Besi(III) klorida: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{chembox <!-- infobox -->
| Verifiedfields = changed
| Watchedfields = changed
| verifiedrevid = 476995973
| ImageFile = Iron(III)_chloride_hexahydrate.jpg
| ImageFileL1 = Iron-trichloride-sheet-3D-polyhedra.png
| ImageFileR1 = Iron-trichloride-sheets-stacking-3D-polyhedra.png
| IUPACName = Iron(III) chloride<br/>Iron trichloride
| OtherNames = Ferric chloride<br/>Molysite<br/>Flores martis
|Section1={{Chembox Identifiers
| ChemSpiderID_Ref = {{chemspidercite|correct|chemspider}}
| ChemSpiderID = 22792
| InChI = 1S/3ClH.Fe/h3*1H;/q;;;+3/p-3
| ChEBI_Ref = {{ebicite|correct|EBI}}
| ChEBI = 30808
| SMILES = Cl[Fe](Cl)Cl
| StdInChI_Ref = {{stdinchicite|correct|chemspider}}
| StdInChI = 1S/3ClH.Fe/h3*1H;/q;;;+3/p-3
| StdInChIKey_Ref = {{stdinchicite|correct|chemspider}}
| CASNo = 7705-08-0
| CASNo_Ref = {{cascite|correct|CAS}}
| CASNo2_Ref = {{cascite|changed|CAS}}
| CASNo2 = 10025-77-1
| CASNo2_Comment = (hexahydrate)
| UNII_Ref = {{fdacite|changed|FDA}}
| UNII2_Ref = {{fdacite|changed|FDA}}
| UNII2 = 0I2XIN602U
| UNII2_Comment = (hexahydrate)
| EINECS = 231-729-4
| PubChem = 24380
| RTECS = LJ9100000
| UNNumber = 1773 (anhidrat)<br/>2582 (larutan akuatik)
|Section2={{Chembox Properties
| Formula = FeCl<sub>3</sub>
| MolarMass = 162,2 g/mol (anhidrat) <br/>270,3 g/mol (heksahidrat)
| Appearance = hijau-hitam oleh pantulan cahaya; ungu-merah oleh transmisi cahaya<br/>heksahidrat: padatan kuning<br/>larutan akuatik: coklat
| Odor = sedikit berbau [[Asam klorida|HCl]]
| Density = 2,898 g/cm<sup>3</sup> (anhidrat) <br> 1,82 g/cm<sup>3</sup> (heksahidrat)
| MeltingPt = 306 °C
| MeltingPt_notes = (anhidrat)<br>{{convert|37|C|F K}} (heksahidrat)
| BoilingPt = {{convert|315|C|F K}} (anhidrat, terdekomposisi) <br> {{convert|280|C|F K}} (heksahidrat, terdekomposisi)
| BoilingPt_notes = terdekomposisi parsial menjadi FeCl<sub>2</sub> + Cl<sub>2</sub>
| Solubility = 74,4 g/100 mL (0 °C)<ref>{{cite|author=Pradyot Patnaik|title=Handbook of Inorganic Chemicals|publisher=McGraw-Hill|year=2002|ISBN=0-07-049439-8}}</ref> <br> 92 g/100 mL (heksahidrat, 20 °C)
| SolubleOther = 63&nbsp;g/100&nbsp;ml (18&nbsp;°C)<br/>sangat mudah larut<br/>83&nbsp;g/100&nbsp;ml<br/> sangat mudah larut
| Solvent = [[Aseton]]<br/>[[Metanol]]<br/>[[Etanol]]<br/>[[Dietil eter]]
| pKa =
| pKb =
| Viscosity = 40%&nbsp;larutan: 12&nbsp;c[[Poise|P]]
|Section5={{Chembox Structure
| CrystalStruct = [[Sistem kristal heksagonal|Heksagonal]]
| SpaceGroup =
| Coordination = [[Oktahedral]]
| LattConst_a =
| LattConst_b =
| LattConst_c =
| LattConst_alpha =
| LattConst_beta =
| LattConst_gamma =
| MolShape =
| OrbitalHybridisation =
| Dipole =
|Section7={{Chembox Hazards
| Hazards_ref = <ref>{{GHS class NZ|id=10764|accessdate=2010-09-19}}</ref><ref>[ Various suppliers], collated by the Baylor College of Dentistry, [[Texas A&M University]]. (accessed 2010-09-19)</ref>{{refn|An alternative GHS classification from the Japanese GHS Inter-ministerial Committee (2006)<ref>{{GHS class JP|id=831|accessdate=2010-09-19}}</ref> notes the possibility of respiratory tract irritation from FeCl<sub>3</sub> and differs slightly in other respects from the classification used here.|group=Note}}
| ExternalSDS = {{ICSC-small|1499}}
| GHSPictograms = {{GHS05|Corr. Met. 1; Skin Corr. 1C; Eye Dam. 1}}{{GHS07|Acute Tox. 4 (oral)}}
| GHSSignalWord = DANGER
| HPhrases = {{H-phrases|290|302|314|318}}
| PPhrases = {{P-phrases|234|260|264|270|273|280| 301+312|301+330+331|303+361+353|363|304+340|310|321|305+351+338|390| 405|406|501}}
| FlashPt = Non-flammable
| NFPA-F = 0 | NFPA-H = 2 | NFPA-R = 0 | NFPA-S =
| REL = TWA 1 mg/m<sup>3</sup><ref>{{PGCH|0346}}</ref>
|Section9={{Chembox Related
| OtherAnions = [[Besi(III) fluorida]]<br/>[[Besi(III) bromida]]
| OtherCations = [[Besi(II) klorida]]<br/>[[Mangan(II) klorida]]<br/>[[Kobalt(II) klorida]]<br/>[[Rutenium(III) klorida]]
| OtherFunctn = [[Besi(II) sulfat]]<br/>[[Aluminium klorida|Polialuminium klorida]]
| Function = [[Flokulasi|Koagulan]]
| OtherCpds =
'''Besi(III) klorida''', atau '''feri klorida''', adalah suatu [[senyawa kimia]] yang merupakan [[komoditas]] skala industri, dengan [[rumus kimia]] FeCl<sub>3</sub>. Senyawa ini umum digunakan dalam [[pengolahan limbah]], produksi [[air minum]] maupun sebagai [[katalis]], baik di [[industri]] maupun di [[laboratorium]].