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Baris 338:
{{utama|Kristen menurut negara|Pertumbuhan populasi Kristen|Daftar denominasi Kristen menurut jumlah anggota}}
{{Seealso|Dunia Kristiani|Negara Kristen}}
Dengan jumlah pemeluk sekitar 2,4 miliar jiwa,<ref name="World" /><ref name="" /> yang terbagi-bagi dalam tiga cabang utama, yakni Kristen Katolik, Kristen Protestan, dan Kristen Ortodoks Timur, agama Kristen merupakan [[Kelompok-kelompok keagamaan terbesar|agama terbesar di dunia]].<ref name="PewDec2012" /> Persentase umat Kristen dari keseluruhan populasi dunia bertahan di kisaran 33% selama seratus tahun terakhir, yang berarti bahwa satu dari tiga orang di dunia memeluk agama Kristen. Persentase ini sesungguhnya tidak memperlihatkan pergeseran besar yang telah terjadi dalam demografi agama Kristen, yakni pertambahan besar dalam jumlah pemeluk agama Kristen di negara-negara berkembang yang seiring dengan penurunan besar dalam jumlah pemeluk agama Kristen di Eropa dan Amerika Utara.<ref>Werner Ustorf. "A missiological postscript", dalm McLeod and Ustorf (penyunting), ''The Decline of Christendom in (Western) Europe, 1750–2000'', ([[Cambridge University Press]], 2003) hlmn. 219–20.</ref> Menurut kajian tahun 2015 yang dilakukan oleh lembaga [[Pew Research Center]], agama Kristen masih akan tetap menjadi agama terbesar di dunia dalam empat dasawarsa berikutnya, dan jumlah pemeluk agama Kristen mungkin akan melampaui 3 miliar jiwa pada 2050.<ref name=PewProjections>{{cite web|url=|title= The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010–2050}}</ref>{{rp|60}}<!--
Persentase umat Kristen Katolik dan Ortodoks (baik [[Gereja Ortodoks Timur]] maupun [[Gereja Ortodoks Oriental]]) semakin menurun, sementara persentase umat Kristen Protestan dan kelompok-kelompok Kristen lainnya semakin meningkat.<ref name="pewforum1"/><ref>Johnstone, Patrick, [ "The Future of the Global Church: History, Trends and Possibilities"], hlm. 100, gambar 4.10 & 4.11</ref><ref>Hillerbrand, Hans J., [ "Encyclopedia of Protestantism: 4-volume Set"], hlm. 1815, "ObserversPara carefullypengamat comparingyang alldengan thesecermat figuresmembandingkan inseluruh theangka-angka totalini contextdalam willkonteks havekeseluruhan observedakan themendapati eventemuan more startlingyang findingmengejutkan bahwa untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah mazhab Protestan, jumlah ''umat Kristen Protestan secara keseluruhan'' akan hampir sama banyak dengan umat Kristen Katolik pada tahun 2050 – masing-masing dengah jumlah pemeluk lebih dari 1,5 miliar jiwa, atau 17 persen dari populasi dunia, dengan percepatan pertambahan jumlah umat Kristen Protestan yang bertambah lebih cepattinggi daripadadibandign percepatan pertambahan jumlah umat Katolik setiap tahunnya."</ref> TheKelompok so-calledyang disebut sebagai ''popularmazhab Protestan Protestantismpopuler''<ref group="note">AIstilah flexible"mazhab term;Protestan definedpopuler" asadalah allsebuah formsistilah ofyang Protestantismluwes; withdidefinisikan thesebagai notablesegala exceptionmacam ofwujud thedari historicalmazhab denominationsProtestan derivingselain directlydari fromdenominasi-denominasi thebersejarah Protestantyang Reformationterbentuk pada zaman Reformasi Protestan.</ref> isadalah onesalah ofsatu thedi fastestantara growinggolongan-golongan religiouskeagamaan categoriesdengan inpertumbuhan thetercepat worlddi dunia.<ref name="">{{cite web|url=|title=Religion in Global Civil Society|first=Mark|last=Juergensmeyer|date=3 November 2005|publisher=Oxford University Press|page=16}}</ref><ref name="Barker">{{cite web|url=|title=Engendering Charismatic Economies: Pentecostalism, Global Political Economy, and the Crisis of Social Reproduction|last=Barker|first=Isabelle V.|year=2005|publisher=[[American Political Science Association]]|pages=2, 8 anddan footnotecatatan kaki nomor 14 ondi pagehlm. 8|archive-url=|archive-date=17 DecemberDesember 2013|accessdate=March 25, Maret 2010}}</ref>-->
