Pekuburan Qumran: Perbedaan antara revisi

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k →‎Ekskavasi: French spelling (Musée, École)
Baris 3:
The cemetery at the Qumran site is said to be a unique cemetery because how all of the graves differ from each other in one way or another. The characteristics of some graves point towards one tradition, while other characteristics point towards another. This makes it very difficult to determine to whom all the skeletons belong. There are up to 1,200 graves, found throughout all six cemeteries: the primary cemetery, the three extensions of the primary, the north cemetery (about 10 minutes away from the primary cemetery) and one south of Wadi Qumran.-->Meskipun ada banyak makam di daerah ini, [[Roland de Vaux]] hanya mengekskavasi 43 di antaranya, sementara [[Solomon H. Steckoll]] meneliti sepuluh.<ref>Schultz 2009, p.196.</ref> sedangkan Broshi dan Eshel tiga.<ref>Broshi 2004, p.139.</ref> Ekskavasi pekuburan Yahudi telah dihentikan. Dari 43 makam yang diteliti oleh de Vaux, ada 40 kerangka yang dapat dianalisis. Dua puluh tiga di antaranya sekarang berada di [[Jerman]] (Collectio Kurth) dan 18 ada di lembaga-lembaga [[Perancis]] (MuseeMusée de l’Homme, Paris dan EcoleÉcole Biblique, Yerusalem).<ref>Broshi 2004, p.139.</ref>
The majority of the graves are aligned very neatly with the heads to the south and the feet to the north. Within the southern extension of the primary cemetery, there are also some graves with the head to the east and their feet to the west. The graves themselves are made seen through the piling of field stones on top in an oval shape. Some have larger stones at the head, some at the feet. The graves are dug straight down with the depth ranging from 0.8 meter to 2.5 meters. At the bottom of the graves, is a small cavity, or a loculi. Here the body is laid. From there the body is protected by a stone or clay brick, meant to act as a cap. The bodies themselves are laid on their backs
Baris 29:
In 1996 and 1997 a rescue excavation was carried out at Khirbet Qazone near the southern end of the [[Dead Sea]] in [[Jordan]]. This site has an estimated 3,500 tombs, mostly looted, all with the same characteristics as the Qumran graves. Twenty-three undisturbed burials were examined. These Qumran-type tombs held [[Nabataeans]].<ref>Politis 2006.</ref>
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Gua-gua Qumran]]