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Baris 72:
Pada abad ke-19 dan ke-20, tata cara pengakuan dan absolusi yang kedua tidak digunakan; sementara pada zaman sekarang praktik ini, antara lain, dianjurkan sebelum menerima Roti dan Anggur [[Perjamuan Kudus]] untuk [[komuni pertama|pertama]] kali.<ref>{{en}} ''[[Apology of the Augsburg Confession]]'', article 24, paragraph 1. Retrieved 2010-06-06.</ref>
==== Metodis ====
Dalam [[Gereja Metodis]], sama seperti dalam [[Komuni Anglikan]], pertobatan didefinisikan oleh [[Artikel Agama (Metodis)|Artikel Agama]] sebagai salah satu dari "yang biasa disebut Sakramen tetapi tidak diperhitungkan sebagai Sakramen Injil", juga dikenal sebagai "[[Sakramen Anglikan|lima sakramen yang lebih rendah]]".<ref name="Blunt1891">{{en}} {{cite book|last=Blunt|first=John Henry|title=Dictionary of Doctrinal and Historical Theology|accessdate=27 April 2014|year=1891|publisher=Longmans, Green & Co.|page=670}}</ref><ref>{{en}} {{cite web|url=|title=Where The Line Is Drawn: Ordination and Sexual Orientation in the UMC|last=Pruitt|first=Kenneth|date=22 November 2013|publisher=Rethink Bishop|accessdate=27 April 2014|quote=Sacraments for the UMC include both Baptism and Eucharist. The Roman Catholic and Orthodox traditions count five more, which many Protestants, including the UMC, acknowledge as sacramental: Confession/Absolution, Holy Matrimony, Confirmation/Chrismation, Holy Orders/Ordination, and Anointing/Unction.}}</ref> [[John Wesley]], pendiri Gereja Metodis, berpegang pada "validitas praktik Anglikan pada zamannya sebagaimana tercermin dalam ''Buku Doa Umum'' 1662",<ref name="Underwood1992">{{en}} {{cite book|last=Underwood|first=Ralph L.|title=Pastoral Care and the Means of Grace|date=1 October 1992|publisher=Fortress Press|isbn=9781451416466|page=76|quote=The reason is simply that Wesley assumed the validity of Anglican practice in his day as reflected in the 1662 ''Book of Common Prayer''. His later comments on the priestly office substantiate this. Just as preaching in the Methodist movement was not a substitute for Holy Communion, so for Wesley class meetings did not take the place of personal confession and absolution.}}</ref>
In the [[Methodist Church]], as with the Anglican Communion, penance is defined by the [[Articles of Religion (Methodist)|Articles of Religion]] as one those "Commonly called Sacraments but not to be counted for Sacraments of the Gospel", also known as the "[[Anglican sacraments|five lesser sacraments]]".<ref name="Blunt1891">{{cite book|last=Blunt|first=John Henry|title=Dictionary of Doctrinal and Historical Theology|accessdate=27 April 2014|year=1891|publisher=Longmans, Green & Co.|page=670}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Where The Line Is Drawn: Ordination and Sexual Orientation in the UMC|last=Pruitt|first=Kenneth|date=22 November 2013|publisher=Rethink Bishop|accessdate=27 April 2014|quote=Sacraments for the UMC include both Baptism and Eucharist. The Roman Catholic and Orthodox traditions count five more, which many Protestants, including the UMC, acknowledge as sacramental: Confession/Absolution, Holy Matrimony, Confirmation/Chrismation, Holy Orders/Ordination, and Anointing/Unction.}}</ref> [[John Wesley]], the founder of the Methodist Church, held "the validity of Anglican practice in his day as reflected in the 1662 ''Book of Common Prayer''",<ref name="Underwood1992">{{cite book|last=Underwood|first=Ralph L.|title=Pastoral Care and the Means of Grace|date=1 October 1992|publisher=Fortress Press|isbn=9781451416466|page=76|quote=The reason is simply that Wesley assumed the validity of Anglican practice in his day as reflected in the 1662 ''Book of Common Prayer''. His later comments on the priestly office substantiate this. Just as preaching in the Methodist movement was not a substitute for Holy Communion, so for Wesley class meetings did not take the place of personal confession and absolution.}}</ref> stating that "We grant confession to men to be in many cases of use: public, in case of public scandal; private, to a spiritual guide for disburdening of the conscience, and as a help to repentance."