Liber Pontificalis: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
'''''Liber Pontificalis''''' atau '''''Buku Para Paus''''' adalah sumber utama untuk sejarah [[Abad Pertengahan]] yang telah melalui penelitian [[kritis]] yang cermat.
Gambaran paling sederhana dari buku ini adalah sebagai sebuah seri catatan [[biografi]] singkat dari para [[Paus (Katolik Roma)|Paus]] hingga akhir [[abad ke-9]], yang diurutkan secara kronologis, yang mencatat lamanya masa jabatan, tempat lahir, asal-usul, [[kaisar]] terkait, pembangunan (khususnya [[gereja|gereja-gereja]] di [[Roma]]), data [[tahbisan|penahbisan]], keputusan-keputusan penting, tempat dimakamkan, dan lamanya kekosongan tahta hingga ditahbiskannya Paus terpiilh berikutnya. Namun, proses penyusunannya cukup baik untuk dapat dipercaya sebagai informasi historis.
Because the ''Liber Pontificalis'' was produced by minor officials of the papal court who assembled the accounts of the earlier popes significantly after their lifetimes, the document bears its share of inaccuracies, which are found in quantity without invalidating the material as a historical source. The entries for the first three centuries are probably most useful to historians as examples of what was known in the [[5th century]] about the early church. From the [[4th century]] forward the compilers are on more secure ground, though there are still obvious discrepancies and mistakes. Textual examination suggests that there were two early versions before the siege of Rome in [[546]], after which the ''Liber Pontificalis'' was untouched. From the early [[7th century]] (roughly the time of the pontificate of [[Pope Honorius I|Honorius I]]) forward until the pontificate of [[Pope Adrian II|Adrian II]] the entries are contemporary, added shortly after the death of each pope, and, although reflecting biases of the authors, are at least reasonably accurate.
Continuations of the ''Liber Pontificalis'' by later chroniclers from about [[1100]] onwards extend it to the mid-[[15th century]] — these are of very variable quality.
The work of many compilers and authors over a long period complicated the process of creating usable scholarly editions. [[Louis Duchesne]] and [[Theodor Mommsen]] each produced editions (Mommsen's is incomplete) at the end of the [[19th century]]. Translations and further commentaries appeared throughout the [[20th century]] devoted to discovering the levels of historicity in the entries.
== Bibliografi ==
* Raymond Davis, ''The Book of Pontiffs'' '''(Liber Pontificalis)'''. Liverpool: University of Liverpool Press, 1989. ISBN 0-85323-216-4 (sebuah terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggris untuk digunakan oleh murid sekolah dasar).
Baris 18 ⟶ 10:
[[Kategori:Dokumen Katolik]]
[[Kategori:Kata dan frasa Latin]]