Apologetika Kristen: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 6:
== Etimologi ==
Kata ''apologetika'' sendiri berasal dari bahasa Yunani kuno ''apologia'' (ἀπολογία) yang secara umum berarti "pembelaan" <ref name="a"/> Bentuk kata kerjanya yaitu ''apologoumai'' (ἀπολογέομαι) memiliki arti "melakukan suatu pembelaan; berbicara untuk membantah", baik untuk merespon tuduhan maupun tuntutan dalam sidang pengadilan.<ref name="a"/>
Penggunaan 'apologia' mengambil bentuk sastra pada tulisan Kristen mula-mula sebagai contoh integrasi orang Kristen berpendidikan ke dalam kehidupan budaya [[Kekaisaran Romawi]], terutama selama [[:en:Little Peace of the Church|"masa tenang sesaat" pada abad ke-3]],<ref>Kevin Butcher, ''Roman Syria and the Near East'' (Getty Publications, 2003) p. 378.</ref> dan partisipasi mereka pada gerakan intelektual Yunani yang dikenal luas sebagai [[:en:Second Sophistic|Sofistik Kedua]].<ref>Graham Anderson, ''The Second Sophistic: A Cultural Phenomenon in the Roman Empire'' (Routledge, 1993, 2003), p. 203.</ref> Apologet Kristen pada Gereja mula-mula tidak menolak [[filsafat Yunani]], tetapi berupaya untuk menunjukkan nilai positif Kekristenan dalam kaitan dinamis dengan tradisi rationalis Yunani.<ref>Jacobsen, "Apologetics and Apologies,'' p. 6.</ref>
In the 2nd century, apologetics was a defense or explanation of Christianity,<ref>Jacobsen, "Apologetics and Apologies,'' p. 8.</ref> addressed to those standing in opposition and those yet to form an opinion, such as [[Roman emperor|emperors]] and other authority figures, or potential converts.<ref name="Jacobsen p. 14">Jacobsen, "Apologetics and Apologies,'' p. 14.</ref> The earliest [[Acts of the Martyrs|martyr narrative]] has the spokesman for the persecuted present a defense in the apologetic mode: Christianity was a rational religion that worshiped only God, and although Christians were law-abiding citizens willing to honor the emperor, their belief in a single divinity prevented them from taking the loyalty oaths that acknowledged the [[Imperial cult (ancient Rome)|emperor's divinity]].<ref>Maureen A. Tillby, "North Africa", in ''Cambridge History of Christianity: Origins to Constantine'' (Cambridge University Press, 2006), vol. 1, p. 388, citing the ''[[Scillitan Martyrs|Martyrum Scillitanorum Acta]]''.</ref>
Baris 126:
== Lihat pula ==
* [[:en:List of Christian apologetic works|Daftar karya apologetika Kristen]]
* [[:En:Christian existential apologetics|Apologetika ekstensial Kristen]]
Baris 141:
== Pranala luar ==
* [http://www.catholicdefendyourfaith.com catholicdefendyourfaith.com] Catholic Apologetics
* [http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/nave-html/faithpathh/readref.html Detailed summaries of each chapter of many famous books concerning science and faith]
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