Evangelikalisme: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Stephensuleeman (bicara | kontrib)
←Membuat halaman berisi '{{Christianity}} Istilah '''evangelikalisme''' biasanya merujuk kepada praktik-praktik dan tradisi-tradisi keagamaan yang terdapat dalam agama Kristen Protestan [...'
Borgxbot (bicara | kontrib)
k Robot: Cosmetic changes
Baris 4:
Perlu dicatat bahwa di Eropa daratan, kata yang sama dalam bahasa Inggris “Evangelical”, yang biasanya diterjemahkan menjadi “Injili” dalam bahasa Indonesia, biasanya diartikan sebagai [[Protestan]] atau bahkan [[Lutheran]] seperti yang biasa digunakan dalam terjemahannya ke dalam bahasa Jerman "evangelisch". Di Jerman, kelompok [[Protestan]] yang dikenal sebagai [[Lutheran]] di AS dan di berbagai tempat lainnya di seluruh dunia, secara eksklusif disebut sebagai ''Evangelische'' atau Injili, yang tergolong ke dalam Gereja Injili di Jerman. Lihat lebih jauh dalam "Penggunaan" di bawah ini.
== Penggunaan ==
Istilah 'evangelikal', dalam pengertian leksikal, tetapi juga yang lebih jarang digunakan, merujuk kepada apapun juga yang tersirat dalam keyakinan bahwa [[Yesus]] adalah Mesias. Kata ini berasal dari kata [[bahasa Yunani]] untuk '[[Injil]]' atau 'kabar baik': ''ευαγγελιον evangelion'', dari ''eu-'' "baik" dan ''angelion'' "kabar" atau "berita". Dalam pengertiannya yang paling sempit, menjadi ''evangelikal'' berarti menjadi Kristen, artinya, didasarkan pada, dan dimotivasikan oleh, serta bertindak sesuai dengan, penyebaran pesan ''kabar baik'' dari [[Perjanjian Baru]].
Baris 89:
Neo-evangelicals held the view that the modernist and liberal parties in the Protestant churches had surrendered their heritage as evangelicals by accommodating the views and values of the world. However they saw the Fundamentalists' separatism and rejection of the [[Social gospel]] as an over-reaction. They charged the modernists with having lost their identity as evangelicals, and attacked the Fundamentalists as having lost the Christ-like heart of evangelicalism. They argued that the Gospel needed to be reasserted to distinguish it from the innovations of the liberals and the Fundamentalists; thus they coined the term, 'Neo-' (new or renewed) 'evangelicalism'.
They sought to engage the modern world and the liberals in a positive way, remaining separate from worldliness but not from the world — a middle way, between modernism and the separating variety of Fundamentalism. They sought allies in denominational churches and liturgical traditions, among non-[[Dispensationalism|dispensationalists]], and Trinitarian varieties of [[Pentecostalism]]. They believed that in doing so, they were simply re-acquainting Protestantism with its own recent tradition. The movement's aim at the outset was to reclaim the evangelical heritage in their respective churches, not to begin something new; and for this reason, following their separation from Fundamentalists, the same movement has been better known as merely, "evangelicalism". By the end of the 20th century, this was the most influential development in American Protestant Christianity.
The term ''neo-evangelicalism'' no longer has any reliable meaning except for historical purposes. It is still self-descriptive of the movement to which it used to apply, to distinguish the parties in the developing fundamentalist split prior to the 1950s. The term is now used almost exclusively by conservative critics to distinguish their idea of evangelicalism from this movement. Some liberal writers, speaking critically, might refer to ''neo-evangelicalism'', or ''neo-fundamentalism'', with comparably variable meanings.
Baris 96:
'''The Post-Evangelical''' is the name of a book by Dave Tomlinson, published in 1995, in which the British author attempts to characterize as a movement various trends of dissatisfaction among evangelicals. The term is used by others with comparable intent, often to distinguish from ex-evangelicals, or anti-evangelicals, those evangelicals in the so-called [[emerging church movement]]. "Linguistically, the distinction ''[between evangelical and post-evangelical]'' is similar to the one that sociologists make between the modern and [[postmodernism|postmodern]] eras." <ref>''The Post-Evangelical'', Dave Tomlinson, ISBN 03102538530-310-25385-3, p 28</ref>
Post-evangelicals view the church as fundamentally flawed by human activity, yet still a divine institution.{{Fact|date=February 2007}} They still hold the same authoritative view of the Bible as do evangelicals {{Fact|date=February 2007}}, but reject exclusive right and wrong distinctions between interpretive choices, which lead to denominationalism.{{Fact|date=February 2007}} Post-evangelicals allege that relationship with God and fellow humans cannot be simply equated with a relationship to a particular church {{Fact|date=February 2007}}. They characterize the activities of gathered worship as empty rituals, if the truth is not lived out at other times {{Fact|date=February 2007}}.
Baris 169:
On a worldwide scale evangelical Churches are (together with [[Pentecostalism|Pentecostals]]) the most rapidly growing Christian churches. The two are even beginning to overlap, in a movement sometimes called [[Transformationalism]].{{Fact|date=February 2007}}-->
== Rujukan ==
*{{cite book
| last = Bebbington
Baris 204:
| isbn = 0802837158 }}
== Catatan kaki ==
<div class="references-small">
Baris 212:
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Pemercaya Alkitab]]
* [[Apologetika Kristen]] - pembelaan terhadap agama Kristen
Baris 226:
* [[Stephen H. Webb]]
=== Gerakan ===
* [[Gerakan Karismatik]]
* [[Ekumenisme Kristen|Ekumenisme]]
Baris 238:
* [[Transformasionalisme]]
=== Gerakan Tandingan ===
* [[Anglo-Katolisisme]]
* [[Lutheranisme Gereja Tinggi]]
Baris 247:
* [[Kristen Liberal]]
=== Daftar tokoh evangelikal: tokoh historis, sarjana, pengarang, pendidik dan pemimpin ===
{{main|Daftar Kristen evangelikal}}
=== Penerbitan ===
* ''[[Christianity Today]]''
* ''[[The Christian Post]]''
Baris 290:
* [http://www.spcm.org/annuaires/index.php?cat_id=678&page=1 Sekolah-sekolah Kristen terakreditasi] (AS)
=== Kelompok-kelompok regional dan nasional ===
* [[Evangelical Fellowship of Canada]]
* [[Evangelical Movement of Wales]]
Baris 300:
* [[Reformed Institute]]
== Pranala luar ==
<!-- N.B. Please do not include links simply because they refer to Evangelicals. As in all of Wikipedia, external links are for further research -->.
Baris 306:
=== Apologetika/Teologi Evangelikal ===
*[http://www.ses.edu/journal/ Christian Apologetic Journal]
*[http://www.faithalone.org The Grace Evangelical Society]
=== Penelitian tentang kelompok Evangelikal ===
* [http://www.barna.org/ Barna Research Group]
* [http://pewforum.org/publications/surveys/green-full.pdf 2004 American Religious Landscape Report PDF di ''The Pew Forum on Religion in American Life]
* [http://www.wheaton.edu/isae/ Institute for the Study of American Evangelicalism - Wheaton College]
*[http://www.methodist.org.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=news.content&cmid=693 Evangelicals in Methodism: Mainstream, Marginal or Misunderstood?] (Perspektif Britania)
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[[Kategori:Teologi Kristen]]
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