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Baris 175:
cite journal |author=Lake JA |title=Origin of the eukaryotic nucleus determined by rate-invariant analysis of rRNA sequences |journal=Nature |volume=331 |issue=6152 |pages=184–6 |date=January 1988 |pmid=3340165 |doi=10.1038/331184a0|bibcode = 1988Natur.331..184L }}</ref> dan adanya gen seperti-arkea pada bakteri tertentu, seperti ''[[Thermotogae|Thermotoga maritima]]'', dari [[transfer gen horizontal]].<ref>{{
cite journal |author=Nelson KE, Clayton RA, Gill SR |title=Evidence for lateral gene transfer between Archaea and bacteria from genome sequence of Thermotoga maritima |journal=Nature |volume=399 |issue=6734 |pages=323–9 |year=1999 |pmid=10360571 |doi=10.1038/20601 |last12=Utterback |first12=TR |last13=Malek |first13=JA |last14=Linher |first14=KD |last15=Garrett |first15=MM |last16=Stewart |first16=AM |last17=Cotton |first17=MD |last18=Pratt |first18=MS |last19=Phillips |first19=CA |last20=Richardson |first20=D |last21=Heidelberg |first21=J |last22=Sutton |first22=GG |last23=Fleischmann |first23=RD |last24=Eisen |first24=JA |last25=White |first25=O |last26=Salzberg |first26=SL |last27=Smith |first27=HO |last28=Venter |first28=JC |last29=Fraser |first29=CM |bibcode=1999Natur.399..323N|author2=and others |displayauthors=1 |last3=Gill |last4=Gwinn |last5=Dodson |last6=Haft |last7=Hickey |last8=Peterson |last9=Nelson |last10=Ketchum |last11=McDonald }}</ref> Hipotesis standar menyatakan bahwa nenek moyang eukariota menyimpang awal dari Archaea,<ref>{{
cite journal |author=Gouy M, Li WH |title=Phylogenetic analysis based on rRNA sequences supports the archaebacterial rather than the eocyte tree |journal=Nature |volume=339 |issue=6220 |pages=145–7 |date=May 1989 |pmid=2497353 |doi=10.1038/339145a0|bibcode = 1989Natur.339..145G |last2=Li }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |author=Yutin N, Makarova KS, Mekhedov SL, Wolf YI, Koonin EV |title=The deep archaeal roots of eukaryotes |journal=Mol. Biol. Evol. |date=May 2008 |pmid=18463089 |doi=10.1093/molbev/msn108 |url= |volume=25 |pages=1619–30 |issue=8 |pmc=2464739|last2=Makarova |last3=Mekhedov |last4=Wolf |last5=Koonin }}</ref> dan bahwa eukariota muncul melalui fusi dari archaea dan eubacterium, yang menjadi inti dan [[sitoplasma]]; ini menjelaskan berbagai kesamaan genetik tapitetapi berjalan ke dalam kesulitan menjelaskan struktur sel.<ref>{{
cite journal |author=Lake JA. |title=Origin of the eukaryotic nucleus determined by rate-invariant analysis of rRNA sequences |journal=Nature |volume=331 |issue=6152 |pages=184–6 |year=1988 |pmid=3340165 |doi=10.1038/331184a0|bibcode = 1988Natur.331..184L }}</ref> Sebuah hipotesis alternatif, [[hipotesis eosit]], berpendapat bahwa [[Eukaryota]] muncul relatif terlambat dari Archaea.<ref name=2domains>{{cite journal |first1=Tom A. |last1= Williams |first2=Peter G. |last2=Foster |first3=Cymon J. |last3=Cox |first4=T. Martin |last4=Embley |title=An archaeal origin of eukaryotes supports only two primary domains of life |journal=Nature |volume=504 |issue=7479 |pages=231–236 |date=December 2013 |url= |doi=10.1038/nature12779 |pmid=24336283|bibcode= 2013Natur.504..231W }}</ref>
Baris 194:
cite journal |author=Hall-Stoodley L, Costerton JW, Stoodley P |title=Bacterial biofilms: from the natural environment to infectious diseases |journal=Nature Reviews Microbiology |volume=2 |issue=2 |pages=95–108 |year=2004 |pmid=15040259 |doi=10.1038/nrmicro821|last2=Costerton |last3=Stoodley }}</ref> Khususnya, agregat sel ''[[Thermococcus]] coalescens'' menyatu bersama dalam kultur, membentuk sel-sel raksasa tunggal.<ref>{{
cite journal |author=Kuwabara T, Minaba M, Iwayama Y |title=Thermococcus coalescens sp. nov., a cell-fusing hyperthermophilic archaeon from Suiyo Seamount |journal=Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. |volume=55 |issue=Pt 6 |pages=2507–14 |date=November 2005 |pmid=16280518 |doi=10.1099/ijs.0.63432-0 |url= |last12=Kamekura |first12=M|author2=and others |displayauthors=1 }}</ref> Arkea di genus ''[[Pyrodictium]]'' menghasilkan koloni multisel rumit yang melibatkan jajaran panjang, tabung berongga tipis yang disebut ''kanula'' yang menonjol dari permukaan sel dan menghubungkan mereka ke dalam aglomerasi padat seperti-semak.<ref>{{
cite journal |author=Nickell S, Hegerl R, Baumeister W, Rachel R |title=Pyrodictium cannulae enter the periplasmic space but do not enter the cytoplasm, as revealed by cryo-electron tomography |journal=J. Struct. Biol. |volume=141 |issue=1 |pages=34–42 |year=2003 |pmid=12576018 |url= |doi=10.1016/S1047-8477(02)00581-6|last2=Hegerl |last3=Baumeister |last4=Rachel }}</ref> Fungsi dari kanula ini tidak diselesaikan, tapitetapi mereka dapat memungkinkan komunikasi atau pertukaran nutrisi dengan tetangga.<ref>{{
cite journal |author=Horn C, Paulmann B, Kerlen G, Junker N, Huber H |title=In vivo observation of cell division of anaerobic hyperthermophiles by using a high-intensity dark-field microscope |journal=J. Bacteriol. |volume=181 |issue=16 |pages=5114–8 |date=15 August 1999|pmid=10438790 |url= |pmc=94007|last2=Paulmann |last3=Kerlen |last4=Junker |last5=Huber }}</ref> Koloni multi-spesies yang ada, seperti komunitas "string-of-pearls" yang ditemukan pada tahun 2001 di sebuah rawa Jerman. Koloni putaran keputihan dari novel spesies Euryarchaeota spasi sepanjang filamen tipis yang dapat berkisar hingga 15 sentimeter (5,9 in) panjang; filamen ini terbuat dari spesies bakteri tertentu.<ref>{{
cite journal |author=Rudolph C, Wanner G, Huber R |title=Natural communities of novel archaea and bacteria growing in cold sulfurous springs with a string-of-pearls-like morphology |journal=Appl. Environ. Microbiol. |volume=67 |issue=5 |pages=2336–44 |date=May 2001 |pmid=11319120 |pmc=92875 |doi=10.1128/AEM.67.5.2336-2344.2001 |last2=Wanner |last3=Huber }}</ref>