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Baris 1:
{{Infobox Roman emperor
| full name = Decimus Caelius Calvinus Balbinus Pius<br />(from birth to accession); <br />Caesar Decimus Caelius Calvinus Balbinus Pius Augustus (as emperor)
| image = Balbinus Hermitage.jpg
| caption = Bust of Balbinus
| succession = [[Roman emperor|Joint 30th Emperor]] of the [[Roman Empire]]
| reign = 22 April – 29 July 238 (with [[Pupienus]], and in opposition to [[Maximinus Thrax]])
| predecessor = [[Gordian I]] and [[Gordian II|II]]
| successor = [[Gordian III]]
| spouse =
| spouse 2 =
Baris 16:
| birth_date =
| birth_place =
| death_date = 29 July 238 (aged 73)
| death_place = Rome
| place of burial =
{{Year of Six Emperors}}
[[File:BalbinusSest.jpg|thumb|right|210px|[[Sestertius]] of Balbinus.]]
'''Balbinus''' ({{lang-la|Decimus Caelius Calvinus Balbinus Pius Augustus}};<ref>In [[Classical Latin]], Balbinus' namenama wouldakan betertulis inscribed assebagai DECIMVS CAELIVS BALBINVS PIVS AVGVSTVS.</ref><ref name=Handbook>{{cite book|author1=Adkins, Lesley|author2=Adkins, Roy A.|title=Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome|publisher=Oxford University Press |location=New York |year=1994|page=26}}</ref> c. 165 – 29 July 238), adalah [[Kaisar Romawi]] bersama [[Pupienus]] yang berkuasa selama tiga bulan pada tahun 238 M, Tahun yang dikenal sebagai [[Tahun Enam Kaisar Roma]].
== Asal dan Karier ==
Tidak banyak yang diketahui tentang Balbinus sebelum ia berkuasa sebagai kaisar. ItDiduga hasia beenadalah conjecturedketurunan that he descended fromdari Publius Coelius Balbinus Vibullius Pius, the [[Roman consul|consul ordinarius]] ofdari tahun 136 oratau 137, anddan wifesuami dari Aquilia. Jika hal ini benar, Balbinus masih berkeluarga dengan [[Quintus Pompeius Falco|Q. Pompeius Falco]], dimana keluarganya banyak menjadi politisi atau konsulat selama abad ke-3 Masehi, dan pada abad pertama Masehi menjadi politisi, insinyur dan pengarang buku [[Sextus Julius Frontinus|Julius Frontinus]], dan juga penerus dari sepupu pertamanya, [[Trajan]].{{cn|date=December 2013}} Dia lahir sekitar tahun 178.<ref name=Handbook/> Dia adalah seorang [[Bangsawan (ancient Rome)|bangsawan]] dari lahir, dan merupakan putra (entah karena lahir atau adopsi) dari ... Caelius Calvinus, yang merupakan delegasi dari [[Cappadocia]] pada tahun 184. Dia juga salah satu dari imam [[Salii]] [[Dewa Mars]].<ref>"Michael Grant, The Roman Emporers"</ref> Berdasarkan data [[Herodian]] Ia menjadi gubernur di banyak provinsi Romawi, buttapi thedaftar listtujuh ofprovinsi seven provinces givenyang indiberikan thedalam ''Historia Augusta'', asserta wellpernyataan as the statement thatbahwa Balbinus had been bothmenjadi [[Proconsul]] ofdari wilayah [[Asia]] and ofdan [[Africa]], aremasih likely to be meremenjadi inventionpenelitian.{{citation needed|date=November 2012}} HeIa hadpernah certainlymenjadi beenkonsul twicedua consulkali; hisDaerah firstKonsulat consulatepertamanya istidak notdiketahui certainlypasti knowntetapi butdipercaya isia believedmenjadi tokonsulat haveantara been abouttahun 203 or inatau July 211; heIa wasmenjadi consulkonsul foruntuk thekedua secondkalinya timedi intahun 213 assebagai colleaguerekan ofdari [[Caracalla]], whichyang suggestsmemberi hesaran enjoyeddan thatmenikmati emperor'shubungan dekatnya dengan favourkaisar.
== ReignPeriode Pemerintahan ==
Berdasarkan Edward Gibbon (drawing upon the narratives of Herodian and the ''Historia Augusta''):
<blockquote>Balbinus wasadalah an admiredseorang orator, ayang poetdikagumi, ofseorang distinguishedpenyair fametenar, anddan ahakim wiseyang magistratebijaksana, whoyang hadtelah exercisedmelaksanakan withyurisdiksi innocencesipil anddengan applausetanpa thecacat civildan jurisdictiondikagumi indi almosthampir allsemua theprovinsi interiorkekaisaran provinces of the empireRomawi. HisKelahirannya birthadalah was noblemulia, hismakmur fortunedalam affluentkekayaannya, hissopan mannerssantun, liberal anddan affableramah. InDalam himdirinya, therasa loveharga ofdiri pleasurelebih wasdiutamakan correcteddaripada bycinta adalam sensekesenangan, ofjuga dignity,ia memiliki kebiasaan untuk nor had the habits of ease deprived him of a capacity for business. (...) The two colleagues [Pupienus and Balbinus] had both been consul (Balbinus had twice enjoyed that honourable office), both had been named among the twenty lieutenants of the senate; and, since the one was sixty and the other seventy-four years old, they had both attained the full maturity of age and experience.<ref>''The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'', vol. I, p. 225, Edward Gibbon (The Online Library of Liberty). [].</ref></blockquote>
Ketika [[Gordian I|Gordians]] diangkat menjadi Kaisar di Afrika, Senat Romawi membentuk sebuah komite yang terdiri dari 20 orang, termasuk Balbinus, untuk berkoordinasi melawan [[Maximinus Thrax]].{{cn|date=December 2013}} Setelah mendengar berita tentang kekalahan Gordians, Senat memilih [[Pupienus]] dan Balbinus sebagai wakil kaisar pada tanggal 22 April 238,<ref name=Handbook/> though they were soon forced to co-opt the child [[Gordian III]] as a colleague. Unlike the situation in 161, both emperors were elected as ''[[Pontifex Maximus|pontifices maximi]]'', chief priests of the official cults. This would be unthinkable in Republican times. Balbinus was probably in his early seventies: his qualifications for rule are unknown, except presumably that he was a senior senator, rich and well-connected. While Pupienus marched to [[Ravenna]], where he oversaw [[Siege of Aquileia|the campaign against Maximinus]], Balbinus remained in Rome, but failed to keep public order. The sources suggest that after Pupienus's victorious return following Maximinus' death, Balbinus suspected Pupienus of wanting to supplant him, and they were soon living in different parts of the Imperial palace,{{cn|date=December 2013}} where they were later assassinated by disaffected elements of the [[Praetorian Guard]], with Balbinus' death occurring on 29 July 238.<ref name=Handbook/>