Takhta apostolik: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 37:
Dalam penggunaan di [[Gereja Katolik Roma]],<ref>{{en}} "In the east there were many Churches whose foundation went back to the Apostles; there was a strong sense of the equality of all bishops, of the collegial and conciliar nature of the Church. The east acknowledged the Pope as the first bishop in the Church, but saw him as the first among equals. In the west, on the other hand, there was only one great see claiming Apostolic foundation — Rome — so that Rome came to be regarded as ''the'' Apostolic see" ([http://www.intratext.com/IXT/ENG0804/_P9.HTM Bishop Kallistos Ware, Orthodox Church).]</ref> "'''Tahta Apostolik'''" digunakan dalam bentuk tunggal dan dikapitalisasi untuk merujuk secara khusus pada [[Tahta Suci|Tahta Roma]], dengan mengacu pada status [[Paus (Katolik Roma)|Paus]] sebagai penerus Rasul Petrus.<ref>{{en}} "An Apostolic see is any see founded by an Apostle and having the authority of its founder; ''the'' Apostolic See is the seat of authority in the Roman Church, continuing the Apostolic functions of Peter, the chief of the Apostles. Heresy and barbarian violence swept away all the particular Churches which could lay claim to an Apostolic see, until Rome alone remained; to Rome, therefore, the term applies as a proper name" ([http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01640c.htm Catholic Encyclopedia, article ''The Apostolic See'']).</ref> Penggunaan ini telah ada pada masa [[konsili ekumenis]] ketiga ([[Konsili Efesus]] tahun [[431]]), di mana digunakan frase "paus kita yang terberkati dan tersuci [[Paus Selestinus I|Cœlestine]], uskup dari Takhta Apostolik".<ref>{{en}} [http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf214.x.xii.html Extract from the Acts of the Council of Ephesus]</ref>
Dalam [[Hukum kanon (Gereja Katolik)|hukum kanon Katolik]], istilah tersebut juga diterapkan pada berbagai departemen dari [[Kuria Roma]]. [[Kitab Hukum Kanonik]] (''Code of Canon Law'') dan [[Kitab Hukum Kanonik Gereja Timur]] (''Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches'' atau ''Code of Canons of the Oriental Churches'') menyatakan: "Dengan nama Takhta Apostolik atau Takhta Suci dalam Kitab Hukum ini dimaksudkan bukan hanya Paus, melainkan juga Sekretariat Negara, Dewan Urusan Umum Gereja, Lembaga-lembaga lain Kuria Roma, kecuali dari hakikat perkara atau konteks pembicaraannya ternyata lain."<ref>{{en}} [http://www.intratext.com/IXT/ENG0017/_P19.HTM Code of Canon Law, canon 361]; [http://www.intratext.com/IXT/ENG1199/_P1C.HTM Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, canon 48]</ref> Semua badan yang dimaksud dianggap berbicara atas nama atau mewakili Takhta Roma.
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