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Baris 20:
== Diagnosis diferensial ==
Sakit tenggorokan biasanya disebabkan oleh iritasi atau inflamasi. Penyebab utama  (80%) adalah faringitis [[Virus|viral]] [[akut]], suatu [[infeksi]] virus pada tenggorokan.<ref name="Rosen2010"/> Penyebab lain mencakup infeksi lainnya (seperti  [[Faringitis streptokokus|<nowiki/>]][[faringitis streptokokus]]), trauma, dan [[tumor]].<ref name="Rosen2010"/> Gastroesophageal (acid) reflux disease dapat menyebabkan [[asam lambung]]  berbalik ke tenggorokan dan juga dapat menyebabkan iritasi tenggorokan.<ref>{{Templat:Cite web|url =|title = Sore Throat and Other Throat Problems-Topic Overview|publisher = }}</ref> Faringitis streptokokus pada anak-anak merupakan penyebab 37% sakit tenggorokan.<ref>{{Templat:Cite journal|author = Shaikh N, Leonard E, Martin JM|title = Prevalence of streptococcal pharyngitis and streptococcal carriage in children: a meta-analysis|journal = Pediatrics|volume = 126|issue = 3|pages = e557–64|date = September 2010|pmid = 20696723|doi = 10.1542/peds.2009-2648|url = }}</ref>
== Pengelolaan ==
Analgesik seperti  non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) dan [[parasetamol]]  (asetaminofen) dapat membantu mengelola rasa sakit.<ref name="Review00">{{Templat:Cite journal|author = Thomas M, Del Mar C, Glasziou P|title = How effective are treatments other than antibiotics for acute sore throat?|journal = Br J Gen Pract|volume = 50|issue = 459|pages = 817–20|date = October 2000|pmid = 11127175|pmc = 1313826|doi = |url = }}</ref><ref>{{Templat:Cite journal|last = Hayward|first = G|coauthors = Thompson, MJ; Perera, R; Glasziou, PP; Del Mar, CB; Heneghan, CJ|title = Corticosteroids as standalone or add-on treatment for sore throat|journal = Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews|date = Oct 17, 2012|volume = 10|pages = CD008268|pmid = 23076943|doi = 10.1002/14651858.CD008268.pub2|editor1-last = Thompson|editor1-first = Matthew J}}</ref> [[Mayo Clinic]] menyarankan [[kumur|berkumur]]  dengan air garam hangat dan istirahat dari bersuara. Gejala tanpa pengobatan biasanya berlangsung selama dua hingga tujuh hari.<ref>{{Templat:Cite journal|last = Thompson|first = M|author2 = Vodicka, TA|author3 = Blair, PS|author4 = Buckley, DI|author5 = Heneghan, C|author6 = Hay, AD|author7 = TARGET Programme, Team|title = Duration of symptoms of respiratory tract infections in children: systematic review.|journal = BMJ (Clinical research ed.)|date = Dec 11, 2013|volume = 347|pages = f7027|pmid = 24335668|doi = 10.1136/bmj.f7027|pmc = 3898587}}</ref>
== Epidemiologi ==
Di Amerika Serikat terdapat sekitar 2.4 juta kunjungan  [[departemen darurat]]  dengan keluhan seputar tenggorokan per tahun.<ref name="Rosen2010"/>
== Referensi ==