Gulungan Kitab Samuel: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 4:
Dari empat fragmen gulungan Kitab Samuel yang ditemukan di [[Qumran]], satu naskah diketemukan di Gua 1 dan tiga lainnya di Gua 4.<ref>Polak, Frank. "Samuel, First and Second Books of." In Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls. : Oxford University Press, 2000.</ref>
=== Samuel (1QSam) ===
Samuel (1QSam) wasdiketemukan founddi in CaveGua 1 anddan containsberupa remnantspotongan ofnaskah ayang manuscriptmemuat that contained parts frombagian-bagian [[1 Samuel 18]] anddan [[2 Samuel 20]]:6-10, 21:16-18, anddan 23:9-12. TheVarian-varian variantsdalam withinteks thismeliputi textsuatu includebagian apanjang missingyang longhilang stretch inpada 20:8, asserta wellbacaan asunik some peculiar readings ofkata-kata properbenda nounslazim (21:18, 23:9).
==== Samuel<sup>a</sup> (4QSam<sup>a</sup>) ====
Samuel<sup>a</sup> (4QSam<sup>a</sup>) wasdiketemukan founddi in CaveGua 4 at Qumran, andsan datesbertarikh fromsekitar 50-25 BCESM. ThisGulungan scrollini ismerupakan theyang mostpaling extensivebanyak isinya, andmelestarikan itbagian-bagian preservesdari fragmentsseluruh ofKitab 1 Samuel, -serta Kitab 2 Samuel pasal 1-24.<!-- It contains many readings that are different from the Masoretic Text but that closely resemble those in the [[Septuagint]]. Some examples are as follows:
1 Samuel 1:23 in Samuel<sup>a</sup> reads, "only the Lord establish what proceeded out of your mouth", while the Masoretic Text reads, "only the Lord establish his word".
1 Samuel 1:24 in Samuel<sup>a</sup> reads, "with a three-year-old [bullock]; Masoretic reads "with three bullocks".
1 Samuel 2:17 in Samuel<sup>a</sup> reads, "for they (namely Eli’s sons) dealt contemptuously with the offering of the Lord"; the Masoretic Text reads, "for the men (namely the worshippers) dealt contemptuously with the offering of the Lord".
==== SamuelbSamuel<sup>b</sup> (4QSam<sup>b</sup>) ====
SamuelbSamuel<sup>b</sup> (4QSam<sup>b</sup>) wasdiketemukan founddi in CaveGua 4, andmemuat contains parts ofbagian-bagian [[1 Samuel 16]]:1-11, 19:10-17, 20:26-21:10, anddan 23:9-17. ItMerupakan isnaskah thetertua oldestdi ofantara thekeempat fournaskah manuscriptstersebut, datingbertarikh tosekitar theakhir endabad of the third centuryke-3/beginningawal ofabad secondke-2 century BCESM.<!-- The orthography is similar to that of the Masoretic Text in the [[Torah|Pentateuch]], and shares many readings with both the Septuagint (such as the designation of Samuel as "the seer" in 1 Samuel 9:18,19) and the Masoretic Text (as in 1 Samuel 20:34, "on the second day of the new moon" that reads against the Septuagint’s "on the second of the month. The Masoretic Text and Samuel<sup>b</sup> imply a two-day feast for the New Moon while the Septuagint tells of a one-day New Moon followed by an ordinary day).
==== Samuelc Samuel<sup>c</sup> (4QSam<sup>c</sup>) ====
Samuelc Samuel<sup>c</sup> (4QSam<sup>c</sup>), alsodiketemukan founddi in CaveGua 4, wasditulis writtenoleh byjuru thetulis sameyang scribesama whodengan wrotepenulis theKitab "Peraturan Komunitas"(''Rule of the Community''), assebagaimana shownterlihat bydari theortografi orthographydan and the specific spellings ofejaan wordskhas suchkata-kata asseperti z'wt ("thisini"), 'bdkh ("your servanthambamu") anddan wy’wmr ("anddan heia saidberkata"). TheseNamun, variantsvarian-varian areini quitetidak insignificantsignifikan, however,dan andtidak doterkait notlangsung relatedengan directlyTeks toMasoret themaupun Masoretic Text or the SeptuagintSeptuaginta. <!--One variant that is found in both the scroll and the Septuagint, however, is in 2 Samuel 14:30. The MT ends with the note of the burning of Joab's field, but the Septuagint continues on and recounts how Joab’s servants told him about it "with their clothes rent". The scroll reads, "[and the s]ervants of [[Joab]] [came] to him, with [their clothes] rent [and said 'the ser]vants of [[Absalom]] [have set] the field on fire'."
== New Perspectives on Passages from the Qumran Samuel Finds ==
Baris 48:
However, the question remains as to why this portion is missing from the Masoretic Text and Septuagint at all. Dead Sea Scrolls scholars indicate that its exclusion is possibly due to "mechanical or scribal errors" that occurred during the copying of the text.<ref>VanderKam, James C. The Dead Sea Scrolls Today. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1994.</ref> Furthermore, [[Emanuel Tov]], professor at the [[Hebrew University of Jerusalem]] notes that these verses were most likely accidentally omitted in the earliest stages of copying.<ref>Tov, Emanuel. Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible. Minneapolis: Fortress Press: 1992.</ref> In accordance to Tov, professor of Theology at the University of Notre Dame, [[Eugene Ulrich]] writes that a number of scribal errors occurred by the hand of a [[Masoretes|Masorete]] ancestor(s) that were never corrected in the later traditions of the Masoretic Text.<ref>Ulrich, Eugene. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Origins of the Bible. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1999.</ref> Thus, while scholars acknowledge that this topic is problematic, there are no concrete explanations for its occurrence, only weighted assumptions concerning the human scribes and their transmission.