Deklarasi Balfour: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 76:
[[Kabinet Britania Raya|Kabinet Inggris Raya]] pertama kali membahas Palestina dalam rapat tanggal 9 November 1914, empat hari sesudah Inggris Raya memaklumkan perang terhadap Kekaisaran Turki Osmanli. Wilayah Kekaisaran Turki Osmanli ketika itu mencakup pula [[Kemutasarifan Yerusalem|Mutasarifat Yerusalem]], yakni daerah yang kerap disebut Palestina.{{sfn|Büssow|2011|p=5}} Dalam rapat tersebut, [[Daftar Menteri Keuangan Britania Raya|Menteri Keuangan Inggris Raya]] [[David Lloyd George]] "mengungkit perihal akhir takdir Palestina".{{sfn|Reid|2011|p=115}} David Lloyd George adalah pemilik firma hukum Lloyd George, Roberts and Co, yang sudah sejak satu dasawarsa sebelumnya menjalin hubungan kerja sama dengan [[Federasi Zionis Britania Raya dan Irlandia|Federasi Sionis Britania Raya dan Irlandia]] dalam penyusunan [[Program Uganda Britania|Rancangan Uganda]].{{sfn|Defries|2014|p=44}} David Lloyd George menjadi Perdana Menteri Inggris Raya pada waktu pencanangan Deklarasi Balfour, dan menjadi pejabat yang bertanggung jawab atas terbitnya deklarasi tersebut.{{sfn|Lewis|2009|pp=115–119}}
[[File:Future of Palestine Herbert Samuel memorandum 1915 CAB 37 123 43.jpg|thumb|left|''[[TheMasa FutureDepan of PalestinePalestina]]'', memorandum kabinet Herbert Samuel, sebagaimana tercantum dalam risalah rapat kabinet Inggris Raya (CAB 37/123/43), per 21 Januari 1915]]
Usaha-usaha politik Chaim Weizmann mengalami kemajuan pesat.{{efn|group=qt|name=Weiz1|Memurut memoir Weizmann: "Masuknya Turki ke kancah peperangan dan penjabaran Perdana Menteri dalam pidatonya di Balai Gilda merupakan dorongan tambahan yang mempercepat usaha penjajakan... An opportunity offered itself to discuss the Jewish problems with Mr. C.&nbsp;P. Scott (Editor of the Manchester Guardian)… Mr.&nbsp;Scott, who has, I believe, given the whole problem a very careful and sympathetic attention, was good enough to promise that he would talk to Mr.&nbsp;Lloyd George on the subject... As it happened, Mr.&nbsp;Lloyd George, having several engagements for the week suggested that I should see Tuan Herbert Samuel, and an interview took place di kantornya. [Footnote: 10&nbsp;Dec. 1914]"{{sfn|Weizmann|1983|p=122}}}} Pada tanggal 10 Desember 1914, ia berjumpa dengan [[Herbert Samuel]], anggota kabinet Inggris Raya dan seorang Yahudi sekuler yang sudah mengkaji Sionisme.<!--{{sfn|Huneidi|2001|pp=79–81}} Herbert Samuel yakin bahwa tuntutan-tuntutan Chaim Weizmann terlampau bersahaja.{{efn|group=qt|Weizmann's memoirs: "He believed that my demands were too modest, that big things would have to be done in Palestine; he himself would move and would expect Jewry to move immediately the military situation was cleared up... The Jews would have to bring sacrifices and he was prepared to do so. At this point I ventured to ask in which way the plans of Mr.&nbsp;Samuel were more ambitious than mine. Mr.&nbsp;Samuel preferred not to enter into a discussion of his plans, as he would like to keep them 'liquid', but he suggested that orang Yahudi would have to build jalur-jalur kereta api, pelabuhan-pelabuhan, sebuah universitas, jaringan persekolahan, dan lain-lain... He also thinks that perhaps the Temple may be rebuilt, as a symbol of Jewish unity, of course, in a modernised form."{{sfn|Weizmann|1983|p=122b}}}} Dua hari kemudian, Chaim Weizmann sekali lagi bertatap muka dengan Arthur Balfour sesudah pertemuan pertama mereka pada tahun 1905; Balfour had been out of government ever since his electoral defeat in 1906, but remained a senior member of the [[Conservative Party (UK)|Conservative Party]] in their role as [[Her Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition (United Kingdom)|Official Opposition]].{{efn|group=qt|Again from Weizmann's memoirs: "On the suggestion of Baron James, I went to see Sir Philip Magnus with whom I had a lengthy conversation, and he expressed his willingness to cooperate, provided that great discretion was used... I asked Sir Philip his opinion of the advisability of seeing Mr.&nbsp;Balfour, and he thought that an interview with Mr.&nbsp;Balfour would be of very great interest and value... At one of my visits to London I wrote to Mr.&nbsp;Balfour and got an appointment with him on Saturday the same week at 12&nbsp;o'clock in his house.[Footnote: 12&nbsp;Dec. 1914] I spoke to him practically in the same strain as I did to Mr.&nbsp;Samuel, but the whole turn of our conversation was more academic than practical."{{sfn|Weizmann|1983|p=126}}}}
Sebulan kemudian, Herbert Samuel mengedarkan sebuah memorandum bertajuk ''[[Masa Depan Palestina]]'' kepada kolega-koleganya di kabinet. Memorandum ini berisi pernyataan yang berbunyi: "Saya yakin bahwa solusi bagi masalah Palestina yang sangat dapat diterima oleh para pemimpin dan pendukung gerakan Sionisme di seluruh dunia adalah aneksasi Palestina oleh Kekaisaran Inggris Raya".{{sfn|Kamel|2015|p=106}} Herbert Samuel membahas isi selembar salinan dari memorandumnya ini dengan Nathan Rothschild pada bulan Februari 1915, sebulan sebelum Nathan Rothschild wafat.{{sfn|Cooper|2015|p=148}} Memorandum ini merupakan tulisan resmi pertama yang diajukan untuk permintaan dukungan bagi orang Yahudi sebagai a war measure had been proposed.{{sfn|Huneidi|2001|p=83}}