Humanisme sekuler: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{periksaterjemahan|en|Secular humanism}}
Filsafat atau [[pendirian hidup]] '''humanisme sekuler''' (secara alternatif dikenal oleh beberapa pengikutnya sebagai '''Humanisme''', secara spesifik dengan huruf besar H untuk membedakannya dari bentuk lainnya dari [[humanisme]]) memegang [[alasan]], [[etika]], [[keadilan sosial]], dan [[naturalisme filsafat]] manusia sesambil secara spesifik menyangkap [[dogma]] agama, [[supranaturalisme]], dan [[supertisi]] sebagai dasar [[moralitas]] dan pembuatan keputusan.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=10 Myths About Secular Humanism|author=Council for Secular Humanism|publisher=|accessdate=12 June 2015}}</ref><ref name="americanhumanist">{{cite web|title=What Is Humanism?|author=Edwords, Fred|url=|year=1989|publisher=American Humanist Association|accessdate=19 August 2009|quote=Secular Humanism is an outgrowth of eighteenth century enlightenment rationalism and nineteenth century freethought... A decidedly anti-theistic version of secular humanism, however, is developed by Adolf Grünbaum, 'In Defense of Secular Humanism' (1995), in his ''Collected Works'' (edited by Thomas Kupka), vol. I, New York: Oxford University Press 2013, ch. 6 (pp. 115–48)}}</ref><ref name="oxford-secularhumanism">{{Cite book|title=Compact Oxford English dictionary|publisher=Oxford University Press|year=2007|quote=humanism ''n.'' 1 a rationalistic system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters.|publication-date = 2007}}</ref><ref name="humaniststudies">{{cite web|title=Definitions of humanism (subsection)|publisher=Institute for Humanist Studies|url= |accessdate=16 January 2007}}</ref>