Kafeina: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
| Name = Kafeina
| ImageFile = Caffeine.svg
| ImageSize = 175px
| ImageName = hybrid skeletal structure of the caffeine molecule
| ImageFile1 = Caffeine-3D-QuteMol.png
| ImageSize1 = 134px
| ImageName1 = space-filling model of the caffeine molecule
| IUPACName = 1,3,7-trimetil- 1''H''-purina- 2,6(3''H'',7''H'')-dion
| OtherNames = 1,3,7-trimetilksantina, trimetilksantina,{{br}} teina, metilteobromina
| Section1 = {{Chembox Identifiers
| SMILES = C[n]1cnc2N(C)C(=O)N(C)C(=O)c12
| CASNo = 58-08-2
| CASNo_Ref = {{cascite}}
| ChemSpiderID = 2424
| RTECS = EV6475000
| Section2 = {{Chembox Properties
| Formula = [[karbon|C]]<sub>8</sub>[[hidrogen|H]]<sub>10</sub>[[nitrogen|N]]<sub>4</sub>[[oksigen|O]]<sub>2</sub>
| MolarMass = 194,19&nbsp;g·mol<sup>−1</sup>
| Appearance = bubuk putih tidak berbau
| Density = 1,2&nbsp;g·cm<sup>−3</sup>, padat
| Solubility = 22 mg·mL<sup>−1</sup> (25&nbsp;°C){{br}}180 mg·mL<sup>−1</sup> (80&nbsp;°C){{br}}670 mg·mL<sup>−1</sup> (100&nbsp;°C)
| MeltingPt = 227-228&nbsp;°C (anhidrat) 234-235&nbsp;°C (monohidrat)
| BoilingPt = 178&nbsp;°C ([[penyubliman|menyublim]])
| pKa = −0,13 – 1,22<ref>Merupakan pKa untuk kafeina yang terprotonasi. {{cite book |title=Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients and Related Methodology, volume 33: Critical Compilation of Pka Values for Pharmaceutical Substances |author=Harry G. Brittain, Richard J. Prankerd |publisher=Academic Press |year=2007 |isbn=012260833X}}</ref>
| Dipole = 3,64 [[Debye|D]] (terhitung)
| Section7 = {{Chembox Hazards
| ExternalMSDS = [http://www.sciencestuff.com/msds/C1410.html External MSDS]
| MainHazards = Berakibat fatal apabila terhirup, tertelan{{br}}ataupun terserap melalui kulit.
| NFPA-H = 2
| NFPA-F = 1
| NFPA-R =
| FlashPt = N/A
| LD50 = 192 mg/kg (tikus, oral)<ref name="ld50">{{cite journal | title = Factors Affecting Caffeine Toxicity: A Review of the Literature | last=Peters| first=Josef M. | journal = The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and the Journal of New Drugs | year= 1967 | issue=7|pages=131–141 |url = http://jcp.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/7/3/131 }}</ref>}}
Baris 47:
Kafeina dijumpai pada banyak spesies [[tumbuhan]], di mana ia berperan sebagai [[pestisida]] alami. Dilaporkan bahwa kadar kafeina yang tinggi dijumpai pada semaian yang baru tumbuh.<ref>{{cite journal | last = Frischknecht | first = P. M. | authorlink = | coauthors = Urmer-Dufek J. and Baumann T.W. | title = Purine formation in buds and developing leaflets of Coffea arabica: expression of an optimal defence strategy? | journal = [[Phytochemistry (journal)|Phytochemistry]] | volume = 25 | issue = 3 | pages = 613–6 | year = 1986 | publisher = Journal of the Phytochemical Society of Europe and the Phytochemical Society of North America. | url = http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6TH7-431C7JN-PW-1&_cdi=5275&_user=121707&_orig=browse&_coverDate=12%2F31%2F1986&_sk=999749996&view=c&wchp=dGLzVlz-zSkWA&md5=c6a5ac763c68cd7daca8d0279bd66d24&ie=/sdarticle.pdf |format=PDF | issn=0031-9422 | doi = 10.1016/0031-9422(86)88009-8}}</ref> Kafeina [[paralisis|melumpuhkan]] dan mematikan [[serangga|serangga-serangga]] tertentu yang memakan tanaman tersebut.<ref>{{cite journal | last=Nathanson | first=J. A. | title=Caffeine and related methylxanthines: possible naturally occurring pesticides | journal=Science | volume=226 | issue=4671 | pages=184–7 | date=12 October 1984 | pmid=6207592 | url=http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/226/4671/184 | doi = 10.1126/science.6207592 <!--Retrieved from url by DOI bot-->}}</ref> Kadar kafeina yang tinggi juga ditemukan pada tanah disekitar semai biji kopi. Diketahui bahwa ia berperan sebagai penghambat perkecambahan semai kopi lain di sekitarnya, sehingga meningkatkan tingkat keberlangsungan hidup kecambah kopi itu sendiri.<ref>{{cite journal | last = Baumann | first = T. W. | authorlink = | coauthors = Gabriel H. | title = Metabolism and excretion of caffeine during germination of Coffea arabica L | journal = Plant and Cell Physiology | volume = 25 | issue = 8 | pages = 1431–6 | year = 1984 | publisher = Oxford Journals | url = http://pcp.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/25/8/1431 | format = PDF | issn=0032-0781 }}</ref>