Agama Kristen adalah agama yang paling dominan di Eropa, [[Benua Amerika]], dan [[Afrika bagian selatan|kawasan selatan Afrika]]. Di Asia, agama Kristen adalah agama dominan di [[Georgia (negara)|Georgia]], [[Armenia]], [[Timor Leste]], dan [[Filipina]].<ref>[ Encyclopædia Britannica] tabel agama, menurut kawasan. Diakses November 2007. {{webarchive |url= |date=18 February 2008 }}</ref> Meskipun demikian, agama Kristen mengalami penurunan jumlah pemeluk di banyak tempat, termasuk di kawasan utara dan kawasan barat Amerika Serikat,<ref>{{cite web|author=ARIS 2008 Report: Part IA – Belonging |url= |title=American Religious Identification Survey 2008 | |date= |accessdate=19 November 2010 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=18 May 2011}}</ref> Oseania (Australia dan Selandia Baru), kawasan utara Eropa (mencakup Britania Raya,<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=New UK opinion poll shows continuing collapse of 'Christendom' | |date=23 December 2006|accessdate=19 November 2010}}</ref> Skandinavia, dan lain-lain), Perancis, Jerman, Provinsi [[Ontario]], Provinsi [[British Columbia]], dan Provinsi [[Quebec]] di Kanada, dan berbagai negara di Asia (khususnya di Timur Tengah – sebagai akibat dari [[emigrasi umat Kristen]],<ref>Barrett/Kurian.''World Christian Encyclopedia'', hlm. 139 (Inggris), 281 (Perancis), 299 (Jerman).</ref><ref>{{cite news|url= |title=Christians in the Middle East |publisher=BBC News |date=15 Desember 2005 |accessdate=19 November 2010}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|last=Katz |first=Gregory |url= |title=Is Christianity dying in the birthplace of Jesus? | |date=25 Desember 2006 |accessdate=19 November 2010}}</ref> [[Kekristenan di Korea Selatan|Korea Selatan]],<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Number of Christians among young Koreans decreases by 5% per year | |date= |accessdate=19 November 2010 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=26 Februari 2009}}</ref> [[Taiwan]],<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Christianity fading in Taiwan &#124; American Buddhist Net | |date=10 November 2007 |accessdate=5 Mei 2009 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=24 Februari 2009 }}</ref> dan [[Makau]]<ref>{{cite news|last=Greenlees |first=Donald |url= |title=A Gambling-Fueled Boom Adds to a Church's Bane |location=Macao | |date=26 Desember 2007 |accessdate=30 Juni 2011}}</ref>).
Populasi Kristen tidak berkurang di Brazil, kawasan selatan Amerika Serikat,<ref name=ARIS2008>{{cite web|url= |format=PDF |title=American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS) 2008 |author1=Barry A. Kosmin |author2=Ariela Keysar |year=2009 |publisher=Trinity College |location=Hartford, Connecticut, USA |accessdate=1 April 2009 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=7 April 2009 |df=dmy }}</ref> dan Provinsi [[Alberta]] di Kanada,<ref name="census2001">{{cite web |url= |title=Religions in Canada—Census 2001 | |date=9 Maret 2010 |accessdate=19 November 2010}}</ref> tetapi persentasenya menurun. Di negara-negara seperti Australia<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Australian 2006 census – Religion | |date= |accessdate=19 November 2010}}</ref> dan Selandia Baru,<ref name="2006table28">[ Table 28, 2006 Census Data – QuickStats About Culture and Identity – Tables]. {{webarchive |url= |date=24 Juli 2011 }}</ref> populasi Kristen mengalami penurunan baik dalam jumlah maupun persentase.<!--
