Disforia gender: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 21:
Diperkirakan persentase orang yang memiliki identitas transgender bervariasi dari 1:2000 (atau sekitar 0,05%) di [[Negara-Negara Dataran Rendah|Belanda dan Belgia]]<ref name="conway">{{Cite journal|last=Olyslager|first=Femke|last2=Conway|first2=Lynn|author2-link=Lynn Conway|title=Transseksualiteit komt vaker voor dan u denkt. Een nieuwe kijk op de prevalentie van transseksualiteit in Nederland en België|url=http://rjh.ub.rug.nl/genderstudies/article/view/1904/1897|journal=Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies|volume=11|issue=2|pages=39–51|publisher=[[Amsterdam University Press]]|location=Amsterdam|year=2008|language=Dutch|quote=…it is safe to assume that the lower limit for the inherent prevalence of transsexualism in the Netherlands and Flanders is on order of 1:2000 to 1:1000 for transgender females and on the order of 1:4000 to 1:2000 for transgender males.|laysource=How Frequently Does Transsexualism Occur?|layurl=http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TS/TSprevalence.html|issn=1388-3186|accessdate=August 27, 2013}}</ref> hingga 0,5% orang dewasa di [[Massachusetts]]<ref name=AJPH>{{Citation |last=Conron|first=KJ|last2=Scott|first2=G|last3=Stowell|first3=GS|last4=Landers|first4=S|date=January 2012|volume=102|issue=1|pages=118–222|issn=1541-0048|oclc=01642844|doi=10.2105/AJPH.2011.300315|title=Transgender Health in Massachusetts: Results from a Household Probability Sample of Adults|journal=[[American Journal of Public Health]]|publisher=[[American Public Health Association]]|url=http://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/pdf/10.2105/AJPH.2011.300315|accessdate=August 28, 2013|quote=Between 2007 and 2009, survey participants aged 18 to 64 years in the Massachusetts Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (MA-BRFSS; N = 28 662) were asked: "Some people describe themselves as transgender when they experience a different gender identity from their sex at birth. For example, a person born into a male body, but who feels female or lives as a woman. Do you consider yourself to be transgender?" […] We restricted the analytic sample to 28176 participants who answered yes or no to the transgender question (excluding n=364, 1.0% weighted who declined to respond. […] Transgender respondents (n=131; 0.5%; 95% confidence interval [CI]=0.3%, 0.6%) were somewhat younger and more likely to be Hispanic than were nontransgender respondents.}}</ref> dan 1,2% siswa SMA [[Selandia Baru]].<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Clark |first1=Terryann C. |last2=Lucassen |first2=Mathijs F.G. |last3=Bullen |first3=Pat |last4=Denny |first4=Simon J. |last5=Fleming |first5=Theresa M. |last6=Robinson |first6=Elizabeth M. |last7=Rossen |first7=Fiona V. |title=The Health and Well-Being of Transgender High School Students: Results From the New Zealand Adolescent Health Survey (Youth'12) |journal=Journal of Adolescent Health |volume=55 |issue=1 |pages=93–9 |year=2014 |pmid=24438852 |doi=10.1016/j.jadohealth.2013.11.008 |quote=Whether a student was transgender was measured by the question, "Do you think you are transgender? This is a girl who feels like she should have been a boy, or a boy who feels like he should have been a girl (e.g., Trans, Queen, [[Fa'afafine|Fa’faffine]], Whakawahine, Tangata ira Tane, [[Genderqueer]])?" […] Over 8,000 students (n = 8,166) answered the question about whether they were transgender. Approximately 95% of students did not report being transgender (n=7,731; 94.7%), 96 students reported being transgender (1.2%), 202 reported not being sure (2.5%), and 137 did not understand the question (1.7%). }}</ref> Jumlah tersebut didasarkan pada jumlah orang yang menganggap dirinya sebagai seorang [[transgender]]. Diperkirakan sekitar 0,005% hingga 0,014% orang yang dianggap sebagai laki-laki saat lahir dan 0,002% hingga 0,003% orang yang dianggap sebagai perempuan saat lahir akan mendapat diagnosis disforia gender berdasarkan kriteria diagnosis 2013, walaupun persentase ini dianggap terlalu rendah<ref>{{cite book|title =Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5|isbn=978-0-89042-555-8 |publisher=[[American Psychiatric Association]]|year=2013|page=454}}</ref> Menurut penelitian, terdapat kemungkinan tiga kali lebih besar bahwa orang yang sedang menjalani [[transisi (transgender)|transisi]] pada usia dewasa merupakan seseorang yang dianggap sebagai laki-laki saat lahir, tetapi rasio pada orang-orang yang melakukan transisi pada masa kecil hampir mendekati 1:1.