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Baris 257:
: Bab I.—Para rasul tidak mulai memberitakan Injil, atau membuat catatan apapun Samapi mereka diberi karunia dan kuasa Roh Kudus. Mereka memberitakan satu Allah saja, Pencipta sorga dan bumi.
:1. Kami telah mengetahui rencana keselamatan kita tidak dari siapapun, selain dari mereka yang melaluinya Injil telah diturunkan kepada kita, yang pada satu waktu mereka beritakan kepada publik, dan, pada periode kemudian, atas kehendak Allah, diturunkan kepada kita dalam Kitab-kitab Suci, untuk menjadi landasandasar dan sakagurutiang penopang iman kita.<!--ref>Istilah beini theumum grounddipakai anddalam pillargereja ofsebagaimana ourdalam faith.[{{Alkitab|1] ForTimotius it3:15}} istertulis unlawful"tiang topenopang assertdan thatdasar theykebenaran."</ref>. preachedKarena beforeadalah theyharam possesseduntuk “perfectmengatakan knowledge,”bahwa mereka asmemberitakan somesebelum domereka evenmemiliki venture"pengetahuan toyang saysempurna", boastingseperti themselvesyang asdilakukan improverssejumlah oforang, themembual apostles.bahwa For,mereka aftermerupakan ourperbaikan Lorddari rosepara fromrasul. theSebab dead,setelah [theTuhan apostles]bangkit weredari investedkematian, with[para powerrasul] fromdianugerahi onkuasa highdari whenatas theketika HolyRoh SpiritKudus came downturun [uponke thematas mereka], were filleddipenuhi fromdengan allsegenap [His giftskuasa-Nya], anddan hadmempunyai perfectpengetahuan knowledgeyang sempurna: theymereka departedberangkat toke the ends of theujung-ujung earthbumi, preachingmengabarkan theberita gladsukacita tidingstentang ofhal-hal the good thingsbaik [sentyang dikirim] fromdari GodAllah tokepada uskita, and proclaiming thedan peacememberitakan ofdamai heavensorga tokepada menmanusia, whoyang indeedsesungguhnya domelakukan allsegalanya equallydengan andsetara individuallydan possessmasing-masing thememiliki GospelInjil of GodAllah. MatthewMaka alsoMatius issuedmenerbitkan asuatu writtenInjil Gospeltertulis amongdi theantara Hebrews[2]orang-orang inIbrani theirdalam owndialek dialectmereka sendiri, whilesementara PeterPetrus anddan PaulPaulus weremengabarkan preachingdi at RomeRoma, anddan layingmeletakkan theasas-asas foundations of theGereja.<!-- Church. After their departure, Mark, the disciple and interpreter of Peter, did also hand down to us in writing what had been preached by Peter. Luke also, the companion of Paul, recorded in a book the Gospel preached by him. Afterwards, John, the disciple of the Lord, who also had leaned upon His breast, did himself publish a Gospel during his residence at Ephesus in Asia.
:2. These have all declared to us that there is one God, Creator of heaven and earth, announced by the law and the prophets; and one Christ the Son of God. If any one do not agree to these truths, he despises the companions of the Lord; nay more, he despises Christ Himself the Lord; yea, he despises the Father also, and stands self-condemned, resisting and opposing his own salvation, as is the case with all heretics.--><ref>[ Irenaeus. ''Against Heresies''. Book III, chapter I]. Diterjemahkan oleh Philip Schaff et Al.</ref>