<ref name="Wesley1882">{{cite book|last=Morris|first=F.O. |title=The Ghost of Wesley [extracts from his writings]|url=|accessdate=27 April 2014|year=1882|page=10}}</ref> ''[[The United Methodist Book of Worship (1992)|The Book of Worship of The United Methodist Church]]'' contains the rite for private confession and [[absolution]] in ''A Service of Healing II'', in which the [[Elder (Methodism)|minister]] pronounces the words "In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven!";<ref group=note>[ ''A Service of Healing II''], after the "Confession and Pardon", states "A Confession and Pardon from 474–94 or A Service of Word and Table V or UMH 890–93, or an appropriate psalm may be used." The words noted here are thus taken from page 52 of the ''Book of Worship'', which details the Service of Word and Table V, specifically the conclusion of the part of the rite titled "Confession and Pardon".</ref> some Methodist churches have regularly scheduled auricular confession and absolution, while others make it available upon request.<ref>{{cite book|last=Langford|first=Andy |title=The United Methodist Book of Worship |date=1 October 1992|publisher=Abingdon Press|isbn=0687035724}}</ref> Since Methodism holds the [[Power of the Keys|office of the keys]] to "belong to all baptized persons", private confession does not necessarily need to be made to a [[Elder (Methodism)|pastor]], and therefore [[lay confession]] is permitted, although this is not the norm.<ref name="Belton2010">{{cite book|title=The Unofficial United Methodist Handbook|date=1 September 2010|author=F. Belton Joyner, Jr.|publisher=Abingdon Press|quote=Confession is an "office of the keys" (see Matthew 16:19) belong to all baptized persons, that is, anyone may confess and any believer may pronounce the word of forgiveness. A declaration of forgiveness is permanent and binding because it comes from Jesus Christ himself.|isbn=9781426724961|page=102}}</ref> Near the time of death, many Methodists confess their [[Christian views on sin|sins]] and receive absolution from an ordained minister, in addition to being [[Anointing of the Sick|anointed]].<ref name="Schwass2005">{{cite book|last=Schwass|first=Margot|title=Last Words: Approaches to Death in New Zealand's Cultures and Faiths|year=2005|publisher=Bridget Williams Books|isbn=9781877242342|page=130|quote=Occasionally, they may ask the minister to anoint them, hear their confession or absolve them of sin. (In fact, confession and absolution do not have to be done by an ordained minister: one of the cornerstones of Methodism is 'every member is a minister'.) Wherever necessary, the minister encourages the dying person to seek reconciliation with and forgiveness from family members or friends.}}</ref> In Methodism, the minister is bound by the [[Seal of the Confessional and the Anglican Church|Seal of the Confessional]], with ''[[Book of Discipline (United Methodist)|The Book of Discipline]]'' stating "All clergy of The United Methodist Church are charged to maintain all confidences inviolate, including confessional confidences"; any confessor who divulges information revealed in confession is subject to being [[defrocked]] in accordance with [[canon law]].<ref>{{cite web|title=1996 Discipline ¶ 332|work=General Conference 2000|publisher=The United Methodist Church|accessdate=2 June 2015|quote=5. All clergy of The United Methodist Church are charged to maintain all confidences inviolate, including confessional confidences.}}</ref> As with Lutheranism, in the Methodist tradition, corporate confession is the most common practice, with the Methodist liturgy including "prayers of confession, assurance and pardon".<ref name=Interpreter/> The traditional confession of ''The Sunday Service'', the first liturgical text used by Methodists, comes from the service of [[Morning Prayer (Anglican)|Morning Prayer]] in ''[[The Book of Common Prayer]]''.