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Baris 11:
{{Unsur|Belerang|S|16}} Belerang [[Kelimpahan unsur|melimpah]], [[Valensi|multivalen]] dan bersifat [[nonlogam]]. Di bawah [[Temperatur dan tekanan standar|kondisi normal]], belerang membentuk molekul oktatomik siklik dengan rumus kimia [[oktasulfur|{{Chem|S|8}}]]. Unsur belerang berwarna kuning cerah, berbentuk [[kristal]] padat pada suhu ruang.
SulfurBelerang isadalah theunsur tenthpaling mostumum commonkesepuluh elementberdasarkan bymassa massdi inalam the universesemesta, anddan theunsur fifthkelima mostpaling commonumum ondi EarthBumi. ThoughMeskipun sometimeskadang-kadang foundditemukan indalam pure,bentuk [[nativemineral elementunsur mineralsalami|nativeasli]] formdan murni, sulfurbelerang ondi EarthBumi usuallybiasanya occursterjadi assebagai [[sulfidemineral minerals|sulfidesulfida]] anddan [[sulfateMineral mineralssulfat|sulfat]]. BeingBentuk abundantaslinya in native formmelimpah, sulfur wasbelerang knowndikenal indi ancientzaman timeskuno, beingdisebutkan mentioneduntuk forpenggunaannya its uses indi [[ancientIndia Indiakuno]], [[ancientYunani Greecekuno]], [[historySejarah of ChinaTiongkok#AncientZaman Chinakuno|ChinaTiongkok]], anddan [[ancientMesir Egyptkuno|EgyptMesir]]. HistoricallySecara andhistoris indan literaturedalam sulfurliteratur isbelerang alsojuga calleddisebut '''brimstone''',<ref name=Greenwd/> whichyang meansberarti "burningbatu stoneyang terbakar".<ref>{{cite EB1911 |wstitle=Brimstone |volume=4 |page=571}}</ref>
Today, almost all elemental sulfur is produced as a byproduct of removing sulfur-containing contaminants from [[natural gas]] and [[petroleum]]. The greatest commercial use of the element is the production of [[sulfuric acid]] for sulfate and phosphate [[fertilizer]]s, and other chemical processes. The element sulfur is used in [[match]]es, [[insecticide]]s, and [[fungicide]]s. Many sulfur compounds are odoriferous, and the smells of odorized natural gas, skunk scent, grapefruit, and garlic are due to [[organosulfur]] compounds. [[Hydrogen sulfide]] gives the characteristic odor to rotting eggs and other biological processes.
Sulfur is an [[mineral (nutrient)|essential element]] for all life, but almost always in the form of [[organosulfur compounds|organosulfur]] compounds or metal sulfides. Three [[amino acid]]s ([[cysteine]], [[cystine]], and [[methionine]]) and two vitamins ([[biotin]] and [[thiamine]]) are organosulfur compounds. Many [[cofactor (biochemistry)|cofactors]] also contain sulfur, including [[glutathione]], [[thioredoxin]], and [[iron–sulfur protein]]s. [[Disulfide]]s, S–S bonds, confer mechanical strength and insolubility of the protein [[keratin]], found in outer skin, hair, and feathers. Sulfur is one of the core chemical elements needed for [[biochemical]] functioning and is an elemental [[macronutrient]] for all living organisms.