Politeisme: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 12:
'''Politeisme '''barasal dari bahasa Yunani πολύ ''poly'' ("banyak") and θεός ''theos'' ("Tuhan") dan istilah ini pertama kali dipakai oleh penulis Yahudi Philo dari Alexandria untuk membantah orang-orang Yunani. Saat penyebaran agama Kristen diseluruh Eropa and Mediterania, bangsa ataupun agama non-KristenYahudi dianggap kafir (istilah yang lazim dipakai orang yahudi ke orang non-Yahudi) atau penyambah berhala (setempat) atau, in a clearly pejorative idolaters (worshiping "false" gods). The modern usage of the term is first revived in French through Jean Bodin in 1580, followed by Samuel Purchas's usage in English in 1614.<sup>[2]</sup><!--
The term comes from the Greek ''poly'' ("many") and ''theoi'' ("gods") and was first invented by the Jewish writer [[Philo of Alexandria]] to argue with the Greeks. When Christianity spread throughout Europe and the Mediterranean, non-Christians were just called [[Gentiles]] (a term originally used by Jews to refer to non-Jews) or pagans (locals) or, in a clearly pejorative idolaters (worshiping "false" gods). The modern usage of the term is first revived in French through [[Jean Bodin]] in 1580, followed by [[Samuel Purchas]]'s usage in English in 1614.<ref>{{cite book |title=The Inconceivable Polytheism: Studies in Religious Historiography |last= Schmidt|first= Francis |year=1987 |publisher= Gordon & Breach Science Publishers |location=New York |isbn= 978-3718603671 |page=10}}</ref>