From Beginnings to the Present'' (Oxford University Press, 2008)</ref><ref>Stephen Neill, ''A History of Christianity in India'' (Cambridge University Press, 1984)</ref>
=== Revolusi Prancis ===
{{See also|ChristianityKekristenan inpada theabad 18th centuryke-18|ModernKekristenan historypada ofzaman Christianitymodern#RevivalismRevivalisme (1720–1906)}}
TheGerakan anti-clericalismantirohaniwan ofyang themerajalela ketika berlangsungnya [[FrenchRevolusi RevolutionPrancis]] sawmengakibatkan theseluruh wholesalegereja nationalisationberikut ofharta churchbendanya propertydinasionalisasi, andbahkan attemptsada toupaya-upaya establishuntuk amembentuk state-rungereja churchyang dikelola negara.<!-- Large numbers of priests refused to take an oath of compliance to the [[National Assembly (French Revolution)|National Assembly]], leading to the Church being outlawed and replaced by a new religion of the worship of "Reason" but it never gained popularity. In this period, all monasteries were destroyed, 30,000&nbsp;priests were exiled and hundreds more were killed.<ref>Bokenkotter, ''A Concise History of the Catholic Church'' (2004), pp. 283–5</ref><ref>Kenneth Scott Latourette, ''Christianity in a Revolutionary Age. Vol. I: The 19th Century in Europe; Background and the Roman Catholic Phase'' (1958) pp 120–27</ref>
When [[Pope Pius VI]] sided against the revolution in the [[First Coalition]], [[Napoleon I of France|Napoleon Bonaparte]] invaded Italy. The 82-year-old pope was taken as a prisoner to France in February 1798 and soon died. To win popular support for his rule, Napoleon re-established the Catholic Church in France through the [[Concordat of 1801]]. The church lands were never returned, however the priests and other religious were given salaries by the government, which maintained church properties through tax revenues. Catholics were allowed to continue some of their schools. The end of the Napoleonic wars, signaled by the [[Congress of Vienna]], brought Catholic revival and the return of the Papal States to the pope; the Jesuits were restored.<ref name="Duffy216">Duffy, ''Saints and Sinners'' (1997), pp. 214–6</ref><ref>Latourette, ''Vol. I: The 19th Century in Europe; Background and the Roman Catholic Phase'' (1958) pp 127–29, 399–462</ref>