Tommaso I dari Savoia: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Tommaso I dari Savoia
Baris 1:
{{Infobox nobility
'''Thomas''' (''Tommaso I''; 1178 – 1 Maret 1233) merupakan seorang Comte [[Contea di Savoia|Savoia]] dari tahun 1189 sampai 1233. Ia kadang-kadang diberi nomor "Thomas I" untuk membedakannya dari putranya dengan nama yang sama, yang memerintah Savoia tetapi bukan Comte.
| name = Thomas
| image = Tomas I. Savojský.jpg
| image_size = 200px
Thomas lahir di Aiguebelle, putra Umberto III dari Savoia dan Beatrice dari Viennois. Kelahirannya dilihat sebagai sesuatu yang ajaib; ayah monkishnya putus asa memiliki pewaris laki-laki setelah tiga istri. Comte Umerto mencari nasihat dari St. Anthelm, yang memberkati Umberto tiga kali, dan itu dilihat sebagai nubuatan yang menjadi kenyataan ketika Thomas lahir tidak lama sebelum Anthelm sendiri meninggal pada tanggal 26 Juni 1178. Ia dinamai untuk menghormati Santo [[Thomas Becket]].
| caption = Potret abad ke-17
| succession = [[Contea di Savoia|Comte Savoia]]
| reign = 1189–1233
| predecessor = [[Umberto III dari Savoia]]
| successor = [[Amadeus IV dari Savoia]]
| noble family = [[Wangsa Savoia|Savoia]]
| father = [[Umberto III dari Savoia]]
| mother = [[Beatrice dari Viennois]]
| spouse = [[Marguerite dari Jenewa]]
| issue = [[Amadeus IV dari Savoia|Amedeo IV]]<br>Umberto<br>[[Thomas dari Flandria|Tommaso dari Piemonte]]<br>Aimone<br>Guglielmo<br>[[Pierre II dari Savoie|Pierre II]]<br>[[Filippo I dari Savoia|Filippo I]]<br>[[Bonifacius dari Savoia|Bonifacio]]<br>[[Beatrice dari Savoia (1198-1267)|Beatrice]]<br>Alasia<br>Ágatha<br>Margherita<br>Avita dari Savoia
| birth_date = 1178
| birth_place = [[Aiguebelle]]
| death_date = {{death date|1233|3|1|df=y}}
| death_place = [[Moncalieri]]}}
'''Thomas''' (''Tommaso I''; 1178 &#x2013; 1 Maret 1233) merupakan seorang Comte [[Contea di Savoia|Savoia]] dari tahun 1189 sampai 1233. Ia kadang-kadang diberi nomor "Thomas I" untuk membedakannya dari putranya dengan nama yang sama, yang memerintah Savoia tetapinamun ia bukan Comte.
Thomas lahir di [[Aiguebelle]], putra [[Umberto III dari Savoia]] dan [[Beatrice dari Viennois]]. Kelahirannya dilihat sebagai sesuatu yang ajaib; ayah monkishnya putus asa memiliki pewaris laki-laki setelah tiga istri. Comte Umerto mencari nasihat dari [[Antelmus dari Belley|St. AnthelmAntelmus]], yang memberkati Umberto tiga kali, dan itu dilihat sebagai nubuatan yang menjadi kenyataan ketika Thomas lahir tidak lama sebelum Anthelm sendiri meninggal pada tanggal 26 Juni 1178. Ia dinamai untuk menghormati Santo [[Thomas Becket]].
Thomas masih di bawah umur ketika ayahandanya meninggal pada tanggal 4 Maret 1189, dan dewan kabupaten dibentuk, terdiri dari ibundanya Beatrice, sepupu ayahandanya [[Bonifacius I dari Montferrat]], dan Uskup Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne. Dia telah cukup usia pada bulan Agustus 1191. Thomas memiliki kemampuan bela diri, energi, dan kecerdasan yang tidak dimiliki ayahandanya, dan Savoia menikmati masa keemasan di bawah kepemimpinannya. Meskipun masa mudanya dia mulai mendorong barat laut ke wilayah baru. Pada tahun yang sama ia memberi [[Lembah Aosta]] "Charte des Franchises", yang mengakui hak atas otonomi administratif dan politik. Hak ini dipertahankan sampai menjelang [[Revolusi Perancis]]. Kemudian dia menaklukkan [[Kanton Vaud|Vaud]], Bugey, dan [[Carignano]]. Dia mendukung [[Hohenstaufen]], dan dikenal sebagai "Thomas [[Guelf dan Ghibellin|Ghibellin]]" karena kariernya sebagai [[Vikaris episkopalis|Vikaris]] Imperial [[Lombardia]].