<ref name=Interpreter>{{cite web|url= |title=Prayers of Confession |last=Hickman |first=Hoyt |year=2014 |work=Interpreter Mazine |publisher=The United Methodist Church |accessdate=27 April 2014 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=28 April 2014 |df= }}</ref> The ''Book of Offices and Services'' of the [[Order of Saint Luke]], a Methodist [[religious order]], similarly contains a corporate ''Service of Prayer for Reconciliation'' in addition to a ''Rite of Reconciliation for Individual Persons''.<ref>{{cite book|editor=Dwight W. Vogel, OSL|title=The Book of Offices and Services|date=6 September 2012|publisher=[[Order of Saint Luke]]|isbn=978-1478391029|page=78}}</ref> The confession of one's sin is particularly important before receiving [[Holy Communion]]; the official United Methodist publication about the Eucharist titled ''This Holy Mystery'' states that:
menyatakan bahwa "Kita memperbolehkan pengakuan kepada orang-orang dalam banyak kasus penggunaan: publik, dalam kasus skandal publik; pribadi, untuk bimbingan rohani demi pelepasan beban dari hati nurani, dan sebagai bantuan untuk pertobatan."<ref name="Wesley1882">{{en}} {{cite book|last=Morris|first=F.O. |title=The Ghost of Wesley [extracts from his writings]|url=|accessdate=27 April 2014|year=1882|page=10}}</ref> ''Buku Ibadah Metodis Bersatu'' berisi ritus pengakuan dan [[absolusi]] pribadi dalam bagian "Layanan Penyembuhan II", yang di dalamnya pelayan mengucapkan kata-kata "Dalam nama Yesus Kristus, saudara/i diampuni".<ref group=note>[ ''Layanan Penyembuhan II''], setelah "Pengakuan dan Pengampunan", menyatakan: "Pengakuan dan Pengampunan dari 474–94 atau Pelayanan Firman dan Tabel V atau UMH 890–93, atau suatu mazmur yang sesuai dapat digunakan." Kata-kata yang dicatat di sini diambil dari ''Buku Ibadah'' halaman 52, yang merinci Pelayanan Firman dan Tabel V, khususnya kesimpulan dari bagian ritus yang berjudul "Pengakuan dan Pengampunan".</ref> Beberapa gereja Metodis telah secara rutin menjadwalkan pengakuan dan absolusi pribadi, sementara yang lain melayankannya berdasarkan permintaan.<ref>{{en}} {{cite book|last=Langford|first=Andy |title=The United Methodist Book of Worship |date=1 October 1992|publisher=Abingdon Press|isbn=0687035724}}</ref> Karena Metodisme berpandangan bahwa kuasa "mengikat dan melepaskan" adalah "milik semua orang yang telah dibaptis", pengakuan pribadi tidak harus dilakukan di hadapan pastor atau pendeta, dan karenanya [[pengakuan awam]] diizinkan, kendati hal ini bukan merupakan norma.<ref name="Belton2010">{{en}} {{cite book|title=The Unofficial United Methodist Handbook|date=1 September 2010|author=F. Belton Joyner, Jr.|publisher=Abingdon Press|quote=Confession is an "office of the keys" (see Matthew 16:19) belong to all baptized persons, that is, anyone may confess and any believer may pronounce the word of forgiveness. A declaration of forgiveness is permanent and binding because it comes from Jesus Christ himself.|isbn=9781426724961|page=102}}</ref> Saat menjelang ajal, banyak umat Metodis mengakukan [[dosa (Kristen)|dosa-dosa]] mereka dan menerima absolusi dari pendeta tertahbis, selain juga menerima [[pengurapan orang sakit|pengurapan]].<ref name="Schwass2005">{{en}} {{cite book|last=Schwass|first=Margot|title=Last Words: Approaches to Death in New Zealand's Cultures and Faiths|year=2005|publisher=Bridget Williams Books|isbn=9781877242342|page=130|quote=Occasionally, they may ask the minister to anoint them, hear their confession or absolve them of sin. (In fact, confession and absolution do not have to be done by an ordained minister: one of the cornerstones of Methodism is 'every member is a minister'.) Wherever necessary, the minister encourages the dying person to seek reconciliation with and forgiveness from family members or friends.}}</ref> Dalam Metodisme, pelayan terikat oleh [[Meterai Pengakuan (Anglikanisme)|Meterai Pengakuan]] sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam ''Buku Disiplin'': "Semua rohaniwan Gereja Metodis Bersatu dituntut untuk memelihara semua rahasia tanpa dilanggar, termasuk rahasia pengakuan"; pendengar pengakuan yang membocorkan informasi yang diungkapkan dalam pengakuan akan [[laisasi|dicabut jabatannya]] berdasarkan [[hukum kanon]].