DespiteMeskipun themengalami decliningpenurunan numbersjumlah pemeluk, Christianityagama remainsKristen themasih dominanttetap religionmenjadi inagama theterbesar di [[WesternDunia WorldBarat]], wherekarena 70% arewarganya Christiansmerupakan pemeluk agama Kristen.<ref name="Global Christianity"/> A 2011Survei [[Pew Research Center]] surveytahun found2011 thatmendapati bahwa 76.,2% oforang [[EuropeEropa]]ans, 73.,3% indi [[OceaniaOseania]] anddan aboutsekitar 86.,0% in thedi [[AmericasBenua Amerika]] (90.,0% indi [[LatinAmerika AmericaLatin]] anddan 77.,4% indi [[NorthAmerika AmericaUtara]]) identifiedmengaku themselvesberagama as ChristiansKristen.<ref name="Global Christianity"/><ref>{{cite web|author=ANALYSIS |url= |title=Europe | |date=19 DecemberDesember 2011 |accessdate=17 AugustAgustus 2012}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|author=ANALYSIS |url= |title=Americas | |date=19 DecemberDesember 2011 |accessdate=17 AugustAgustus 2012}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|author=ANALYSIS |url= |title=Global religious landscape: Christians | |date=19 DecemberDesember 2011 |accessdate=17 AugustAgustus 2012}}</ref> ByPada tahun 2010, aboutsekitar 157 countriesnegara anddan territorieswilayah indi thedunia worldmerupakan hadtempat-tempat berpenduduk [[ChristianityKristen bymenurut countrynegara|Christianmayoritas majoritiesKristen]].<ref name="PewDec2012" /><!--
However, there are many [[charismatic movements]] that have become well established over large parts of the world, especially Africa, Latin America and Asia.<ref>David Stoll, "Is Latin America Turning Protestant?" published Berkeley: University of California Press. 1990</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Pentecostalism|author=Jeff Hadden|year=1997|accessdate=24 September 2008 |archiveurl= |archivedate=27 April 2006}}</ref><ref name=movedbythespirit >{{cite web|url=|title=Moved by the Spirit: Pentecostal Power and Politics after 100&nbsp;Years|author1=Pew Forum on Religion |author2=Public Life |date=24 April 2006|accessdate=24 September 2008}}</ref><ref name=britannica>{{cite encyclopedia|title=Pentecostalism |encyclopedia=Britannica Concise Encyclopedia |year=2007 |url= |accessdate=21 December 2008 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=12 January 2009 }}</ref><ref name=CTReview>{{cite web|url=|title=The CT Review: Pie-in-the-Sky Now|author=Ed Gitre, Christianity Today Magazine|date=13 November 2000}}</ref> Since 1900, primarily due to conversion, Protestantism has spread rapidly in Africa, Asia, Oceania and Latin America.<ref name = "Encyclopedia of Protestantism">{{cite web|url=|title=Encyclopedia of Protestantism|first=J. Gordon|last=Melton|date=1 January 2005|publisher=Infobase Publishing|isbn=978-0-8160-6983-5|page=11}}</ref> From 1960 to 2000, the global growth of the number of reported [[Evangelical Protestants]] grew three times the world's population rate, and twice that of [[Islam]].<ref>{{Cite book| title=Know the Truth: A Handbook of Christian Belief | last=Milne | first=Bruce | year=2010 | publisher=InterVarsity Press | page=332 |isbn=0-83082-576-2 |url=}}</ref> St. Mary's University study estimated about 10.2 million [[Muslim]] [[convert to Christianity]] in 2015.<ref name=""/> as well a significant numbers of Muslims converts to Christianity in Afghanistan,<ref name="state2009">{{cite web | author= USSD Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor| year=2009| title=International Religious Freedom Report 2009| url= | accessdate=2010-03-06}}</ref> Albania,<ref name="">{{cite journal|last1=Johnstone|first1=Patrick|last2=Miller|first2=Duane Alexander|title=Believers in Christ from a Muslim Background: A Global Census|journal=IJRR|date=2015|volume=11|issue=10|pages=1–19|url=|accessdate=30 October 2015}}</ref> Azerbaijan<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=5,000 Azerbaijanis adopted Christianity||date=7 July 2007|language=Russian|accessdate=30 January 2012}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Christian Missionaries Becoming Active in Azerbaijan|publisher=Tehran Radio|date=19 June 2011|language=Azerbaijani|accessdate=12 August 2012}}</ref> Algeria,<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Algeria: Situation of Christians, including the treatment of Christians by society and by the authorities; availability of state protection; the fire at Tafat church; whether there were convictions for proselytism (2010 – July 2013) [DZA104491.FE]|first=Immigration and Refugee Board of|last=Canada|date=17 July 2013|publisher=}}</ref><ref name="ChristianAction">[ Muslims Turn to Christ – ChristianAction]{{dead link|date=November 2010}}</ref> Belgium,<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=In Europe, many Muslims renounce Islam, embrace Christianity: Report|publisher=}}</ref> France,<ref name="ChristianAction"/> Germany,<ref>{{cite web|url=|title='Our second mother': Iran's converted Christians find sanctuary in Germany|first=Liana|last=Aghajanian|date=12 May 2014|via=The Guardian}}</ref> Iran,<ref>{{cite web|author=Gary Lane |url= |title=House Churches Growing in Iran | |date= |accessdate=17 August 2012}}</ref> India,<ref name="ChristianAction"/> Indonesia,<ref>{{cite book |date=February 15, 2001 |editor1=David B. Barrett |editor2=George Thomas Kurian |editor3=Todd M. Johnson |title=World Christian Encyclopedia p.374|url= |location= |publisher=Oxford University Press USA |isbn=0195079639 }}</ref> Malaysia,<ref name="Musa">{{cite web |url= |archive-url= |dead-url=yes |archive-date=24 October 2011 |title=What is Himpun about? |author1=AHMAD FAROUK MUSA |author2=MOHD RADZIQ JALALUDDIN |author3=AHMAD FUAD RAHMAT |author4=EDRY FAIZAL EDDY YUSUF |date=22 October 2011 |work= |publisher=The Star |accessdate=16 December 2011 |df=dmy-all }}</ref> Morocco,<ref name="ChristianAction"/><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Christian Converts in Morocco Fear Fatwa Calling for Their Execution}}</ref> Russia,<ref name="ChristianAction"/> Netherlands,<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Friesch Dagblad}}</ref> Saudi Arabia,<ref>{{cite book|title=Encyclopedia of religious freedom|last=Cookson|first=Catharine|year=2003|publisher=Taylor & Francis|isbn=0-415-94181-4|page=207|url=}}</ref> Tunisia,<ref name=""/> Turkey,<ref name="ChristianAction"/><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=TURKEY: Protestant church closed down – Church In Chains – Ireland :: An Irish voice for suffering, persecuted Christians Worldwide}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Ekklesia – Turkish Protestants still face 'long path' to religious freedom|date=8 March 2011}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|author=khadijabibi |url= |title=35,000 Muslims convert into Christianity each year in Turkey | |date=30 October 2009 |accessdate=19 November 2010 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=24 September 2012 }}</ref> Kazakhstan,<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Нац состав.rar |accessdate=24 July 2011 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=23 July 2011 }}</ref> Kyrgyzstan,<ref name=""/> Kosovo,<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Conversion rate|date=30 December 2008|via=The Economist}}</ref> United States,<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Why Are Millions of Muslims Becoming Christian?}}</ref> and Central Asia.<ref>{{cite web|author=Jeni Mitchell |url= |title=FREEradicals – Targeting Christians in Central Asia | |date= |accessdate=17 August 2012 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=24 February 2012 }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Despite Government Set-backs, Christianity Is Alive in Central Asia | |date=30 November 2011 |accessdate=17 August 2012 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=10 January 2012 |df=dmy-all }}</ref> It is also reported that Christianity is popular among people of different backgrounds in India (mostly Hindus),<ref>{{cite news| url= |work=BBC News | first=Narayan | last=Bareth | title=State to bar religious conversion | date=23 February 2005}}</ref><ref>{{cite news| url= |work=The Times of India |location=India | title=Religious Conversions}}</ref> and Malaysia,<ref>{{cite web|url= |archive-url= |dead-url=yes |archive-date=23 November 2007 |title=160,000 Have Converted Out of Hinduism in Malaysia in 25 Years | |date=16 May 2005 |accessdate=19 November 2010 }}</ref> Mongolia,<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Religions in Mongolia | |date= |accessdate=19 November 2010 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=13 