Sejarah Gereja Katolik: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 130:
=== Sekularisme Abad Pencerahan ===
[[Abad Pencerahan|Gerakan Pencerahan]] merupakan tantangan baru bagi Gereja. Berbeda dengan [[Reformasi Protestan]] yang mempertanyakan doktrin-doktrin Kristen tertentu, gerakan Pencerahan mempertanyakan agama Kristen secara meyeluruh. Pada umumnya gerakan Pencerahan menempatkan [[akal|akal budinalar]] manusia di atas [[wahyu]] ilahi, dan mengecilkan kewenangan-kewenangan agamawi yang berlandaskan wahyu ilahi seperti [[Paus (Gereja Katolik)|lembaga kepausan]].<ref>Lortz, IV, 7–11</ref> Di lain pihak, Gereja berusaha membendung [[Galikanisme]] dan [[Konsiliarisme]], ideologi-ideologi yang mengancam lembaga kepausan maupun struktur Gereja.<ref>Duffy 188–189</ref><!--
Toward the latter part of the 17th century, [[Pope Innocent XI]] viewed the increasing Turkish attacks against Europe, which were supported by France, as the major threat for the Church. He built a Polish-Austrian coalition for the Turkish defeat at Vienna in 1683. Scholars have called him a saintly pope because he reformed abuses by the Church, including [[simony]], [[nepotism]] and the lavish papal expenditures that had caused him to inherit a papal debt of 50,000,000&nbsp;[[Italian scudo|scudi]]. By eliminating certain honorary posts and introducing new fiscal policies, Innocent XI was able to regain control of the church's finances.<ref name="Duffy188"/> [[Pope Innocent X|Innocent X]] and [[Pope Clement XI|Clement XI]] battled [[Jansenism]] and [[Gallicanism]], which supported [[Conciliarism]], and rejected papal primacy, demanding special concessions for the Church in France. This weakened the Church's ability to respond to [[Gallicanism|gallicanist]] thinkers such as [[Denis Diderot]], who challenged fundamental doctrines of the Church.<ref name="Bokenkotter267">Bokenkotter, ''A Concise History of the Catholic Church'' (2004), pp. 267–9</ref>