<ref>{{en}} {{cite web|title=1996 Discipline ¶ 332|work=General Conference 2000|publisher=The United Methodist Church|accessdate=2 June 2015|quote=5. All clergy of The United Methodist Church are charged to maintain all confidences inviolate, including confessional confidences.}}</ref> Dalam tradisi Metodis, seperti halnya Lutheranisme, pengakuan bersama adalah praktik yang paling umum, dan liturgi Metodis mengandung "doa-doa pengakuan, kepastian dan pengampunan".<ref name=Interpreter/> Pengakuan tradisional dalam ''Ibadah Hari Minggu'', teks liturgis pertama yang digunakan oleh kalangan Metodis, berasal dari ibadah Doa Pagi dalam ''[[Buku Doa Umum]]''.<ref name=Interpreter>{{en}}
{{quote|We respond to the invitation to the Table by immediately confessing our personal and corporate sin, trusting that, “If we confess our sins, He who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Our expression of repentance is answered by the absolution in which forgiveness is proclaimed: “In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven!”<ref>{{cite book|title=This Holy Mystery: A United Methodist Understanding of Holy Communion|accessdate=27 April 2014|date=1 April 2005|publisher=The United Methodist Church|isbn=088177457X|page=9}}</ref>}}
{{cite web|url= |title=Prayers of Confession |last=Hickman |first=Hoyt |year=2014 |work=Interpreter Mazine |publisher=The United Methodist Church |accessdate=27 April 2014 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=28 April 2014 |df= }}</ref> ''Buku Ofisi dan Ibadah'' dari [[Ordo Santo Lukas]], suatu [[ordo keagamaan]] Metodis, juga mengandung ''Ibadah Doa untuk Rekonsiliasi'' di samping ''Ritus Rekonsiliasi untuk Perseorangan''.<ref>{{en}}
Many Methodists, like other Protestants, regularly practice confession of their sin to God Himself, holding that "When we do confess, our fellowship with the Father is restored. He extends His parental forgiveness. He cleanses us of all unrighteousness, thus removing the consequences of the previously unconfessed sin. We are back on track to realise the best plan that He has for our lives."<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Must I confess my sins?|author=Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup|date=6 September 2013|publisher=The Methodist Church in Singapore|accessdate=27 April 2014}}</ref>
{{cite book|editor=Dwight W. Vogel, OSL|title=The Book of Offices and Services|date=6 September 2012|publisher=[[Order of Saint Luke]]|isbn=978-1478391029|page=78}}</ref> Pengakuan dosa seseorang sangat penting dilakukan sebelum menerima [[Komuni Kudus]]; publikasi resmi Metodis Bersatu mengenai Perjamuan Kudus yang berjudul ''Misteri Kudus Ini'' menyatakan bahwa:
{{quote|Kita menanggapi undangan ke Meja dengan segera mengakukan dosa pribadi dan bersama kita, memercayai bahwa, "Jika kita mengaku dosa kita, maka Ia adalah setia dan adil, sehingga Ia akan mengampuni segala dosa kita dan menyucikan kita dari segala kejahatan" (1 Yohanes 1:9). Ungkapan pertobatan kita dijawab oleh absolusi yang melaluinya pengampunan dinyatakan: "Dalam nama Yesus Kristus, saudara/i diampuni."<ref>{{en}} {{cite book|title=This Holy Mystery: A United Methodist Understanding of Holy Communion|accessdate=27 April 2014|date=1 April 2005|publisher=The United Methodist Church|isbn=088177457X|page=9}}</ref>}}
ManyBanyak Methodistsumat Metodis, likeseperti kebanyakan umat otherProtestan Protestantslainnya, regularlysecara practiceteratur confessionmempraktikkan ofpengakuan theirdosa sinmereka tosecara Godlangsung Himselfkepada Allah, holdingmeyakini thatbahwa "WhenKetika wekita do confessmengaku, ourpersekutuan fellowshipkita withdengan theBapa Father is restoreddipulihkan. He extendsDia Hismenawarkan parentalpengampunan forgivenesskebapaan-Nya. HeDia cleansesmembersihkan uskita ofdari allsegala unrighteousnessketidakbenaran, thussehingga removingmenghapusan thekonsekuensi-konsekuensi consequencesdari ofdosa theyang previouslytidak unconfesseddiakukan sinsebelumnya. WeKita arekembali backke onjalur trackuntuk tomewujudnyatakan realiserencana theterbaik bestyang planDia thatmiliki Heuntuk hashidup for our liveskita."<ref>{{en}} {{cite web|url=|title=Must I confess my sins?|author=Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup|date=6 September 2013|publisher=The Methodist Church in Singapore|accessdate=27 April 2014}}</ref>