May 2011 |df=dmy }}</ref> Nigeria,<ref name="Religious Demographic Profiles">[ Religious Demographic Profiles – Pew Forum] {{webarchive |url= |date=21 April 2010 }}</ref> Vietnam,<ref name="liberty">{{cite web|title=Annual Report on International Religious Freedom for 2005 – Vietnam |work=U.S. Department of State |date=30 June 2005 |url= |accessdate=11 March 2007 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=20 October 2006}}</ref> Singapore,<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Christianity, non-religious register biggest growth: Census 2010 | |date=13 January 2011 |accessdate=17 August 2012}}</ref> Indonesia,<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=In Indonesia, Lunar New Year an old practice for young Christians | |date= |accessdate=17 August 2012 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=15 August 2011 |df=dmy }}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url= |title=In Indonesia, the Chinese go to church | |date=27 April 2006 |accessdate=17 August 2012}}</ref> China,<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Christianity 2010: a view from the new Atlas of Global Christianity | |date=1 January 2010 |accessdate=17 August 2012}}</ref> Japan,<ref name="">{{cite web|url=|title=More People Claim Christian Faith in Japan}}</ref> and South Korea.<ref>{{cite news|last=Landau |first=Christopher |url= |title=Will South Korea become Christian? |publisher=BBC News |date=26 October 2009 |accessdate=17 August 2012}}</ref>
Baris 352:
In most countries in the developed world, [[church attendance]] among people who continue to identify themselves as Christians has been falling over the last few decades.<ref>Putnam, ''Democracies in Flux: The Evolution of Social Capital in Contemporary Society'', p. 408.</ref> Some sources view this simply as part of a drift away from traditional membership institutions,<ref>McGrath, ''Christianity: An Introduction'', p. xvi.</ref> while others link it to signs of a decline in belief in the importance of religion in general.<ref>Peter Marber, ''Money Changes Everything: How Global Prosperity Is Reshaping Our Needs, Values and Lifestyles'', p. 99.</ref> Europe's Christian population, though in decline, still constitutes the largest geographical component of the religion.<ref>Philip Jenkins God's Continent, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007, p. 56</ref> According to data from the 2012 European Social Survey, around a third of [[Christianity in Europe|European Christians]] say they attend services once a month or more,<ref name="economist">{{cite web|url=|title=The future of the world's most popular religion is African|date=25 December 2015|via=The Economist}}</ref> Conversely about more than two-thirds of Latin American Christians and according to the [[World Values Survey]] about 90% of [[Christianity in Africa|African Christians]] (in [[Ghana]], [[Nigeria]], [[Rwanda]], [[South Africa]] and [[Zimbabwe]]) said they attended church regularly.<ref name="economist"/>-->
[[Negara Kristen|Agama Kristen]] dalam berbagai bentuknya merupakan satu-satunya [[agama negara]] di negara-negara berikut ini: Argentina (Katolik),<ref name="Encyclopædia Britannica-Argentina">{{cite web|url =| title = Argentina|publisher = Encyclopædia Britannica|accessdate = 11 Mei 2008}}</ref> [[Tuvalu]] (Kalvinis), [[Tonga]] (Metodis), Norwegia (Lutheran),<ref name="abcnyheter">[ Løsere bånd, men fortsatt statskirke] {{webarchive|url=|date=27 Desember 2012}}, ABC Nyheter<!