<ref name="prevalence">{{cite journal|last=Landen|first=M|last2=Walinder|first2=J|last3=Lundstrom|first3=B|title=Prevalence, incidence and sex ratio of transsexualism|journal=Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica|year=1996|volume=93|pages=221–223|doi=10.1111/j.1600-0447.1996.tb10638.x|pmid=8712018|issue=4|quote=On average, the male [to female]:female [to male] ratio in prevalence studies is estimated to be 3:1. However […] the incidence studies have shown a considerably lower male [to female] predominance. In Sweden and England and Wales a sex ratio of 1:1 has been reported. In the most recent incidence data from Sweden there is a slight male [to female] predominance among the group consisting of all applicants for sex reassignment, while in the group of primary [early onset] transsexuals there is no difference in incidence between men and women.}}</ref>
Disforia gender digolongkan sebagai penyakit dengan nama "transvestisme peran ganda" dalam [[International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems|ICD-10 CM]] tahun 2017.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.icd10data.com/ICD10CM/Codes/F01-F99/F60-F69/F64-/F64.1|title=Gender identity disorder in adolescence and adulthood|publisher=ICD10Data.com|accessdate=July 3, 2011}}</ref> Sementara itu, "penyakit identitas gender" diklasifikasikan ulang sebagai "disforia gender" oleh [[DSM-5]].<ref name="recommendations">{{cite journal|last=Fraser|first=L|last2=Karasic|first2=D |last3=Meyer|first3=W |last4=Wylie|first4=K|title=Recommendations for Revision of the DSM Diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder in Adults|journal=International Journal of Transgenderism|year=2010|volume=12|pages=80–85|doi=10.1080/15532739.2010.509202|issue=2}}</ref> Beberapa kelompok dan peneliti transgender mendukung deklasifikasi disforia gender karena diagnosis tersebut dianggap mem[[patologisasi]] [[variasi gender]], memaksakan [[konsep dua gender]],<ref>{{cite journal|last=Newman|first=L|title=Sex, Gender and Culture: Issues in the Definition, Assessment and Treatment of Gender Identity Disorder|journal=Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry|date=1 July 2002|volume=7|pages=352–359|doi=10.1177/1359104502007003004|issue=3}}</ref> dan dapat mengakibatkan [[stigmatisasi]] kaum transgender.<ref name="recommendations"/> Reklasifikasi resmi disforia gender dalam DSM-5 dapat membantu menyelesaikan masalah-masalah ini, karena istilah "disforia gender" hanya berlaku untuk penderitaan yang dialami oleh seseorang akibat masalah identitas gender.<ref name="recommendations"/> [[American Psychiatric Association]] sebagai penerbit DSM-5 menyatakan bahwa "nonkonformitas gender sendiri bukan penyakit kejiwaan. Unsur penting dalam disforia gender adalah keberadaan penderitaan yang signifikan secara klinis yang terkait dengan keadaan tersebut."<ref name="DSM-5 fact sheet">{{cite web|title=Gender Dysphoria|publisher=[[American Psychiatric Publishing]]|accessdate=December 24, 2016|url= https://www.psychiatry.org/File%20Library/Psychiatrists/Practice/DSM/APA_DSM-5-Gender-Dysphoria.pdf}}</ref>
Pendekatan [[psikiatrik]] terbaik untuk menangani orang-orang yang didiagnosis mengalami disforia gender adalah [[psikoterapi]] atau dukungan terhadap gender yang diinginkan oleh seseorang melalui [[terapi hormon]] atau operasi.<ref name="Standards of Care">{{cite journal|date=2011 |title=Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender-Nonconforming People, Version 7 |url=http://www.wpath.org/uploaded_files/140/files/IJT%20SOC,%20V7.pdf |journal=International Journal of Transgenderism |publisher=Routledge Taylor & Francis Group |volume=13 |pages=165–232 |doi=10.1080/15532739.2011.700873 |accessdate=August 30, 2014 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20140802135807/http://www.wpath.org/uploaded_files/140/files/IJT%20SOC%2C%20V7.pdf |archivedate=August 2, 2014 |df= }}</ref>