=== Mormon ===
[[TheGereja ChurchYesus ofKristus Jesusdari ChristOrang-orang ofSuci Latter-dayZaman SaintsAkhir]] (Gereja OSZA, ''LDS Church'') teachesmengajarkan thatbahwa "confessionpengakuan isadalah akeharusan necessaryyang requirementdiperlukan foruntuk completepengampunan forgiveness.sepenuhnya".<ref name = clarke/> TheOrang sinnerberdosa mustharus confessmengaku bothkepada toAllah Godmaupun andkepada toorang-orang thoseyang personsia wrongedrugikan bydengan the sindosanya.<ref name = romney>{{en}} [[Marion G. Romney]], [// "Repentance"], ''[[Ensign (LDS magazine)|Ensign]]'', November 1980.</ref> ConfessionPengakuan mayjuga alsodiperlukan beuntuk requiredseorang topemimpin animamat authorizedyang [[Priesthoodberwenang (LDSseperti Church)|priesthood]] leaderuskup, suchpresiden as a [[bishop (Latter Day Saints)|bishop]]cabang, [[branchpresiden president]]pasak, [[stakeatau president]],presiden or [[mission president]]misi. AlthoughKendati theretidak isada nodaftar definitivedefinitif listdosa-dosa ofyang sinsmemerlukan thatpengakuan requireuntuk confessiondapat tomenjadi aseorang priesthoodpemimpin leaderimamat,<ref>{{en}} [[C. Scott Grow]], [// "Why and What Do I Need to Confess to My Bishop?"], ''[[New Era (magazine)|New Era]]'', October 2013.</ref> "adulteryperzinaan, fornicationpercabulan, otherpenyimpangan sexualdan transgressionspelanggaran andseksual deviancieslainnya, andserta sinsdosa-dosa ofyang atingkat comparablekeseriusannya seriousnesssebanding" aretermasuk includedyang harus diakukan,<ref name = clarke>{{en}} [[J. Richard Clarke]], [// "Confession"], ''[[New Era (magazine)|New Era]]'', November 1980.</ref> assebagaimana isjuga intentionalpenggunaan and[[Pandangan repeatedagama usetentang of [[pornographypornografi|pornografi]] secara sengaja dan berulang kali.<ref>{{en}} [// "Finding Strength to Abandon Sin,"] in "Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts" (Salt Lake City, Utah: LDS Church, 2006).</ref> DependingTergantung onpada thetingkat seriousnesskeseriusan of the sindosa, thepemimpin priesthoodimamat leaderdapat maymenyarankan counselorang theberdosa sinneruntuk totunduk submitpada tokewenangan the authority of asuatu [[disciplinarydewan councildisipliner]], butmeski doestanpa notwewenang haveuntuk themengampuni authority to forgive sin,dosa whichkarena canhanya comedapat onlydiberikan fromdari GodAllah.<ref name = romney/><ref name = clarke/> ThePengakuan confessiondi tohadapan thepemimpin priesthoodimamat leaderharus mustdiadakan bedalam heldkerahasiaan inketat, strictkecuali confidencependengar unlesspengakuan thememberikan confessorizin grantsuntuk permissionmengungkapkannya to disclose it to thekepada disciplinarydewan councildisipliner.<ref name = clarke/> TheGereja LDSOSZA Churchmenolak rejectskeyakinan theyang beliefmengatakan thatbahwa confessionpengakuan isadalah allsatu-satunya thathal isyang requireddiperlukan tountuk securemenjamin repentancepertobatan fromdari GodAllah.<ref>{{en}} [[D. Todd Christofferson]], [// "The Divine Gift of Repentance"], ''[[Liahona (magazine)|Liahona]]'', November 2011.</ref>
== Islam ==
{{Main| Istighfar}}
TheTindakan actmencari ofpengampunan seekingdari forgivenessAllah fromatas God[[dosa|dosa-dosa]] foryang sinstelah calleddilakukan disebut ''[[Istighfar]]''. ThisTindakan actini, generallyumumnya donedilakukan bydengan repeatingmengulang-ulang theperkataan Arabicdalam wordsbahasa Arab ''astaghfirullah'', meaningyang berarti "ISaya seekmencari forgivenesspengampunan fromdari Allah"," is considered onedipandang ofsebagai thesalah essentialsatu partsbagian ofpenting worshipibadah indalam Islam.