-- --></ref><ref>[ Staten skal ikke lenger ansette biskoper], NRK</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Ingen avskaffelse: / Slik blir den nye statskirkeordningen|first=Human-Etisk|last=Forbund}}</ref> Kosta Rika (Katolik),<ref name="Encyclopædia Britannica-Costa Rica">{{cite web|url =| title = Costa Rica|publisher = Encyclopædia Britannica|accessdate = 11 Mei 2008}}</ref> Kerajaan Denmark (Lutheran),<ref name="Encyclopædia Britannica-Denmark">{{cite web|url =| title = Denmark|publisher = Encyclopædia Britannica|accessdate = 11 Mei 2008}}</ref> Inggris (Anglikan),<ref name="Centre for Citizenship-England">{{cite web|url= |title=Church and State in Britain: The Church of privilege |publisher=Centre for Citizenship |accessdate=11 Mei 2008 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=11 Mei 2008}}</ref> Georgia (Ortodoks Georgia),<ref name="Beliefnet-Georgia">{{cite web|url =| title = McCain Praises Georgia For Adopting Christianity As Official State Religion|publisher = BeliefNet|accessdate = 11 April 2009}}</ref> [[Yunani]] (Ortodoks Yunani),<ref name="Encyclopædia Britannica-El Salvador">{{cite web|url =| title = El Salvador|publisher = Encyclopædia Britannica|accessdate = 11 Mei 2008}}</ref> Islandia (Lutheran),<ref name="Encyclopædia Britannica-Iceland">{{cite web|url =|title = Iceland|publisher = Encyclopædia Britannica|accessdate = 11 Mei 2008}}</ref> Liechtenstein (Katolik),<ref name="U.S. Department of State-Liechtenstein">{{cite web|url =|title = Liechtenstein|publisher = U.S. Department of State|accessdate = 11 Mei 2008}}</ref> Malta (Katolik),<ref name="Encyclopædia Britannica-Malta">{{cite web|url =|title = Malta|publisher = Encyclopædia Britannica|accessdate = 11 Mei 2008}}</ref> Monako (Katolik),<ref name="Encyclopædia Britannica-Monaco">{{cite web|url =|title = Monaco|publisher = Encyclopædia Britannica|accessdate = 11 Mei 2008}}</ref> dan [[Kota Vatikan]] (Katolik).<ref name="Encyclopædia Britannica-Vatican City">{{cite web|url =|title = Vatican|publisher = Encyclopædia Britannica|accessdate = 11 Mei 2008}}</ref><!--
ThereAda aresejumlah numerousbesar othernegara countrieslain, suchmisalnya as CyprusSiprus, whichyang althoughmeskipun dotidak notmenjadikan haveagama anKristen sebagai [[establishednegara churchKristen|agama negara]], stilltetap givememberikan officialpengakuan recognitiondan anddukungan supportresmi tobagi asalah specificsatu [[Christiandenominasi denominationKristen]] tertentu.<ref name="U.S. Department of State-Cyprus">{{cite web|url =|title = Cyprus|publisher = U.S. Department of State|accessdate = 11 MayMei 2008}}</ref>
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center"
|+ DemographicsDemografi ofmazhab-mazhab majorbesar traditionsagama within ChristianityKristen ([[Pew Research Center]], data 2010)<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Global Christianity – A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World's Christian Population|date=19 DecemberDesember 2011}}</ref>
! cyrus="col" | TraditionMazhab
! scope="col" | FollowersPemeluk
! scope="col" | % ofdari thepopulasi Christian populationKristen
! scope="col" | % ofdari thepopulasi world populationdunia
! scope="col" | FollowerDinamika dynamicspemeluk
! scope="col" | DynamicsDinamika in-di anddalam outsidedan Christianitydi luar agama Kristen
|- style="background: yellow"
| [[CatholicGereja ChurchKatolik|Katolik]]
| 1,.094,.610,.000
| 50.,1
| 15.,9
| {{increase}} GrowingNaik
| {{decrease}} DecliningTurun
|- style="background: #B57EDC"
| [[ProtestantismProtestanisme|Protestan]]
| 800,.640,.000
| 36.,7
| 11.,6
| {{increase}} GrowingNaik
| {{increase}} GrowingNaik
|- style="background: #9F8170"
| Ortodoks
| Orthodoxy
| 260,.380,.000
| 11.,9
| 3.,8
| {{decrease}} DecliningTurun
| {{decrease}} DecliningTurun
|- style="background: cyan"
| Lain-lain
| Other Christianity
| 28,.430,.000
| 1.,3
| 0.,4
| {{increase}} GrowingNaik
| {{increase}} GrowingNaik
! Agama Kristen
! Christianity
! 2,.184,.060,.000
! 100
! 31.,7
! {{increase}} GrowingNaik
! {{nochange}} Stabil
<br><div style="overflow:auto;">-->
[[Berkas:Christianity percent population in each nation World Map Christian data by Pew Research.svg|upright=4.55|jmpl|pus|Distribusi global umat Kristen: Negara-negara yang lebih gelap warnanya memiliki proporsi warga pemeluk agama Kristen yang lebih besar.<ref>{{cite web|author=ANALYSIS |url= |title=Table: Religious Composition by Country, in Percentages | |date=19 December 2011 |accessdate=17 Agustus 2012}}</ref>]]</div>