Apologetika Kristen: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
'''Apologetika Kristen''' adalah ilmu sistematis yang mempertahankan dan menjelaskan iman dan kepercayaan [[Kristen]]. Orang yang ahli dalam bidang ini disebut Apologis Kristen. '''Apologetika''' adalah suatu ilmu dalam kaitannya dengan pembelaan.<ref name="a">{{id}} Bedjo. Makalah dalam seminar yang diselenggarakan STRIS – LRII Ngagel jaya Surabaya. Surabaya: Kepala Pusat Kerohanian Universitas Kristen Petra dan dosen Filsafat Agama. </ref> Kata ''apologetika'' sendiri berasal dari bahasa Yunani kuno ''apologia'' yang secara umum berarti pembelaan." <ref name="a"/> Bentuk kata kerjanya yaitu ''apologoumai'' memiliki arti melakukan suatu pembelaan. <ref name="a"/>

Di kalangan [[Kristen]], Apologetika dimengerti sebagai ilmu mengenai pembelaan [[iman]] [[Kristen]]. <ref name="a"/> Ilmu ini berusaha menjawab pernyataan sikap kaum [[skeptisisme]] yang meragukan keberadaan Allah atau menyerang kepercayaan kepada Allah yang terdapat dalam [[Alkitab]]. <ref name="a"/> Pembelaan ini dapat ditunjukkan kepada pemeluk agama yang lain, aliran Kristen yang lain, warga komunitas sendiri yang ragu-ragu atau kepada orang beriman biasa yang ingin mengerti bahwa iman mereka dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. <ref name="b">{{Cite web|url=http://www.carmelia.net/index.php/artikel/tanya-jawab-iman/535-teologi-apologetikas|title= Teologi Apologetika}} </ref>
Christian [[apologetics]] have taken many forms over the centuries, starting with [[Paul the Apostle]] in the [[Early Christianity|early church]] and [[Patristic]] writers such as [[Origen]], [[Augustine of Hippo]], [[Justin Martyr]] and [[Tertullian]], then continuing with writers such as [[Thomas Aquinas]] and [[Anselm of Canterbury]] during [[Scholasticism]]. [[Blaise Pascal]] was an active Christian apologist before the [[Age of Enlightenment]], and in the modern period, Christianity was defended through the efforts of many authors such as [[G. K. Chesterton]] and [[C. S. Lewis]]. In contemporary times Christianity is defended through the work of figures such as [[Richard Swinburne]], [[J. P. Moreland]], [[Ravi Zacharias]], [[Robert Hutchinson (author)|Robert Hutchinson]], [[John Lennox]], [[Douglas Wilson (theologian)|Doug Wilson]], [[Lee Strobel]], [[Francis Collins]], [[Hugh Ross (astrophysicist)|Hugh Ross]], [[Henry M. Morris]], [[Alister McGrath]], [[Ken Ham]], [[Alvin Plantinga]], [[Frank Turek]] and [[William Lane Craig]]. Beyond Europe and North America, Christian apologetics is less popular and not so widely publicized.
== Etimologi ==
Kata ''apologetika'' sendiri berasal dari bahasa Yunani kuno ''apologia'' (ἀπολογία) yang secara umum berarti "pembelaan" <ref name="a"/> Bentuk kata kerjanya yaitu ''apologoumai'' (ἀπολογέομαι) memiliki arti "melakukan suatu pembelaan; berbicara untuk membantah", baik untuk merespon tuduhan maupun tuntutan dalam sidang pengadilan.<ref name="a"/>
Penggunaan 'apologia' mengambil bentuk sastra pada tulisan Kristen mula-mula sebagai contoh integrasi orang Kristen berpendidikan ke dalam kehidupan budaya [[Kekaisaran Romawi]], terutama selama [[:en:Little Peace of the Church|"masa tenang sesaat" pada abad ke-3]],<ref>Kevin Butcher, ''Roman Syria and the Near East'' (Getty Publications, 2003) p. 378.</ref> dan partisipasi mereka pada gerakan intelektual Yunani yang dikenal luas sebagai [[:en:Second Sophistic|Sofistik Kedua]].<ref>Graham Anderson, ''The Second Sophistic: A Cultural Phenomenon in the Roman Empire'' (Routledge, 1993, 2003), p. 203.</ref> Apologet Kristen pada Gereja mula-mula tidak menolak [[filsafat Yunani]], tetapi berupaya untuk menunjukkan nilai positif Kekristenan dalam kaitan dinamis dengan tradisi rationalis Yunani.<ref>Jacobsen, "Apologetics and Apologies,'' p. 6.</ref>
