Konferensi Samudra Arktik: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
'''Konferensi Samudera Arktik''' pertama kali diadakan di [[Ilulissat]], [[Greenland]], 27 Mei — [[29 Mei]] [[2008]]. Lima negara, Kanada, Denmark, Norwegia, Rusia dan Amerika Serikat, membahas masalah kunci yang berhubungan dengan [[Samudera Arktik]].<ref name="Office">Office</ref> Pertemuan ini penting karena rencananya untuk undang-undang lingkungan, keamanan laut, eksplorasi mineral, desakan mengabaikan minyak kutub, dan transportasi.<ref>{{cite news |first=Randy |last=Boswell |title=Conference could mark start of Arctic power struggle |url=http://www.canada.com/topics/news/world/story.html?id=d0135cd8-c15a-48a3-9579-0df5f8e185c1 |work= |publisher=canada.com |date=[[2008-05-28]] |accessdate=2008-06-06}}</ref> Sebelum konferensi diakhiri, para delegasi mengumumkan [[Deklarasi Ilulissat]].<ref>Embassy</ref>
Konferensi ini adalah yang pertama kali diadakan pada tingkat menteri yang meliputi lima kekuatan regional.<ref>{{cite news |author=The Citizen |title=Summit seeks accord on Arctic sovereignty |url=http://www.citizen.co.za/index/article.aspx?pDesc=1,1,22&type=top&File=080528173125.j8mktzrk.xml |work= |publisher=citizen.co.za |date=[[2008-05-28]] |accessdate=2008-06-06}}</ref> Berawal dari undangan [[Per Stig Møller]], Menteri Luar Negeri Denmark, dan [[Hans Enoksen]], Pemimpin Greenland di 2007 setelah beberapa [[klaim teritori di Arktik|sengketa teritori di Arktik]]. Kata Møller, "Kita harus terus memenuhi tugas kita di [[Arktik]] hingga [[Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa|PBB]] memutuskan siapa yang mempunyai hak ke laut dan sumber daya di daerah itu. Kita harus setuju terhadap peraturan dan apa yang harus dilakukan bila [[perubahan iklim]] mengakibatkan perkapalan semakin mungkin dilakukan."<ref>RIGZONE</ref> "Kita perlu mengirim pesan politik kepada penduduk kita dan seluruh dunia bahwa lima negara pantai akan menyuarakan kesempatan dan tantangan yang bertanggung jawab."<ref>{{cite news |author=RIA Novosti |title=Russia's Lavrov to attend Arctic conference in Greenland |url=http://en.rian.ru/world/20080528/108643266.html |work= |publisher=rian.ru |date=[[2008-05-28]] |accessdate=2008-06-06}}</ref>
Pelelehan [[Ilulissat#Fjord es Ilulissat|glasier]] adalah latar belakang konferensi ini.<ref>{{cite news |first=Randy |last=Boswell |title=NORTH - Melting glacier looming over Arctic Ocean summit; UN World Heritage Site playing host to meeting over vaunted oil riches |url=http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/govrel/news.cfm?story=78868 |work= |publisher=University of Alberta |date=[[2008-05-28]] |accessdate=2008-06-06}}</ref>
Delegasi tingkat menteri adalah:
* Kanada: [[Gary Lunn]], Menteri Lingkungan Kanada Resources<ref>Lawrence (Harper menerima kritik di negaranya karena tidak mengirim delegasi tingkat menteri.)</ref>
Baris 21:
* {{cite web |author=Arctic Counsel |url=http://arctic-council.org/article/2008/5/conference_on_the_arctic_ocean |title=Conference on the Arctic Ocean: The Danish Foreign Minister wants unity about the future of the Arctic Ocean. Outrageous attempts to make demands on the Arctic Ocean region should be a thing of the past |accessdate=2008-06-06 |date=[[2008-05-26]] |work= |publisher=arctic-council.org}}
* {{cite news |first=Randy |last=Boswell |title=Danes remind Canada Hans Island is part of Denmark on eve of meeting |url=http://www.canada.com/edmontonjournal/news/story.html?id=62585fa4-8d05-4415-9a54-10d35f570047 |work= |publisher=canada.com |date=[[2008-05-28]] |accessdate=2008-06-06}}
* {{cite news |author=Embassy of Denmark, Ottawa |title=THE ILULISSAT DECLARATION, ARCTIC OCEAN CONFERENCE |url=http://www.ambottawa.um.dk/en/servicemenu/News/THEILULISSATDECLARATIONARCTICOCEANCONFERENCE.htm
|publisher=Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark |date=[[2008-05-28]] |accessdate=2008-06-06}}
* {{cite news |first=Daina |last=Lawrence |title=Harper government under fire |url=http://www.princegeorgecitizen.com/20080604134811/wire/national-news/harper-government-under-fire-for-flip-attitude-to-food-summit-in-rome.html |work= |publisher=princegeorgecitizen.com |date=[[2008-06-04]] |accessdate=2008-06-06}}
* {{cite news |author=Norden |title=Arctic Summit in Greenland: Denmark, Greenland, Norway, Russia, Canada and the USA are holding a summit in Ilulissat, Greenland at the moment to discuss how best to resolve disagreements about rights to oil, etc. until the UN clarifies who actually owns what in the enormous Arctic Region. A UN pronouncement is not expected until 2020. |url=http://www.norden.org/en/news-and-events/news/arctic-summit-in-greenland/?searchterm=Arctic%20Summit%20in%20Greenland |work= |publisher=norden.org |date= |accessdate=2008-06-06}}
* {{cite news |author=Office of the Spokesman |title=United States Participation in Arctic Ocean Conference |url=http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2008/may/105114.htm |work= |publisher=U.S. Department of State |date=[[2008-05-21]] |accessdate=2008-06-06|archiveurl=http://web.archive.org/web/20080522022820/http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2008/may/105114.htm|archivedate=2008-05-22}}
* {{cite news |author=Rigzone |title= Denmark to Hold Arctic Ocean Conference for Foreign Governments |url=http://www.rigzone.com/news/article.asp?a_id=62339 |work= |publisher=rigzone.com |date=[[2008-05-27]] |accessdate=2008-06-06}}
* {{cite news |author=Sikunews |title=Finland, Sweden, Iceland left out: Denmark stands by its decision to invite only five of the eight Arctic nations to an international meeting next week in Ilulissat, Greenland. |url=http://www.sikunews.com/art.html?catid=2&artid=4905 |work= |publisher=sikunews.com |date=[[2008-05-21]] |accessdate=2008-06-06}}
* {{cite news |first=Liv Inger |last=Somby |title=GREENLAND: Arctic Powers Duel for Energy Wealth |url=http://www.galdu.org/web/index.php?&odas=2833&giella1=eng |work= |publisher=galdu.org |date=[[2008-05-29]] |accessdate=2008-06-06}}
* {{cite press release |title=Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov Attends the Arctic Ocean Conference, Ilulissat |date=[[2008-05-28]] |url=http://www.ln.mid.ru/brp_4.nsf/f68cd37b84711611c3256f6d00541094/5c8368eb09df03cbc3257458004c5c6a?OpenDocument
|publisher=Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation |accessdate=2008-06-06}}