Baris 10 ⟶ 29:
Thomas juga bertempur dalam banyak pertempuran untuk memperluas kekuasaannya. Pada tahun 1215, pasukannya bertempur bersama [[Milan]] melawan Monferrato, menghancurkan kota Casale.{{Sfn|Cognasso|1940}} Pada tahun 1222, ia menangkap Cavour.{{Sfn|Cognasso|1940}}
Thomas juga bekerja melalui cara diplomatik dan ekonomi untuk memperluas kontrolnyakendalinya. Wilayah SavoySavoia lama menikmati kontrolwewenang atas melewati kritis [[Alpen]]. Dalam usahanya untuk mendapatkan kekuasaan lebih besar atas [[Torino]], Thomas membuat kesepakatan dengan rival mereka Asti untuk mengubah rute perdagangan Perancis mereka di sekitar Torino melalui tanah Savoyard dalam sebuah perjanjian pada tanggal 15 September 1224. Pada tahun 1226, Kaisar Friedrich II datang ke Italia utara dan menamai Thomas Imperial Vikaris Lombardia. Dalam peran ini, ia melakukan mediasi dalam pemberontakan Genova dan perselisihan antara kota [[Marseille]] dan uskup mereka.{{Sfn|Cox|1974}} Thomas juga membuat kebijakan pemberian waralaba dan carter ke kota-kota pada rute perdagangan utama yang memungkinkan kelas pedagang untuk mengembangkan lebih banyak kekayaan dan membangun dukungan untuk pemerintahannya.{{Sfn|Vaillant|1960}}
Thomas meninggal di Moncalieri, Savoia.
== Keluarga dan keturunan ==
Pada tahun 1195 dia menyergap partai Comte [[Guillaume I dari Jenewa]], yang mengawal putri comte, [[Marguerite dari Jenewa (1180-1252)|Marguerite dari Jenewa]], ke Perancis untuk pernikahannya yang ditujukan kepada Raja [[Philippe II dari Perancis]]. Thomas membawa Marguerite dan menikahinya, mereka memiliki sekitar delapan orang putra dan enam orang putri.
:# [[Amadeus IV dari Savoia|Amadeus]], penggantinya
:# Umberto, † skt. Maret dan November 1223
Baris 24 ⟶ 43:
:# [[Pierre II dari Savoie|Pierre]], yang tinggal jauh di Inggris, menjadi Earl Richmond, dan akhirnya pada tahun 1263 menjadi sengketa Comte Savoia<br />
:# [[Filippo I dari Savoia|Filippo]], [[Keuskupan Agung Lyon|uskup agung Lyon]], yang mengundurkan diri, melalui pernikahan menjadi [[Daftar Comte Bourgogne|Comte Pfalz Bourgogne]] dan akhirnya pada tahun 1268 menjadi sengketa Comte Savoia
:# [[Bonifacius dari Savoia (1217-1270)|Bonifacius]] yang menjadi [[Uskup Agung Canterbury|uskup agung Canterbury]]
:# [[Beatrice dari Savoia (1198-1267)|Beatrice dari Savoia]], † 1265 atau 1266, menikah pada November 1219 dengan [[Ramón Berenguer IV dari Provence|Ramón Berenguer IV, Comte Provence]] (1209-1245) dan merupakan ibunda dari empat Ratu-permaisuri
:# Alasia (Alice) dari Savoia (1209-1277), kepala biarawati St Pierre di Lyon (1250-1277)
:# Ágatha dari Savoia, kepala biara St Pierre di Lyon (1277) setelah kematian saudarinya († ?)
