Yustinus Martir: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 96:
Tidak jelas bagaimana asalnya Yustin menggunakan sebutan "catatan kenangan para rasul" sebagai persamaan kata untuk "kitab-kitab Injil". Sarjana [[:en:David E. Aune|David E. Aune]] berargumen bahwa kitab-kitab Injil dipolakan seperti biografi-biografi klasik [[:en:Greco-Roman|Yunani-Romawi]], dan penggunaan istilah ''apomnemoneumata'' oleh Yustin mencakup semua kitab-kitab Injil dapat dipahami sebagai rujukan kepada biografi tertulis seperti ''[[:en:Memorabilia (Xenophon)|Memorabilia Xenophon]]'' karena kitab-kitab itu melestarikan ajaran asli Yesus.<ref name="Aune 1987 p. 67">Aune (1987) ''The New Testament in its Literary Environment'' p.&nbsp;67 – "Yustin Martyr (writing ca. 155) described the Gospels as 'reminiscences [apomnemoneumata] of the apostles' (1 Apology 66.3; 67.3) and 'reminiscences of Peter' (Dialogue with Trypho 106.3). Thus Yustin, like Matthew, Luke, and Papias, prefers to designate the Gospels by a recognized literary form. Though ''apomnemoneumata'' are not carefully defined in rhetorical handbooks, they are essentially expanded chreiai, i.e., sayings and/or actions of or about specific individuals, set in a narrative framework and transmitted by ''memory'' (hence "reliable").&nbsp;... His use of the term "reminiscences", therefore, suggests a connection to Xenophon's ''Memorabilia'' (in Greek ''apomnemoneumata''), a "biography" of Socrates."</ref> Namun, sarjana [[:en:Helmut Koester|Helmut Koester]] menunjukkan bahwa judul bahasa Latin bagi "Memorabilia" baru diterapkan pada karya Xenophon pada Abad Pertengahan, dan lebih mungkin ''apomnemoneumata'' digunakan untuk menyebut penyampaian oral perkataan Yesus dalam Kekristenan mula-mula. [[Papias dari Hierapolis|Papias]] menggunakan istilah mirip yang bermakna "mengingat-ingat" (''apomnemoneusen'') ketika mengisahkan bagaimana [[Markus]] secara akurat mencatat "rekoleksi [[Simon Petrus|Petrus]]", dan Yustin juga menggunakannya dalam rujukan kepada Petrus dalam ''Dialog'' 106.3, diikuti oleh suatu kutipan yang hanya terdapat dalam [[Injil Markus]] (Mk 3:16–17). Jadi, menurut Koester, kemungkinan Yustin menerapkan sebutan "catatan kenangan para rasul" dengan cara serupa untuk mengindikasikan dapat dipercayanya rekoleksi para rasul yang didapati pada catatan tertulis kitab-kitab Injil.<ref name="Koester 1990 pp. 33–34,38–40">Koester 1990 ''Ancient Christian Gospels: Their History and Development'' pp.&nbsp;33–34,38–40; pp.&nbsp;33–34 – "What Papias says about Mark reflects the use of categories which are drawn from the oral tradition.&nbsp;... The written gospels' authority is assured by the same technical terms which had been established for the oral tradition.&nbsp;... The term "remember" (mnemoneuein/apomnemoneuein) was decisive for the trustworthiness of the oral tradition." pp.&nbsp;39–40 – "The composite form of the verb "to remember" (apomnemoneuein) had been used by Papias of Hierapolis as a technical term for the transmission of oral materials about Jesus. If Yustin's term "memoirs of the apostles" is derived from this usage, it designates the written gospels as the true recollections of the apostles, trustworthy and accurate, and more reliable than any oral tradition which they are destined to replace."</ref>
Yustin expoundedmenguraikan onKitab-kitab theInjil gospelsebagai textssuatu asrekaman anakurat accuratepenggenapan recordingnubuat of the [[Bible prophecy|fulfillment of prophecy]]Alkitab, whichyang hedikombinasikannya combineddengan with quotations of thekutipan-kutipan [[Nevi'im|prophetskitab-kitab ofpara nabi Israel]] from thedari [[LXX]] tountuk demonstratemendemonstrasikan asuatu proofbukti fromdari prophecy of thenubuat [[:en:Kerygma|Christian ''kerygma'' Kristen]].<ref name="Koester 1990 p. 377">Koester 1990 ''Ancient Christian Gospels: Their History and Development'' p.&nbsp;377 – "The Christian proclamation about Jesus as Son of God, however, is true (in contrast to pagan myths), because the Christians possess trustworthy historical documents – "remembrances of the apostles" – from which it can be shown that everything in Christ's appearance and work happened in complete agreement with prophecy. What is demonstrated to be true is the Christian kerygma, not the story of the gospels. The reports contained in the gospels are used to show that the facts about Christ which the kerygma proclaims happened in complete agreement with the prophecy that announced them."</ref> ThePentingnya importancekata-kata whichpara Yustinnabi attachesyang todilekatkan theoleh wordsYustinus ofsecara theteratur prophets, which he regularly quotes with the formuladengan "itada is writtentertulis", showsmenunjukkan hishormatnya estimatepada ofkitab-kitab thePerjanjian OldLama, Testamentsedangkan Scriptures.otoritas yang However,diberikannya theuntuk scriptural"catatan authoritykenangan he attributes to thepara rasul"memoirs ofmenurut thesarjana apostles" ismodern lesskurang certainjelas. Koester articulatesmenjelaskan apandangan majorityumum viewpara amongsarjana scholars thatbahwa Yustin considered themenganggap "memoirscatatan ofkenangan thepara apostlesrasul" tomerupakan becatatan accuratesejarah historicalakurat recordstetapi butbukan nottulisan-tulisan inspiredyang writingsdiilhami,<ref name="Koester 1990 p. 41">Koester 1990 ''Ancient Christian Gospels: Their History and Development'' p.&nbsp;41 – "These gospels for Yustin possess the authority of written records. Although they are read in the service of the church, they are not "Holy Scripture" like the law and the prophets."</ref> whereassedangkan scholarsarjana [[Charles E. Hill]], thoughmeskipun acknowledgingmengakui thepandangan positionkesarjanaan ofaliran mainstream scholarshiputama, contendsmenganggap thatbahwa Yustin regardedmemandang thekutipan-kutipan fulfillmentpenggenapan quotationsnubuat ofdalam thekitab-kitab gospelsInjil tosetara bedalam equal in authorityotoritas.<ref name="Hill 2004">Hill (2004) pp.&nbsp;345–46; p.&nbsp;345 – "It is commonly held that in Rome of Yustin's day even the Memoirs themselves possessed only a quite limited authority."; p.&nbsp;346 – He sees in Yustin "a parity of authority between these two groups of writings".</ref>
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