In the 2nd century, apologetics was a defense or explanation of Christianity,<ref>Jacobsen, "Apologetics and Apologies,'' p. 8.</ref> addressed to those standing in opposition and those yet to form an opinion, such as [[Roman emperor|emperors]] and other authority figures, or potential converts.<ref name="Jacobsen p. 14">Jacobsen, "Apologetics and Apologies,'' p. 14.</ref> The earliest [[Acts of the Martyrs|martyr narrative]] has the spokesman for the persecuted present a defense in the apologetic mode: Christianity was a rational religion that worshiped only God, and although Christians were law-abiding citizens willing to honor the emperor, their belief in a single divinity prevented them from taking the loyalty oaths that acknowledged the [[Imperial cult (ancient Rome)|emperor's divinity]].<ref>Maureen A. Tillby, "North Africa", in ''Cambridge History of Christianity: Origins to Constantine'' (Cambridge University Press, 2006), vol. 1, p. 388, citing the ''[[Scillitan Martyrs|Martyrum Scillitanorum Acta]]''.</ref>
The apologetic [[historiography]] in the ''[[Acts of the Apostles]]'' presented Christianity as a religious movement at home within the Roman Empire and no threat to it and was a model for the first major [[church history|historian of the Church]], [[Eusebius]].<ref>Margaret M. Mitchell, "Gentile Christianity," p. 107, and "Emergence of the Written Record" p. 193, in ''Cambridge History of Christianity'', vol. 1.</ref> Apologetics might also be directed to Christians already within the community explain their beliefs and justify positions.<ref name="Jacobsen p. 14"/> [[Origen]]'s apologetic ''[[Celsus|Contra Celsum]]'', for instance, provided a defense against the arguments of a critic dead for decades to provide answers to doubting Christians lacking immediate answers to the questions raised. Apologetic literature was an important medium for the formation of early Christian identity.<ref>Jacobsen, "Apologetics and Apologies,'' p. 14 ''et passim''.</ref>
Selain [[Origenes]] dan [[Tertullian]], apologet Kristen mula-mula termasuk [[Yustinus Martir]], [[Klemens dari Alexandria]], dan pengarang [[:en:Epistle to Diognetus|Surat kepada Diognetus]].<ref>{{cite book|last=Dulles|first=Avery Robert Cardinal|title=A History of Apologetics|year=2005|publisher=Ignatius Press|location=San Francisco|isbn=0898709334|pages=31–42}}</ref> [[Augustinus dari Hippo]] adalah seorang apologet penting pada zaman [[:en:Patristics|Patristik]].<ref>{{cite book|last=Dulles|first=Avery Robert Cardinal|title=A History of Apologetics|year=2005|publisher=Ignatius Press|location=San Francisco|isbn=0898709334}}</ref>
Sejumlah sarjana menganggap apologetika adalah suatu [[:en:literary genre|genre sastra]] tersendiri yang mempunyai keunikan gaya dan bentuk, isi, dan strategi [[argumentasi]]. Yang lain memandangnya sebagai suatu bentuk [[:en:discourse|pengajaran]] dengan ciri khas [[:en:Tone (literature)|nada]] dan guna.<ref name="Jacobsen pp. 19">Jacobsen, "Apologetics and Apologies,'' pp. 19–20.</ref>
== Karya Apologetika ==
Baris 17 ⟶ 34:
* [[Agustinus dari Hippo]]
* [[Thomas Aquinas]]
* [[Santo Basilus Agung]]
* [[John Henry Newman]]
* [[G. K. Chesterton]]
* [[Hilaire Belloc]]
* [[Dietrich von Hildebrand]]
* [[Paus Yohanes Paulus II]]
== Perguruan tinggi ==
Sejumlah perguruan tinggi utama yang menyediakan program apologetika Kristen
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"
! Perguruan tinggi
! Lokasi
! Program
! Catatan
! Gelar
! Ref.