:# Margherita dari Savoia, † 1273, menikah tahun 1218 dengan Hartmann IV [[Kyburg]]{{Sfn|Cox|1974}}
:# Avita dari Savoia (1215-92)
Ia memiliki anak haram juga:
Baris 34 ⟶ 53:
* Thomas, "yang besar", yang adalah Comte Lioches
* Giulio
== Silsilah ==
{{ahnentafel top|width=100%}}
| style = font-size: 90%; line-height: 110%;
| border = 1
| boxstyle = padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0;
| boxstyle_1 = background-color: #fcc;
| boxstyle_2 = background-color: #fb9;
| boxstyle_3 = background-color: #ffc;
| boxstyle_4 = background-color: #bfc;
| boxstyle_5 = background-color: #9fe;
| 1 = 1. ''' Tommaso I, Comte Savoia'''
| 2 = 2. [[Umberto III dari Savoia]]
| 3 = 3. [[Beatrice dari Viennois]]
| 4 = 4. [[Amedeo III dari Savoia]]
| 5 = 5. [[Mahaut dari Albon]]
| 6 = 6. [[Gerard I dari Mâcon]]
| 7 = 7. [[Guyonne-Maurette de Salins]]
| 8 = 8. [[Umberto II dari Savoia]]
| 9 = 9. [[Gisela dari Bourgogne]]
| 10 = 10. [[Guigues III dari Albon]]
| 11 = 11. Matilda
| 12 = 12. [[Guillaume III dari Mâcon]]
| 13 = 13. [[Ponce-Adélaïde de Traves]]
| 14 = 14. [[Gaucher III]]
| 15 =
| 16 = 16. [[Amadeus II dari Savoia]]
| 17 = 17. [[Jeanne dari Jenewa]]
| 18 = 18. [[Guillaume I dari Bourgogne]]
| 19 = 19. Étiennette
| 20 = 20. [[Guigues II dari Albon]]
| 21 = 21. [[Adelaide dari Royans]]
| 22 =
| 23 =
| 24 = 24. [[Étienne I dari Bourgogne]]
| 25 = 25. [[Béatrice dari Louvain]]
| 26 = 26. [[Renaud de Traves]]
| 27 = 27. Alix
| 28 = 28. [[Umberto III dari Salins]]
| 29 =
| 30 =
| 31 =
{{ahnentafel bottom}}
== Referensi ==
* {{Citecite book | title=Quarante années de l'histoire des évêques de Valence |last author=Chevalier, J. | year=1889 | location=Paris}}
* {{Citecite book | title=TommasoIl IPiemonte ednell’Età AmedeoSveva IV|last author=Cognasso, Francesco | year=19401968 | location=Turin}}
<div class="cx-template-editor-source-container" dir="ltr" style="display: none;" lang="en"><div class="cx-template-editor-source"><div class="cx-template-editor-title" title="This template formats a citation to a book using the provided bibliographic information (such as author and title) as well as various formatting options.">Cite book</div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="title" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Title</span><span data-key="title" title="The title of the book; displays in italics" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="title" style="position: relative;">Quarante années de l'histoire des évêques de Valence</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="last" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Last name</span><span data-key="last" title="The surname of the author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="last" style="position: relative;">Chevalier, J.</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="year" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Year of publication</span><span data-key="year" title="Year of the source being referenced; use 'date' instead, if month and day are also known" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="year" style="position: relative;">1889</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="location" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Location of publication</span><span data-key="location" title="Geographical place of publication; usually not wikilinked; omit when the publication name includes place" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="location" style="position: relative;">Paris</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="authors" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Authors list</span><span data-key="authors" title="List of authors as a free form list. Use of this parameter is discouraged, &quot;lastn&quot; to &quot;firstn&quot; are preferable. Warning: do not use if last or any of its aliases are used." class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="authors" style="position: relative;">Chevalier, J.</div></div></div></div>
* {{Citecite book | title=IlTommaso PiemonteI nell’Etàed Amedeo IV Sveva|last author=Cognasso, Francesco | year=19681940 | location=Turin}}
* {{Citecite book | title=The Eagles of Savoy |last author=Cox, Eugene L. | year=1974 | publisher=Princeton University Press |year location=1974Princeton | isbn=0691052166|location=Princeton}}
<div class="cx-template-editor-source-container" dir="ltr" style="display: none;" lang="en"><div class="cx-template-editor-source"><div class="cx-template-editor-title" title="This template formats a citation to a book using the provided bibliographic information (such as author and title) as well as various formatting options.">Cite book</div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="title" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Title</span><span data-key="title" title="The title of the book; displays in italics" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="title" style="position: relative;">Il Piemonte nell’Età Sveva</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="last" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Last name</span><span data-key="last" title="The surname of the author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="last" style="position: relative;">Cognasso, Francesco</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="year" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Year of publication</span><span data-key="year" title="Year of the source being referenced; use 'date' instead, if month and day are also known" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="year" style="position: relative;">1968</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="location" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Location of publication</span><span data-key="location" title="Geographical place of publication; usually not wikilinked; omit when the publication name includes place" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="location" style="position: relative;">Turin</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="authors" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Authors list</span><span data-key="authors" title="List of authors as a free form list. Use of this parameter is discouraged, &quot;lastn&quot; to &quot;firstn&quot; are preferable. Warning: do not use if last or any of its aliases are used." class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="authors" style="position: relative;">Cognasso, Francesco</div></div></div></div>
* {{Citecite journal |last=Vaillant|first=P.|year=1960| title=La Politique d'affranchisement des comtes de Savoie (1195-1401) | journal=Etudes historiques à la mémoire de Noël Didier | last=Vaillant | first=P. | year=1960 | location=Paris}}
* {{Cite book|title=Tommaso I ed Amedeo IV|last=Cognasso, Francesco|year=1940|location=Turin}}