Sumber kafeina yang umumnya sering digunakan adalah [[kopi]], [[teh]], dan [[kakao]].<ref>{{cite journal | last = Matissek | first = R | title = Evaluation of xanthine derivatives in chocolate: nutritional and chemical aspects | url = http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=2861730 | journal = European Food Research and Technology | volume = 205 | issue = 3 | pages = 175–84 | year = 1997}}</ref> Selain itu, tanaman [[maté]] dan [[guarana]]<ref name="mateine">{{cite web | title = Does Yerba Maté Contain Caffeine or Mateine?# | publisher = [[Erowid|The Vaults of Erowid]] | month = December | year = 2003 | url = http://www.erowid.org/plants/yerba_mate/yerba_mate_chemistry1.shtml|accessdate = 2006-08-16 }}</ref> juga kadang-kadang digunakan dalam pembuatan minuman energi dan teh. Dua nama alternatif kafeina, ''mateina'' dan ''guaranina'', berasal dari nama dua tanaman tersebut.<ref>{{cite web | title = PubChem: mateina | publisher = National Library of Medicine | url = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pccompound&term=mateina | accessdate = 2006-08-16 }}. Generally translated as ''mateine'' in articles written in English</ref><ref>{{cite web | title = PubChem: guaranine | publisher = National Library of Medicine | url = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pccompound&term=guaranine | accessdate = 2006-08-16 }}</ref> Beberapa penggemar mate mengklaim bahwa mateina adalah [[stereoisomer]] dari kafeina.<ref name="mateine"/> Hal ini tidaklah benar, karena kafeina merupakan [[molekul]] [[kiralitas|akiral]], sehingga ia tidak mempunyai [[enantiomer]] ataupun [[stereoisomer]]. Kesan dan efek berbeda yang dijumpai pada berbagai sumber kafeina alami disebabkan oleh sumber-sumber kafeina tersebut juga mengandung campuran [[alkaloid]] [[xantina]] lainnya, meliputi [[teofilina]] yang merangsang detak jantung, [[teobromina]], dan zat-zat lainnya seperti [[polifenol]].<ref>{{cite book | author = Balentine D. A., Harbowy M. E. and Graham H. N. | title = Tea: the Plant and its Manufacture; Chemistry and Consumption of the Beverage | journal = Caffeine | year = 1998 | editor = G Spiller}}</ref>
Sumber utama kafeina dunia adalah biji kopi. Kandungan kafeina pada kopi bervariasi, tergantung pada jenis biji kopi dan metode pembuatan yang digunakan<ref name="ICO">{{cite web | title=Caffeine | publisher=International Coffee Organization | url=http://www.ico.org/caffeine.asp | accessdate=2006-08-21}}</ref>. Secara umum, satu sajian kopi mengandung sekitar 40&nbsp;mg (30 mL [[espresso]] varietas ''arabica'') kafeina, sampai dengan 100&nbsp;mg kafeina untuk satu cangkir (120 mL) kopi. Umumnya, kopi ''dark-roast'' memiliki kadar kafeina yang lebih rendah karena proses pemanggangan akan mengurangi kandungan kafeina pada biji tersebut.<ref name="caffaq_roast">{{cite web | title=Coffee and Caffeine FAQ: Does dark roast coffee have less caffeine than light roast? | url=http://coffeefaq.com/site/node/15 | accessdate=2007-01-02}}</ref><ref name="jeremiahspick">{{cite web | title=All About Coffee: Caffeine Level | publisher=Jeremiah’s Pick Coffee Co | url=http://www.jeremiahspick.com/caffeine-e-13.html | accessdate=2007-06-14}}</ref> Kopi varietas [[Coffea arabica|''arabica'']] umumnya mengandung kadar kafeina yang lebih sedikit daripada kopi varietas [[Coffea canephora|''robusta'']].<ref name="ICO"/> Kopi juga mengandung sejumlah kecil [[teofilina]], namun tidak mengandung [[teobromina]].