| [[Biola University]]
| <small>Southern California, AS</small>
| <small>Christian Apologetics</small>
| <small>Certificate, M.A.</small>
| <ref>{{cite web|title=Biola University|url=http://www.biola.edu/academics/sas/apologetics/|accessdate=16 July 2014}}</ref>
| [[Central India Theological Seminary]]
| <small>Itarsi, India</small>
| <small>Christian Apologetics</small>
| <small>M.Th., Ph.D.</small>
| <ref>{{cite web|title=Central India Theological Seminary|url=http://centralindia.org/seminary |accessdate=16 July 2014}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title=MTh Programs at CITS|url=http://mthprograms.wordpress.com|accessdate=16 July 2014}}</ref>
| [[Denver Seminary]]
| <small>Colorado, AS</small>
| <small>Apologetics and Ethics</small>
| <small>M.A., M.Div. with Emphasis</small>
| <ref>{{cite web|title=Denver Seminary Program Information|url=http://www.denverseminary.edu/academics/master-of-arts/apologetics-ethics/|accessdate=21 September 2014}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=Denver Seminary Program Information|url=http://www.denverseminary.edu/academics/master-of-divinity/apologetics-and-ethics/|accessdate=21 September 2014}}</ref>
| [[Houston Baptist University]]
| <small>Houston, TX, AS</small>
| <small>Christian Apologetics</small>
| <small>M.A.A.</small>
| <ref>{{cite web|title=Houston Baptist University|url=https://www.hbu.edu/school-of-christian-thought/department-of-apologetics/graduate-program-ma-apologetics/|accessdate=18 July 2016}}</ref>
| Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics
| <small>Oxford, Inggris</small>
| <small>Christian Apologetics</small>
| <small>M.Th., Doctoral Fellowships</small>
| <ref>{{cite web|title=THEOCCA|url=http://www.theocca.org/|accessdate=16 July 2014}}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web|title=RZIM|url=http://www.rzim.eu/what-we-do-2/occa/|accessdate=16 July 2014}}</ref>
| [[Westminster Theological Seminary]]
| <small>Philadelphia, AS&
London, Inggris</small>
| <small>Apologetics</small>
| <small>M.Th. at London Campus, Doctoral, Masters, Certificate Programs at Philadelphia Campus</small>
| <ref>{{cite web|title=Westminster Theological Seminary|url=http://www.wts.edu/faculty/apologetics.html|accessdate=16 July 2014}}</ref>
|[[South African Theological Seminary]]
| <small>Johannesburg, Afrika Selatan</small>
| <small>Apologetics</small>
| <small>MTh</small>
| <ref>{{cite web|title=My SATS|url=http://www.sats.edu.za/satsecampus/enrol/index.php?id=912/|accessdate=25 July 2014}}</ref>
|[[Southern Baptist Theological Seminary]]
|Louisville, KY
|Apologetics/Apologetics & Worldviews
|<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.sbts.edu/doctoral/doctor-of-philosophy/concentrations/apologetics-and-worldview/|title=Apologetics and Worldview - The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary|work=Doctoral|access-date=2017-05-20|language=en-US}}</ref>
|[[Southern Evangelical Seminary]]
| <small>Charlotte, North Carolina</small>
| <small>Apologetics/Scientific Apologetics</small>
| <small>Certificate, MA, MDiv, DMin</small>
| <ref>{{cite web|title=Southern Evangelical Seminary Degrees|url=http://ses.edu/academics/degrees|accessdate=23 August 2015}}</ref>
|[[:no:NLA Mediehøgskolen Gimlekollen]]
| <small>Kristiansand, Norwegia</small>
| <small>Communication, worldview and Christian apologetics</small>
| <small>Certificate, Bachelor</small>
| <ref>{{cite web|title=NLA Communication and Worldview Subject plans|url=https://nla.no/nor/studietilbud/kristendom/kl/kommunikasjon-og-livssyn/emneplaner-kommunikasjon-og-livssyn|accessdate=10 May 2016}}</ref>
== Lihat pula==
* [[:en:List of Christian apologetic works|Daftar karya apologetika Kristen]]
* [[:En:Christian existential apologetics|Apologetika ekstensial Kristen]]
* [[Filsafat Kristen]]
* [[:en:Inductive reasoning|''Inductive reasoning'']]
* [[Logika]]
* [[:en:Modal logic|Logika modal]]
* [[:en:Reformed epistemology|Epistemologi reformasi]]
* [[Kebenaran]]
== Referensi ==
Baris 29 ⟶ 141:
== Pranala luar ==
* [http://www.catholicdefendyourfaith.com catholicdefendyourfaith.com] Catholic Apologetics
* [http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/nave-html/faithpathh/readref.html Detailed summaries of each chapter of many famous books concerning science and faith]
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[[Kategori:Apologetika Kristen| ]]