ConfessionPengakuan ofdosa sinsdilakukan issecara madelangsung directlykepada toAllah Goddan andbukan notmelalui through manmanusia (except inkecuali askingdalam formeminta forgivenessampunan fromdari thekorban victimakibat ofdosa theyang sindiperbuat). ItDiajarkan isbahwa taughtdosa-dosa thatharus sinsdisimpan arebagi todiri besendiri keptuntuk tomencari oneself to seekpengampunan individual forgiveness fromdari GodAllah. GodAllah forgivesmengampuni thosemereka whoyang seekmencari hisampunan-Nya forgivenessdan andberkomitmen commitpada todiri themselvesmereka notsendiri tountuk repeattidak themengulangi sindosa tersebut, althoughkendati somebeberapa sinsdosa inyang whichmengakibatkan anotherorang personlain ismenjadi victimizedkorban aretidak notdapat forgivendiampuni unlesskecuali thatorang persontersebut forgives youmengampuni, sosehingga theymereka shouldjuga alsoperlu bememinta asked for forgivenesspengampunannya.<ref>{{en}} []</ref><ref name="Sahih Muslim, Book 37, Tradition 6658">{{en}} []</ref>
== Yudaisme ==
Confession of sins is made directly to God and not through man (except in asking for forgiveness from the victim of the sin). It is taught that sins are to be kept to oneself to seek individual forgiveness from God. God forgives those who seek his forgiveness and commit to themselves not to repeat the sin, although some sins in which another person is victimized are not forgiven unless that person forgives you, so they should also be asked for forgiveness.<ref>[]</ref><ref name="Sahih Muslim, Book 37, Tradition 6658">[]</ref>
{{Main|Pengakuan dosa (Yudaisme)}}
Dalam [[Yudaisme]], pengakuan merupakan suatu bagian penting untuk memperoleh pengampunan atas dosa-dosa terhadap Allah maupun terhadap orang lain. Pengakuan kepada Allah dilakukan secara komunal dengan perkataan dalam bentuk jamak. Umat Yahudi mengaku dengan mengatakan: "''Kami'' telah berdosa." Dalam hal-hal yang melibatkan pelanggaran terhadap sesama manusia, pengakuan pribadi kepada korban merupakan persyaratan untuk memperoleh pengampunan dari korban, yang umumnya merupakan persyaratan untuk memperoleh pengampunan dari Allah. Apabila korban menolak untuk memaafkan, pelanggar melakukan pengakuan publik secara terbuka, di hadapan hadirin yang lebih banyak. Pengakuan (''Widduy, Viddui'') juga dilakukan ketika seseorang terbaring di ranjang kematiannya, apabila memungkinkan.
{{Main|Confession in Judaism}}
In [[Judaism]], confession is an important part of attaining forgiveness for both sins against God and another man. Confessions to God are done communally in the plural. Jews confess that "''We'' have sinned." In matters involving offenses against a fellow man, private confession to the victim is a requirement to obtaining forgiveness from the victim, which is generally a requirement to obtaining forgiveness from God. If the victim refuses to forgive, the offender confesses publicly, before larger and larger audience. Confession (viduy) is also performed on one's deathbed, if at all possible.
==Alcoholics Anonymous==
InDalam the[[Program AA12 langkah]] [[Twelve-StepAlcoholics ProgramAnonymous]] (AA), confessionpengakuan isdilakukan madepada in StepLangkah 5: "AdmittedMengaku tokepada GodAllah, tokepada ourselves,diri andkita tosendiri, anotherdan humankepada beingorang thelain exactsebagai naturehakikat ofsepatutnya ourkesalahan wrongskita."<ref>{{en}} "In early A.A., sharing and confession was an integral part of recovery for alcoholics. Both Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob truly believed that the Fifth Step was absolutely necessary if an alcoholic was to be cured. Even Anne Smith, commonly referred to as the 'Mother of A.A.,' believed that confession, or sharing of wrongs, was vital." Retrieved from</ref>
"Jika kita menolak untuk menindaklanjuti dengan langkah ini, dosa-dosa kita yang tidak diakukan akan menghantui kita, mengakibatkan kematian tubuh dan jiwa kita. Kita harus terus membayar denda atas pelanggaran-pelanggaran kita."
"If we decline to follow through with this step, our un-confessed sins will haunt us, resulting in the demise of our body and spirit. We will have to continue paying the penalty of our wrongdoings."
"ByDengan completingmenyelesaikan theLangkah Fifth StepKelima, we gainkita God’smendapatkan forgivenesskekuatan, supervisionpengawasan, anddan strengthpengampunan Allah. WeKita obtainmendapatkan completepengampunan forgivenesssepenuhnya..." [QuotesKutipan-kutipan arediambil fromdari]-->
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