Fiji: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 19:
== Politik ==
''[[Artikel]] utama: [[{{main|Politik Fiji]]''}}
Politik di Fiji biasanya terjadi dalam kerangka republik demokrasi perwakilan parlemen di mana Perdana Menteri Fiji adalah kepala pemerintahan dan Presiden adalah Kepala Negara, dan sistem multi-partai. Kekuasaan eksekutif dijalankan oleh pemerintah, kekuasaan legislatif berada di tangan pemerintah dan Parlemen Fiji, dan peradilan tidak tergantung pada eksekutif dan legislatif.
=== Kekuasaan eksekutif ===
''Artikel utama: [[{{main|Konstitusi Fiji: Pasal 7]]''}}
Kepala negara Fiji adalah seorang [[Daftar Presiden Fiji|Presiden]], yang dipilih oleh ''[[Great Council of Chiefs (Fiji)|Great Council of Chiefs]]'' untuk masa jabatan 5 tahun. Meskipun jabatan presiden ini hanya sebagai simbolis belaka, tetapi ia juga mempunyai "kekuatan tersimpan" yang bisa ia gunakan ketika negara mengalami krisis.<!-- He is also the Commander-in-Chief of the [[Military of Fiji|Armed Forces]]. The [[Great Council of Chiefs (Fiji)|Great Council of Chiefs]] recognizes Queen [[Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom|Elizabeth II]] as its Paramount Chief, in respect as a nation within the [[Commonwealth of Nations]].
Baris 40:
Judicial power is vested in three courts (the [[High Court (Fiji)|High Court]], [[Court of Appeal (Fiji)|Court of Appeal]], and [[Supreme Court (Fiji)|Supreme Court]]) established by the [[Constitution of Fiji|Constitution]], which also makes provision for other courts to be set up by Parliament. The High Court and the Supreme Court are both presided over by the [[Chief Justice (Fiji)|Chief Justice]] (currently [[Daniel Fatiaki]]); the Chief Justice is barred, however, from membership of the Court of Appeal, which has its own [[President of the Court of Appeal (Fiji)|President]] (currently [[Jai Ram Reddy]]). The Appeal Court has the power ''"to hear and determine appeals"'' from judgements of the High Court; decisions of this court may be further appealed to the Supreme Court, whose decision is final.
== Pemerintahan lokal ==
''Artikel utama: [[Pemerintahan lokal Fiji]]''