Aritmetika dasar: Perbedaan antara revisi

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k Robot: Perubahan kosmetika
k WPCleaner v1.40b - Fixed using Wikipedia:ProyekWiki Cek Wikipedia (Kesalahan jenjang Subbagian (Headline))
Baris 89:
If at least one of the numbers has a hundreds-digit then if one of the numbers has a missing hundreds-digit then write a 0 digit in its place. Add the two hundreds-digits, and to their sum add the carry digit if there is one. Then write the sum of the hundreds-column under the line, also in the hundreds column. If the sum has two digits then write down the last digit of the sum in the hundreds-column and write the carry digit to its left: on the thousands-column.
==== Contoh ====
Misalnya orang ingin menghitung jumlah bilangan 653 dan 274. Tuliskan bilangan kedua di bawah bilangan pertama, dengan digit-digitnya diurutkan dalam kolom-kolom, seperti:
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