Usage sunting

Simply place {{Tnavbar-collapsible|Heading|Name of Template}} in the header area of collapsible tables to add left justified v • d • e navigational functionality.

Parameters sunting

Mandatory sunting

(the first unnamed parameter) Text that appears centered in the titlebar (the top bar).
(the second unnamed parameter) The name of the template, which is needed for the "view • talk • edit" links to work properly on all of the pages where the template is used on. You can enter {{subst:PAGENAME}} for this value as a shortcut.

Optional sunting

(Deprecated) Specifies the title text color

See also sunting

This template transcludes tnavbar, the source is more customizable.
Positions v • d • e on the right edge of the line, often used in non-collapsible navbox heading.
For use in conjunction with Navframe divs, positions v • d • e opposite of the [hide]/[show] feature.

Make use of meta-template to reduce code bloat and simplify editing:

Perbandingan templat navigasi
Dapat dilipat Warna judul Gambar Kelompok Parameter
gaya (isi)
{{Navbox}} dapat dilipat navbox Sebelah kiri/kanan isi Ya Ya
{{Navbox with collapsible groups}} dapat dilipat navbox Sebelah kiri/kanan isi dan/atau di setiap daftar Ya Ya
{{Navbox with columns}} dapat dilipat navbox Sebelah kiri/kanan kolom Tidak Ya
{{Navbox years}} dapat dilipat navbox Tidak Tidak Tidak
Atribut pelipatan
Tipe Kelas CSS Javascript Dilipat ketika Bentuk awal
Tabel yang dapat dilipat dapat dilipat Ditentukan dalam Common.js 2 atau lebih pelipatan otomatis dalam halaman Ya Ya