<div class="cx-template-editor-source-container" dir="ltr" style="display: none;" lang="en"><div class="cx-template-editor-source"><div class="cx-template-editor-title" title="This template formats a citation to a book using the provided bibliographic information (such as author and title) as well as various formatting options.">Cite book</div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="title" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Title</span><span data-key="title" title="The title of the book; displays in italics" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="title" style="position: relative;">Tommaso I ed Amedeo IV</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="last" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Last name</span><span data-key="last" title="The surname of the author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="last" style="position: relative;">Cognasso, Francesco</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="year" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Year of publication</span><span data-key="year" title="Year of the source being referenced; use 'date' instead, if month and day are also known" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="year" style="position: relative;">1940</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="location" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Location of publication</span><span data-key="location" title="Geographical place of publication; usually not wikilinked; omit when the publication name includes place" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="location" style="position: relative;">Turin</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="authors" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Authors list</span><span data-key="authors" title="List of authors as a free form list. Use of this parameter is discouraged, &quot;lastn&quot; to &quot;firstn&quot; are preferable. Warning: do not use if last or any of its aliases are used." class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="authors" style="position: relative;">Cognasso, Francesco</div></div></div></div>
* {{Cite book|title=The Eagles of Savoy|last=Cox, Eugene L.|publisher=Princeton University Press|year=1974|isbn=0691052166|location=Princeton}}
<div class="cx-template-editor-source-container" dir="ltr" style="display: none;" lang="en"><div class="cx-template-editor-source"><div class="cx-template-editor-title" title="This template formats a citation to a book using the provided bibliographic information (such as author and title) as well as various formatting options.">Cite book</div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="title" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Title</span><span data-key="title" title="The title of the book; displays in italics" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="title" style="position: relative;">The Eagles of Savoy</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="last" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Last name</span><span data-key="last" title="The surname of the author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="last" style="position: relative;">Cox, Eugene L.</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="publisher" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Publisher</span><span data-key="publisher" title="Name of the publisher; displays after title" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="publisher" style="position: relative;">Princeton University Press</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="year" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Year of publication</span><span data-key="year" title="Year of the source being referenced; use 'date' instead, if month and day are also known" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="year" style="position: relative;">1974</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="isbn" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">ISBN</span><span data-key="isbn" title="International Standard Book Number; use the 13-digit ISBN where possible" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="isbn" style="position: relative;">0691052166</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="location" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Location of publication</span><span data-key="location" title="Geographical place of publication; usually not wikilinked; omit when the publication name includes place" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="location" style="position: relative;">Princeton</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="authors" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Authors list</span><span data-key="authors" title="List of authors as a free form list. Use of this parameter is discouraged, &quot;lastn&quot; to &quot;firstn&quot; are preferable. Warning: do not use if last or any of its aliases are used." class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="authors" style="position: relative;">Cox, Eugene L.</div></div></div></div>
* {{Cite journal|last=Vaillant|first=P.|year=1960|title=La Politique d'affranchisement des comtes de Savoie (1195-1401)|journal=Etudes historiques à la mémoire de Noël Didier|location=Paris}}
<div class="cx-template-editor-source-container" dir="ltr" style="display: none;" lang="en"><div class="cx-template-editor-source"><div class="cx-template-editor-title" title="This template formats a citation to an article in a magazine or journal, using the provided source information (e.g. journal name, author, title, issue, URL) and various formatting options.">Cite journal</div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="last" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Last name</span><span data-key="last" title="The surname of the author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="last" style="position: relative;">Vaillant</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="first" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">First name</span><span data-key="first" title="Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="first" style="position: relative;">P.</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="year" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Year of publication</span><span data-key="year" title="Year of the source being referenced; recommended only when date parameter format is YYYY-MM-DD and a CITEREF disambiguator is needed" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="year" style="position: relative;">1960</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="title" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Title</span><span data-key="title" title="The title of the article; can be wikilinked to an existing Wikipedia article or url may be used to add an external link, but not both. Displays in quotes." class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="title" style="position: relative;">La Politique d'affranchisement des comtes de Savoie (1195-1401)</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="journal" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Journal</span><span data-key="journal" title="Name of the source journal; may be wikilinked; displays in italics; alias of 'work'" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="journal" style="position: relative;">Etudes historiques à la mémoire de Noël Didier</div></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param"><div class="cx-template-editor-param-title"><span id="location" class="cx-template-editor-param-key">Location of publication</span><span data-key="location" title="Geographical place of publication; usually not wikilinked; omit when the publication name includes place; alias of 'place'" class="cx-template-editor-param-desc"></span></div><div class="cx-template-editor-param-value" data-key="location" style="position: relative;">Paris</div></div></div></div>
== Catatan ==
{{S-hou|[[Wangsa Savoia]]||1178|1 Maret|1233|name=Tommaso I}}
{{S-bef|before=[[Umberto III dari Savoia|Umberto III]]}}
{{S-ttl|title=[[Contea di Savoia]] |years=1189–1233}}
{{S-aft|after=[[Amadeus IV dari Savoia|Amadeus IV]]}}
[[Kategori:Kelahiran 1178]]