Gulungan Kitab Samuel: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 10:
=== Samuel<sup>a</sup> (4QSam<sup>a</sup>) ===
Samuel<sup>a</sup> (4QSam<sup>a</sup>) diketemukan di Gua 4 Qumran, san bertarikh sekitar 50-25 SM. Gulungan ini merupakan yang paling banyak isinya, melestarikan bagian-bagian dari seluruh Kitab 1 Samuel, serta Kitab 2 Samuel pasal 1-24.<!-- ItMemuat containsbanyak manybacaan readingsyang thatberbeda aredengan differentTeks fromMasoret thetetapi Masoreticsangat Textmirip but that closely resembledengan those in the [[SeptuagintSeptuaginta]]. Some examples are as followsContohnya:
1 Samuel 1:23 indalam Samuel<sup>a</sup> readstertulis, "onlyhanya theTuhan Lordmenetapkan establishapa whatyang proceededkeluar outdari of your mouthmulutmu", whilesedangkan theTeks MasoreticMasoret Text readsmemuat, "only the Lordhanya establishTuhan hismenetapkan wordperkataan-Nya".
1 Samuel 1:24 indalam Samuel<sup>a</sup> readstertulis, "withdengan a three-year-oldseekor [bullocklembu] berusia tiga tahun"; MasoreticTeks readsMasoret memuat "withdengan tiga threeekor bullockslembu".
1 Samuel 2:17 indalam Samuel<sup>a</sup> readstertulis, "forkarena theymereka (namelyyaitu Eli’sputra-putra sonsEli) dealtmelakukan contemptuouslyhal-hal withyang themenghina offeringterhadap ofpersembahan theuntuk LordTuhan"; theTeks MasoreticMasoret Text readsmemuat, "for thekarena menorang-orang (namelyyaitu thepara worshipperspenyembah) dealtmelakukan contemptuouslyhal-hal withyang themenghina offeringterhadap ofpersembahan theuntuk LordTuhan".
=== Samuel<sup>b</sup> (4QSam<sup>b</sup>) ===
Samuel<sup>b</sup> (4QSam<sup>b</sup>) diketemukan di Gua 4, memuat bagian-bagian [[1 Samuel 16]]:1-11, 19:10-17, 20:26-21:10, dan 23:9-17. Merupakan naskah tertua di antara keempat naskah tersebut, bertarikh sekitar akhir abad ke-3/awal abad ke-2 SM.<!-- The orthography is similar to that of the Masoretic Text in the [[Torah|Pentateuch]], and shares many readings with both the Septuagint (such as the designation of Samuel as "the seer" in 1 Samuel 9:18,19) and the Masoretic Text (as in 1 Samuel 20:34, "on the second day of the new moon" that reads against the Septuagint’s "on the second of the month. The Masoretic Text and Samuel<sup>b</sup> imply a two-day feast for the New Moon while the Septuagint tells of a one-day New Moon followed by an ordinary day).